Nikki has some splainin to do

Here it is in crayon for my guy TBnumbers.

I am leaning this way also...and I will tell you why. 1. He leads in EVERY swing state. 2. FJB has to run on HIS record, and his record is HORRIBLE...NOTHING good to say about what he has done. 3. Border is HUGE, and although they are TRYING to change public opinion....Trump is WAY too good to let him get by with this.4. He is DONE mentally, and EVERYONE knows it...and they CANNOT replace Cumala because of her color
Yes. It show's he's gone from 59% to 80% since 2018.

Can you read numbers on a chart?
In the general he's gone from 80s to 50s. Trump is not the shiny non-politician he was in 2016. He is out for revenge, rebuilding Trump brand and raising money for his legal fees. All self inflicted. The math does not work for Trump. You shall see.
I am leaning this way also...and I will tell you why. 1. He leads in EVERY swing state. 2. FJB has to run on HIS record, and his record is HORRIBLE...NOTHING good to say about what he has done. 3. Border is HUGE, and although they are TRYING to change public opinion....Trump is WAY too good to let him get by with this.4. He is DONE mentally, and EVERYONE knows it...and they CANNOT replace Cumala because of her color
Biden will not be their nominee. If polls have Trump ahead by mid May, DNC is getting rid of Biden. They will insert Newsome and that also solves Kamala pb. Newsome would beat Trump. Dems are easily herded, media will be tingly, big tech all in. Chicoms all in And we will be stuck with our version of Canada's Trudeau. A dip shit face boy.
Biden will be their nominee. If polls have Trump ahead by mid May, DNC is getting rid of Biden. They will insert Newsome and that also solves Kamala pb. Newsome would beat Trump. Dems are easily herded, media will be tingly, big tech all in. Chicoms all in And we will be stuck with our version of Canada's Trudeau. A dip shit face boy.
LOLOLOLOL Nostradamus? Because if you really want to talk about someone with a PISS POOR is Newscum
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LOLOLOLOL Nostradamus? Because if you really want to talk about someone with a PISS POOR is Newscum
Absolutely. You know it. I know it. The majority of voters haven't a clue. Who is going to tell them? The MSM? Big tech?
Absolutely. You know it. I know it. The majority of voters haven't a clue. Who is going to tell them? The MSM? Big tech?
I do not trust ANYONE. I trust who I KNOW will be best for America. I have proven the info you are bringing here has been wrong as close as 2016. SAME EXACT THING. I KNOW you are a very smart person, I am amazed that you cannot see the trees through the forest. Anyway...your choice will be Trump against whoever...and EVERY day that whoever is getting to be FJB because others will not be on some states ballots.
In the general he's gone from 80s to 50s. Trump is not the shiny non-politician he was in 2016. He is out for revenge, rebuilding Trump brand and raising money for his legal fees. All self inflicted. The math does not work for Trump. You shall see.
You're trying too hard.

The last two major cycles:
2020 - 97% / 78% (avg = 87.5%)
2022 - 93% / 83% (avg = 88%)

He's not slipping. When the lights are on during on-cycle elections he is a kingmaker.

To juxtapose, Obama hasn't touched Trump in terms of endorsement record. I'd be willing to wager no one has.

And his legal fees are self inflicted? Are you serious with this? How did he cause any of the several cases going on?

I'll have my popcorn ready.
This thread is quite funny. Not sure I have ever seen a thread where one person (I don’t count the purposeful trolls)has this much difficulty reading, or is just flat out blatantly lying.

Bizarro world.
I do not trust ANYONE. I trust who I KNOW will be best for America. I have proven the info you are bringing here has been wrong as close as 2016. SAME EXACT THING. I KNOW you are a very smart person, I am amazed that you cannot see the trees through the forest. Anyway...your choice will be Trump against whoever...and EVERY day that whoever is getting to be FJB because others will not be on some states ballots.
Keep in mind, I supported Trump through 2022. As did my wife. As did 17 of 20 golf buddies. The Dems won't primary Biden. They will replace him. He will be told he's resigning and the reason will be related to "health". Dems don't trust their voters (refer to 2020 when Biden finished 4th and 5th in Iowa and NH). The other candidates were "bribed" to drop...Bernie, Klobuchar, Butegig.

Now if future polls begin showing Biden beating Trump, with massive legal pbs ahead, Biden gets to stay but what do we do.

