The quote feature is lacking so:
Your posts in quotes with key words bolded my replies/words in bold and underlined for those to follow at home.
First you said:
"I don't believe that the state should engage in legislating
morality on these
types of issues."
laws, for better or worse, reflect the
popular moral opinion."
"Let the represented people's conscience, guided by whatever they deem
moral, be the basis for law,
apart from religious dogma."
As for where people get their moral guidance you imply anything is ok except religion? The totality of your posts are one giant non sequitir. Rousseau would be proud. Burke and Locke not so much.
"This is precisely what drove the founding of the American colonies in the first place as individuals were were seeking to escape religious persecution from Catholic Europe."
No they fled the Church of England
"People trying to
make other people moral through government intervention will never work."
Restricting the regulated privilege of marriage to one man and one woman is not intended to make LGTBQwerty people moral. It is to prevent the government from doing things that are immoral or proposing to the society that such things are moral by their promotion. LGTBQwerty can continue to do whatever they want behind closed doors.
"While I think this will further devolve society, it appears to be the
only logical solution at this point given the vast disparity in beliefs regarding morality and marriage."
There is this thing called the 10th amendment. SCOTUS should have left this up to the states. TN voted 80-20 to restrict marriage to one and one woman. I believe the peoples conscience in TN was pretty clear. So there is a more logical conclusion. Its called the Constitution and more precisely the 10th amendment. Maybe SCOTUS (aka national gubmnint) should stay out of these issues as you say and leave it up to the people in their various states to decide.
Short of getting rid of Ogberfell, I am for any workaround that puts the power back in the hands of the local peoples conscience.
"If that is the case, then all will be free to
worship including us."
Worship is a subset of ones exercise of religion not the totality.