Why wont pelosi deliver articles of impeachment to Senate?


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

Because all work in the Senate is effectively halted until she does. They need to have the articles so they can set up a time for Roberts to come and judge over the proceedings.

I suspect the hope is that if she waits long enough, eventually McConnell will find a way to kill it without her delivering the articles. Then they will spin that they had a valid impeachment of Trump, and the republicans in the Senate 'corrupted the Constitution' to save Trump.

Also, that would stop the trial and the potential calling of witnesses and further exposing the corruption current and former dems are and have engaged in.

Keep watching....popcorn in hand.

Because all work in the Senate is effectively halted until she does. They need to have the articles so they can set up a time for Roberts to come and judge over the proceedings.

I suspect the hope is that if she waits long enough, eventually McConnell will find a way to kill it without her delivering the articles. Then they will spin that they had a valid impeachment of Trump, and the republicans in the Senate 'corrupted the Constitution' to save Trump.

Also, that would stop the trial and the potential calling of witnesses and further exposing the corruption current and former dems are and have engaged in.

Keep watching....popcorn in hand.
And keeps the doubt in the minds of the tweeners that may vote for a Dim in the Midwest.
This is a noose around Trump's neck that they could use to tighten and reign him in whenever they choose.

McConnel could simply "adopt" the articles as their exact language is known.

Idk, anything is possible. But it looks like checkmate for Donald.
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And keeps the doubt in the minds of the tweeners that may vote for a Dim in the Midwest.

Two schools of thought are emerging:

1 - Get this and kill it in one day in the Senate, acquit Pres Trump, move on with Senate business. Rush favors this approach.

2 - Use a long, drawn out trial to completely expose all the corruption the obama administration was engaged in. The advantage to this approach is you are helping to educate the public on what these people were doing that will likely be uncovered during the Durham investigation AND it will help explain to the public why criminal referrals and indictments will be handed down.

I suspect #2 is the way they are headed, but either way has benefits, the President can only win with either scenario, it's a matter of how bad it will be for the dems and Deep State.
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This is a noose around Trump's neck that they could use to tighten and reign him in whenever they choose.

McConnel could simply "adopt" the articles as their exact language is known.

Idk, anything is possible. But it looks like checkmate for Donald.

Really? What news have you been watching? Entire damn country knows the Senate isn't going to remove him.
Really? What news have you been watching? Entire damn country knows the Senate isn't going to remove him.

I'm not over-estimating the intelligence of the dems. I think the average dem still thinks Trump can be removed and replaced by hillary.

2020 will be the last presidential election featuring a democratic party.
Really? What news have you been watching? Entire damn country knows the Senate isn't going to remove him.
News? I think that might be your problem.

There is no news. Just propaganda.

The vast majority of those senators were never Trump this time 4 years ago. You'd be fooling yourself if you don't think there are 20 Republicans who would join Democrats to vote Trump out.

But, while this is looming over Trump's head, so far he is signing amnesty for Liberians.

Trump is going to be forced to endorse senator like Ben Sass from Nebraska who was paid off to let a billionaire liquidate a small town there.

Trump has been entirely nuetered. Maga is over.
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The vast majority of those senators were never Trump this time 4 years ago. You'd be fooling yourself if you don't think there are 20 Republicans who would join Democrats to vote Trump out.
You have lost your damn mind if you think that. It will be a party line vote.

Trump has been entirely nuetered. Maga is over.

Swing and a miss.

You care to put some money on this?
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You have lost your damn mind if you think that. It will be a party line vote.

Swing and a miss.

You care to put some money on this?
I would, but how do we possibly measure it?

How much stuff have we gotten, that we wanted?

Make America Great Again, he says?

No wall. DACA still in effect. More immigration than ever. He has deported fewer people than any other president.

Meanwhile, the embassy is in Jerusalem, he's signing off on Israel doing 1930s style annexation of foreign land.

Where is that EO on birthright citizenship? Meanwhile, the EO that makes it illegal to criticise Israel is signed.

He's done nothing for his base. Nothing.

Except for racist tweets. Idk about you, but I want more than racist tweets.
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I would, but how do we possibly measure it?

How much stuff have we gotten, that we wanted?

Make America Great Again, he says?

No wall. DACA still in effect. More immigration than ever. He has deported fewer people than any other president.

Meanwhile, the embassy is in Jerusalem, he's signing off on Israel doing 1930s style annexation of foreign land.

Where is that EO on birthright citizenship? Meanwhile, the EO that makes it illegal to criticise Israel is signed.

He's done nothing for his base. Nothing.

Except for racist tweets. Idk about you, but I want more than racist tweets.
Lowest Black unemployment ever recorded.

Lowest unemployment.