I never understood how many people in his own party absolutely won't vote for Trump. I think the big reason is that he goes scorched earth on other Republicans who support another view. He just obliterates them. So most just tell him what he wants to hear but secretly work against him.

His actual hard core base is now down to only 50-55% of GOP voters. His donations are way down from 2020. His donors are dropping out by thousands weekly.

Again, we loved the way he called bullshit and fake news to the media. We loved his policies. But man he has pissed off too many people to win.

Joe's horrible but he's not calling the shots. He picks his pudding flavor. We need to nominate someone who will beat Tapioca Joe or Newsome.
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You're trying too hard.

The last two major cycles:
2020 - 97% / 78% (avg = 87.5%)
2022 - 93% / 83% (avg = 88%)

He's not slipping. When the lights are on during on-cycle elections he is a kingmaker.

To juxtapose, Obama hasn't touched Trump in terms of endorsement record. I'd be willing to wager no one has.

And his legal fees are self inflicted? Are you serious with this? How did he cause any of the several cases going on?

I'll have my popcorn ready.
He did not cause the NY Civil cases. However by his constant bashing of the judges, he has extended both the case against his company and the wack job female accuser. He has not followed legal advice in either case. Typical Trump.

DC case is pure politics.

Georgia case he did bring on himself by his behavior. Looks like he's catching a break due to prosecutors misconduct.

Florida case involving documents initially not his fault...he didn't pack. His mouth and lack of cooperation exasperated the situation. And claims of retroactive reclassification of documents was bullshit. Again, his mouth made a preventable situation worse.

Pure Trump. No filter. It's what we like about him when speaking about Fake News and calling out Dems. And what causes chaos for him and us in other areas.

BTW- Trump is bleeding donors as is the RNC. Both are dramatically down in fundraising. Coincidental?
He did not cause the NY Civil cases. However by his constant bashing of the judges, he has extended both the case against his company and the wack job female accuser. He has not followed legal advice in either case. Typical Trump.

DC case is pure politics.

Georgia case he did bring on himself by his behavior. Looks like he's catching a break due to prosecutors misconduct.

Florida case involving documents initially not his fault...he didn't pack. His mouth and lack of cooperation exasperated the situation. And claims of retroactive reclassification of documents was bullshit. Again, his mouth made a preventable situation worse.

Pure Trump. No filter. It's what we like about him when speaking about Fake News and calling out Dems. And what causes chaos for him and us in other areas.

BTW- Trump is bleeding donors as is the RNC. Both are dramatically down in fundraising. Coincidental?
Did you catch today's article on GOP fundraising. We are getting killed as big donors have abandoned Trump. They know the deal. If Trump is our nominee, we will win the Senate by one sear and will lose the House and Presidency. Ron, I know you like Trump...but what you really liked were Trumps policies. Trump is a self centered POS. He's running for revenge, to rebuild his brand and to collect money for his legal fees which will exceed $100 M.

Nimrata could NEVER be considered a RINO?? LOLOL Hell, she is a full fledged DEMOCRAT!!
She's a conservative Republican as is DeSantis. Trump is more of a Rino than either. People need to wake up. Trumps base has shrunk as have his donations as have the GOPs. If Trump is our nominee, we will get killed.
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She's a conservative Republican as is DeSantis. Trump is more of a Rino than either. People need to wake up. Trumps base has shrunk as have his donations as have the GOPs. If Trump is our nominee, we will get killed.
You do not know what a RINO is. You are confused. Did you red the article? DONT COUNT ON DEMOCRAT VOTES! You want to bet on who got more democrat money? Even DeSantis took establishment money. Why do you think he bombed so bad? Even in Florida where we LOVE him, Trump CLOBBERS him.
And one more thing. Please tell me AGAIN how the person DOWN 25% IN HER OWN STATE, can beat the guy that is clobbering her. Seems there is a bunch of REAL FUZZIE math to this HS grad.
She's a conservative Republican as is DeSantis. Trump is more of a Rino than either. People need to wake up. Trumps base has shrunk as have his donations as have the GOPs. If Trump is our nominee, we will get killed.
Conservative pubs understand how the first amendment works.

Especially governors and military lawyers.
You do not know what a RINO is. You are confused. Did you red the article? DONT COUNT ON DEMOCRAT VOTES! You want to bet on who got more democrat money? Even DeSantis took establishment money. Why do you think he bombed so bad? Even in Florida where we LOVE him, Trump CLOBBERS him.
#1- Trump has a huge following in FL and nationally. He's a male version of Taylor Swift.

