Trump, despite the constant assault on him by the Dim-Moe-Rats and their 'Fake News' propaganda arm, had led the U.S. to it's best economic levels in history.
Then came the Red Chinese Kung Flu fiasco.
(makes me wonder what Joe and Hunter were setting up with their trip to China, besides his son getting a 1.5 Billion loan/deal -- The Soros-Gates Wuhan Lab)
Trump stopped the inflow from China, then from other hard hit places.
Trump formed a 'Task Force' to confront what was called a pandemic.
Trump revitalized the CDC and did what a President is supposed to do in a crisis.
Trump was following advise from the medical community & the CDC.
Trump then correctly turned it over to the States Governors to handle things in their own states and open back up.
Red States like Florida with (R) Governor Ron DeSantis protected the most vulnerable, the elderly and nursing homes, then opened back up to excellent results.
Blue Stats Governors continued the economic slowdowns long past necessity.
Those Blue states Governors actions created and caused the worst outcomes.
Leading stares for Co-V Deaths:
1. NY (D)
2. NJ (D)
3. ILL (D)
4. Mass (D)
5. Calif (D)
Then just as things were opening back up, the (D) led fiasco in Minn. happened.
Where are the worst results from that tragedy happening?
As usual, in the Blue states controlled by the Dim-Moe-Rats.
Trump by a landslide in 2020, or a possible civil war if the Dim-Moe-Rats can manage a mail-in voter fraud thief of the 2020 election.