Looks like China is backing off of the tariffs.

Some old mines have been re-opened and two steel mills are back in production for the first time in decades.

Marines got the Zulu attack helos they've been asking for.

Large chunk of troops being removed from the 'Stan, Syria and Iraq.

I'm pro Israel, he could let them invade Saudi Arabia and I'd be fine with it. .

Packing the lower courts with conservative justices. He's installed more judges in the past two years than the Savior did in 8.

Pardoned military members for "war crimes."

Pardoned the folks that stood up against the FBI in the Bundy standoff.
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Lowest Black unemployment ever recorded.

Lowest unemployment.

Looks like China is backing off of the tariffs.

Some old mines have been re-opened and two steel mills are back in production for the first time in decades.

Marines got the Zulu attack helos they've been asking for.

Large chunk of troops being removed from the 'Stan, Syria and Iraq.

I'm pro Israel, he could let them invade Saudi Arabia and I'd be fine with it. .

Packing the lower courts with conservative justices. He's installed more judges in the past two years than the Savior did in 8.

Pardoned military members for "war crimes."

Pardoned the folks that stood up against the FBI in the Bundy standoff.
You led with lowest black unemployment?

Wtf does that have to do with anything? Black people didn't vote for Trump. He got 8/9% of their vote, like every other Republican president since we've been alive. I asked you what he did for his supporters.

What has he done for his voters?

I'll grant you pardons to those people charged with war crimes and the Bundy's. But did the FBI agent who murdered Levi Bundy get anything? Nope. He's still there.

Where are the pardons for Flynn, Manifort, and Stone? What about all the political prisoners his FBI has taken? The RAM guys in VA are still in federal prison, awaiting trial, for BS charges, for instance?

Why do you support Israel at the expense of your own country? We send them $11 million dollars per day. Why?

Have you forgotten about the USS Liberty? Have you forgotten about the Lavan affair? The King David Hotel?

Israel has killed American service men to get us into their wars for them in the past.

Yes, Trump has routinely said he wants to get our troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. But our boys are still there, dying for Israel.

Your examples of spending more money on our military aren't really valid. That is part of the problem.

We're America, why do we care what happens to Israel? Its not our problem.
You led with lowest black unemployment?

Wtf does that have to do with anything? Black people didn't vote for Trump. He got 8/9% of their vote, like every other Republican president since we've been alive. I asked you what he did for his supporters.

What has he done for his voters?

I'll grant you pardons to those people charged with war crimes and the Bundy's. But did the FBI agent who murdered Levi Bundy get anything? Nope. He's still there.

Where are the pardons for Flynn, Manifort, and Stone? What about all the political prisoners his FBI has taken? The RAM guys in VA are still in federal prison, awaiting trial, for BS charges, for instance?

Why do you support Israel at the expense of your own country? We send them $11 million dollars per day. Why?

Have you forgotten about the USS Liberty? Have you forgotten about the Lavan affair? The King David Hotel?

Israel has killed American service men to get us into their wars for them in the past.

Yes, Trump has routinely said he wants to get our troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. But our boys are still there, dying for Israel.

Your examples of spending more money on our military aren't really valid. That is part of the problem.

We're America, why do we care what happens to Israel? Its not our problem.
We installed them there. I feel like we owe them our support. And the kingdom of Saud never got us into any wars?

Making America great again includes all of us.
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We installed them there. I feel like we owe them our support. And the kingdom of Saud never got us into any wars?

Making America great again includes all of us.
We did not install Israel. The British did that.

Its just that a few hundred thousand Americans had to die to make it happen. (Thats the entire reason the US was dragged into WWI, a British victory meant the Balfour Declaration, and that was also the root of WWII, causing some people in Germany to favor a British victory for that reason) that's actually just under 600k Americans who had to die, so the Middle East could be set on fire for the foreseeable future.

I'm not saying we should bomb Israel. I'm saying we should stop giving Isralis bombs and money so they can drop bombs on Palestinian kids.

I'm also happy that black unemployment is low. Black people are native here, I got no issue with their presence, or them having prosperity.

But I asked you what Trump had done for his supporters.

And you cite low unemployment for a group that votes against him 80+ percent?

How about letting murderers and rapists out of Prison? Is that making us great again?

And then a bunch of stuff he did for a foreign country, that we already do way too much for.

If Israel can't exist without our protection then they should not exist.

Idk what right they have to the land that supersedes the people who had been living there for 200 centuries, or more.

If you read the OT, their claim isn't exactly valid. They slaughtered cities full of people when they moved in, the first time.

Trump will not win, because the people who pushed him over the top, despise Trump for being a traitor now.

Republicans can't even win elections in KY or Louisana anymore,ffs.