#2- Susie Wiles began running negative adds against DeSantis as soon as Ron announced. Ron's teams were amateurs. Susie is the best but chose a losing candidate this cycle. But she and Trumps insults on social media defined Ron.

Big Money donors are not unintelligent men and women. Their funds are no longer going to Trump.

Trump has alienated way too many people with his childish behavior. He is going to get us clobbered. GOP groups are get hammered in fundraising.

With a crook as POTUS, incapable of calling a Bingo game in the dementia unit of a nursing home, we should be kicking ass and taking names. And we aren't. Because the GOP has a catastrophic disease...Donald J. Trump. He was a good POTUS but he's a "me" guy not a "we" guy. He's running because he has to....raise cash for his exploding legal fees and to rebuild his "brand . And for revenge.

And GOP elected officials cower to him as they fear his wrath. Tim Scott embarrassed himself with his appearance in NH.
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Someone other than Theo got his feelings hurt over mean tweets.
Correct...but it seems that there are many who have. I hope they are smart enough to choose accomplishments over personality. I am not so sure that they can. But HELL WILL FREEZE SOLID before I vote for someone who I KNOW cannot do even 1/4 of a good a job as Trump can. I will 100% vote who I KNOW is better for America. I put AMERICA over personality. I wish people could see, but many are blind as a bat, instead of wasting time trying to convine US we are wrong. My guy has already done great things for America...even though he was attacked EVERY LITTLE STEP OF THE WAY. He STILL did the best job of any President in my lifetime. Imagine if the left got ob board to try to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?
We run with Trump, we win the battle "primary" and lose the war (general). We will also lose the House. We will win the Senate by 1 seat. But all those Trump voters (of which I was one) will make their point. Just like those who vote for Robert Kennedy.

Sorry, I've seen the math, the awful fundraising #s and I'D RATHER WIN. If Biden continues to beat Trump in polls (last 2 have him ahead) the Cabal keeps Joe as they are calling the shots. If Trump is polling ahead of Joe, Biden gets shitcanned prior to their convention.
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He's not completely wrong. I wish these two weren't the only ones butthurt about mean tweets but may I present exhibit A:

Never Trump Republican Politicians.

My I present Exhibit B: there is 1 party and they all hate trump. The Rino class hates him because he exposed them. Has zero to do with mean tweets. Good lord we have some folks that are ignorant to whats been happening.

And moderates call nominating moderates that govern like the left “winning”. Their “party” affiliation wins the primary, then gets their ass kicked because the right stays home. See Romney, Mccain, Etc.
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We run with Trump, we win the battle "primary" and lose the war (general). We will also lose the House. We will win the Senate by 1 seat. But all those Trump voters (of which I was one) will make their point. Just like those who vote for Robert Kennedy.

Sorry, I've seen the math, the awful fundraising #s and I'D RATHER WIN. If Biden continues to beat Trump in polls (last 2 have him ahead) the Cabal keeps Joe as they are calling the shots. If Trump is polling ahead of Joe, Biden gets shitcanned prior to their convention.

You must have failed math.
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Did you catch today's article on GOP fundraising. We are getting killed as big donors have abandoned Trump. They know the deal. If Trump is our nominee, we will win the Senate by one sear and will lose the House and Presidency. Ron, I know you like Trump...but what you really liked were Trumps policies. Trump is a self centered POS. He's running for revenge, to rebuild his brand and to collect money for his legal fees which will exceed $100 M.

Your ignorance to politics is incredible. Weird. Trump isn’t having troubles raising money, but the RNC is. Let’s see how long it takes you to figure out why.

Freaking amateur hour around here. Some of y’all really need to assess where your information is coming from. The “moderate” rino class is killing the right.

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My I present Exhibit B: there is 1 party and they all hate trump. The Rino class hates him because he exposed them. Has zero to do with mean tweets. Good lord we have some folks that are ignorant to whats been happening.

And they call that “winning”. Their “party” affiliation wins the primary, then gets their ass kicked because the right stays home. See Romney, Mccain, Etc.
Touche. That was an incomplete thought. Never Trump politicians are pandering to the mean tweet people. They're trying to get re elected since they don't do their job or stand for anything.

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