A bigger problem - if it can accurately be characterized as such - is that the liberal media decided that it was a problem for DJT and built a narrative that somehow he alone was THE guy who distributed masks, ventilators, all matter of PPE's, and in his spare time did the lab research on the vaccine. This was laughingly on display when Comma-lah said she wouldn't take the vaccine because she didn't trust Trump.
Well, there you go. Cause we all know Donald developed the vaccine all by himself, right? Now, whose followers must believe that? Any dummy who watches Comma-lah on tv and says "MmmHmm, I know that's right." And they think there are lots of them. Because you know, she's an African American (halfie!) and so she MUST be right.
Now, tell me again...who has the bigger problem?
If Biden is somehow elected, America will have the problem.