Trump didn't abandon his base over night. It started in late 2017. But enough of us are waking up to it.

I'd honestly rather vote for Warren or Sanders and have an honest enemy, rather than a fake friend in the white house.

(Just mean Sanders, Warren are honest about being my enemy)

Case in point. Where is the wall? Trump won the court case. He can take military funding to finish this thing. But hes not building any wall. Why?
Where is that birth right citizenship executive order? But so glad it's illegal to criticise our greatest ally, now. I'm so tired of this kind of winning.
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Now you see why I blocked him.
Having to protect yourself from ideas you don't like says a lot more about you than me.

I may be a crazy person.

I may not be a crazy person.

I don't take things at face value. I don't accept people's stated motivations for their real motivations, stated reasons for real reasons, stated grievance for actual grievance.

I also don't exclude possible explanations because they're uncomfortable.

You may think I'm a troll, but I can fully explain my positions, I can provide arguments for why I hold them, and more importantly, why I no longer hold yours because I was very similar through 2018.
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I do not argue with people that are pro Palestine. People who vote known terrorist organizations as their government deserves to be bombed. They can't even act right when someone gives them a place to stay. Ask the king of Jordan.
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I do not argue with people that are pro Palestine. People who vote known terrorist organizations as their government deserves to be be bombed. They can't even act right when someone gives them a place to stay. Ask the king of Jordan.

He's a troll that says outrageous things to try to spark outrage and a reaction.

Such people are boring and a waste of time. Thus the block.
We did not install Israel. The British did that.

Its just that a few hundred thousand Americans had to die to make it happen. (Thats the entire reason the US was dragged into WWI, a British victory meant the Balfour Declaration, and that was also the root of WWII, causing some people in Germany to favor a British victory for that reason) that's actually just under 600k Americans who had to die, so the Middle East could be set on fire for the foreseeable future.

I'm not saying we should bomb Israel. I'm saying we should stop giving Isralis bombs and money so they can drop bombs on Palestinian kids.

I'm also happy that black unemployment is low. Black people are native here, I got no issue with their presence, or them having prosperity.

But I asked you what Trump had done for his supporters.

And you cite low unemployment for a group that votes against him 80+ percent?

How about letting murderers and rapists out of Prison? Is that making us great again?

And then a bunch of stuff he did for a foreign country, that we already do way too much for.

If Israel can't exist without our protection then they should not exist.

Idk what right they have to the land that supersedes the people who had been living there for 200 centuries, or more.

If you read the OT, their claim isn't exactly valid. They slaughtered cities full of people when they moved in, the first time.

Trump will not win, because the people who pushed him over the top, despise Trump for being a traitor now.

Republicans can't even win elections in KY or Louisana anymore,ffs.

Trump didn't abandon his base over night. It started in late 2017. But enough of us are waking up to it.

I'd honestly rather vote for Warren or Sanders and have an honest enemy, rather than a fake friend in the white house.

(Just mean Sanders, Warren are honest about being my enemy)

Case in point. Where is the wall? Trump won the court case. He can take military funding to finish this thing. But hes not building any wall. Why?
Where is that birth right citizenship executive order? But so glad it's illegal to criticise our greatest ally, now. I'm so tired of this kind of winning.

Wow, dood.

News? I think that might be your problem.

There is no news. Just propaganda.

The vast majority of those senators were never Trump this time 4 years ago. You'd be fooling yourself if you don't think there are 20 Republicans who would join Democrats to vote Trump out.

But, while this is looming over Trump's head, so far he is signing amnesty for Liberians.

Trump is going to be forced to endorse senator like Ben Sass from Nebraska who was paid off to let a billionaire liquidate a small town there.

Trump has been entirely nuetered. Maga is over.
You're an f'n idiot, but you appear to have lots of company in your woke little world.
Many Republicans going back four years were not Trumpists, but they were even more pronounced Anti-Clintonists. And that's how we voted. Far more voted against Hillary than voted for DJT.
We would do it again, too. In the meantime, are you willing to give up what your 401/IRA has gained under the Great Orange Surge?
Or would having either of those be too elitist for you? Okay. Then leave and let the rest of us party on, dude.
I'm a United State Marine and the Marines got sent to Afghanistan and Iraq with old ass Cobra helos. You can't fight a two theater war with aging equipment.
Yeah but Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with defending America.

Iraq was for Israel.

Afghanistan was for Raetheon and the defense industry.

You were fighting people with far less and far older equipment than the Cobra. They made due and won the war.
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You're an f'n idiot, but you appear to have lots of company in your woke little world.
Many Republicans going back four years were not Trumpists, but they were even more pronounced Anti-Clintonists. And that's how we voted. Far more voted against Hillary than voted for DJT.
We would do it again, too. In the meantime, are you willing to give up what your 401/IRA has gained under the Great Orange Surge?
Or would having either of those be too elitist for you? Okay. Then leave and let the rest of us party on, dude.
Yeah I'd gladly be poor to have a soverign country again.

I can make money. I can't do anything about the government.
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I do not argue with people that are pro Palestine. People who vote known terrorist organizations as their government deserves to be bombed. They can't even act right when someone gives them a place to stay. Ask the king of Jordan.
I'm more anti-israeli than pro Palestinians.

But the land clearly belongs to the Palestinians. Israel is an invasive country, an apartheid state that still annexes its neighbors land like it's 1933 all over again.

You can't spell Nazi without ashekanazi...
You're an f'n idiot, but you appear to have lots of company in your woke little world.
Many Republicans going back four years were not Trumpists, but they were even more pronounced Anti-Clintonists. And that's how we voted. Far more voted against Hillary than voted for DJT.
We would do it again, too. In the meantime, are you willing to give up what your 401/IRA has gained under the Great Orange Surge?
Or would having either of those be too elitist for you? Okay. Then leave and let the rest of us party on, dude.

Yep. I was a Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio supporter during the primaries. Hated Trump, as most Rs did.
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Yeah, they're doing whatever they can to sway votes but they know this isn't going to remove him from office.

Unobstructed, he will expose their corruption and bring them to justice that much faster.

No braver men in this country's history than Pres Trump, AG Barr and John Durham. History will recall them as our Re-Founding Fathers.
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Yeah but Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with defending America.

Iraq was for Israel.

Afghanistan was for Raetheon and the defense industry.

You were fighting people with far less and far older equipment than the Cobra. They made due and won the war.
We won the wars. Both of them. We took the 'Stan in 168 days and Iraq in 30. We lost the occupations, because they weren't planned at all. Leaving two power vacuums that large in the most volatile political part of the world was indefensible so we tried the stupid shit we tried. Problem is you can't throw money at this kind of problem.
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We won the wars. Both of them. We took the 'Stan in 168 days and Iraq in 30. We lost the occupations, because they weren't planned at all. Leaving two power vacuums that large in the most volatile political part of the world was indefensible so we tried the stupid shit we tried. Problem is you can't throw money at this kind of problem.
That isn't victory anymore. This isnt 1830.

The war was all about the occupation in Afghanistan. To create a place that was free from terrorist training camps and support.

It will only work while we're there. As soon as we leave, it's back to what it always was. Of course we could defeat the Taliban in the field.

With Iraq, it was a fake country in the first place. We had no business in there. They posed no real threat to the US. But Israel was nervous.
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That isn't victory anymore. This isnt 1830.

The war was all about the occupation in Afghanistan. To create a place that was free from terrorist training camps and support.

It will only work while we're there. As soon as we leave, it's back to what it always was. Of course we could defeat the Taliban in the field.

With Iraq, it was a fake country in the first place. We had no business in there. They posed no real threat to the US. But Israel was nervous.

You have some strong opinions. You might be too informed for most of Us around here. We work more from passion and defending party rather than exchanging truths.

Please, continue on. Some interesting observations.
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Yeah but Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with defending America.

Iraq was for Israel.

Afghanistan was for Raetheon and the defense industry.

You were fighting people with far less and far older equipment than the Cobra. They made due and won the war.
We're supposed to protect Israel in fact we are commanded to do so.
Unobstructed, he will expose their corruption and bring them to justice that much faster.

No braver men in this country's history than Pres Trump, AG Barr and John Durham. History will recall them as our Re-Founding Fathers.
Don't forget the great work of the ACLJ, Tom Fitton and Jay Sekulow have kept protecting our rights against progressive/socialism since the Obama administration.
I'm more anti-israeli than pro Palestinians.

But the land clearly belongs to the Palestinians. Israel is an invasive country, an apartheid state that still annexes its neighbors land like it's 1933 all over again.

You can't spell Nazi without ashekanazi...
So wrong if you believe the Holy Bible...
So wrong if you believe the Holy Bible...
I do.
The Israelites capturing of Palestine after the exodus is a crime that puts their version of the Holocaust to shame.

So you're telling me their claim to Palestine comes from butchering those who lived there, 3000 years ago?

If you read the NT, they're clearly the bad guys.
I do.
The Israelites capturing of Palestine after the exodus is a crime that puts their version of the Holocaust to shame.

So you're telling me their claim to Palestine comes from butchering those who lived there, 3000 years ago?

If you read the NT, they're clearly the bad guys.

So you DON’T believe in the Bible, as they were told to claim the lands in Palestine, right ? Unless of course you tore out sections of the OT to wrap blunts