Why are war-mongering dems desperate for Trump to make war with Iran?

While your index finger points towards me for being too emotional on this should realize you have three fingers (on your same hand) pointing back at you suggesting you're just as emotional on this subject.

Perhaps one day you'll actually distinguish between wars that are necessary and wars that were never needed to begin with, the resultant lives needlessly lost, the injuries, the costs to this country, the families, and the veterans themselves.

You think the only time war is needed is when someone attacks you first, on your soil. You've already said that war is only justified to retaliate to an enemy's attack.

Your mentality leads to MOAR war. So if you truly hate war, you need to change your mentality and actually think about what you are advocating for.
I believe certain times war is an unfortunate but necessary event (WW1 & 2 qualified for those times)...but I do not believe war(s) for regime changes (overseas)...or wars because another country wishes to conduct it financial business away from the thumb of the US petro-dollar...or wars that result from
fake news concerning WMD or another country is falsely accused of gassing its people...or in the case of save Vietnam from none of these cases I just listed was at any time when the USA was attacked on its soil...there are also times (particularly) since WW2...when the USA, IMO, would have been much better off with more of an isolationist mentality than pursuing a doctrine of being the world's policeman...and I believe attacking Iran would be foolish beyond belief (at this point)...unfortunately, IMO, there are many who like the USA meddling in the affairs of many countries, destabilizing areas and countries/regions...and imposing its (the USA's) will on other nations without the need/approval of said country.

Ghost writes:
"Your mentality leads to MOAR war. So if you truly hate war, you need to change your
mentality and actually think about what you are advocating for."

My response to your above post: since you're pointing your index finger at me again (nothing new here) and three fingers are once again pointing at YOU...just what part of your mentality to you need to change?

Next...since you accused me of being too emotional...why did you post that non-rational, syrupy video (look above) that is meant to touch the heart/emotions since you're claiming to be so rational/unemotional knowing the intent of that video wasn't to be rational to begin with?...we're all familiar with these unemotional items such as "shining beacon on the hill,"..."1000 points of light," etc...anytime you see these types of vids...there's always a guilt-inducing component (emotion) involved...and you know it...and so do I.

So, here's your platform, Ghost...what do you need to change?...and why are you so emotional?...and just what are you advocating for?

Agent Orange
I believe certain times war is an unfortunate but necessary event (WW1 & 2 qualified for those times)...but I do not believe war(s) for regime changes (overseas)...

Well that's completely different from your previous stance that war is only ok if someone attacks you on your own soil first.

And I also agree that we often get bogged down in fighting wars overseas that we should stay out of.

But I don't agree with you that regime change should never be an option. If a regime is acting in a way that endangers us or our allies, we have an obligation to act. Maybe that's war, maybe its other options first.

I can see the big picture and can understand that war, if used correctly, can SAVE more lives than it costs. I don't think you can, that's why I posted that 'syrupy' video that you obviously didn't pay attention to. Reagan's point is that if our enemies know we won't let them get away with attacking us......they are far less likely to attack us.

That means LESS war and FEWER deaths.

Your point is that war should only be a consideration if an invader attacks us first. That means we will always be in a defensive mode, and it means that we will deal with more emboldened enemies, and MOAR WAR as a result.

And more deaths. Amazed that you can't see that.
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If you go back to the start of this thread...right under your original post mentioning BoxofFrogs...the 2nd post on this thread was by me (myself)...I mentioned regime change...guess you missed that one, huh?

Tell us now what regime changes we've attempted in the Middle East, or Chile, or Nicaragua, Yemen, Afghanistan were directly set up to shield us from foreign aggression towards us?...or our allies?

And since you can see how war, if used correctly save save more lives, can you explain the loss of 58k American soldiers in Vietnam...the mega hundreds of thousands of lives lost in the Middle East with millions displaced...and for what?...guess all that war was saving lives, yes?

Iran has mostly held a defensive posture...and with their large army and military capabilities...just who has attacked them recently?...or China?...or Russia?

So what has been done to us...other than warfare on our soil...that we haven't done to others in spades?...I'm sure you know.

I'm amazed, your words...and yes, that video was "syrupy" meant for emotion and warmongering.

Agent Orange
If you go back to the start of this thread...right under your original post mentioning BoxofFrogs...the 2nd post on this thread was by me (myself)...I mentioned regime change...guess you missed that one, huh?

You know I didn't, because I AGREED with your point that not all regime changes are necessary and that we often get bogged down in foreign wars that we really should stay out of.

And since you can see how war, if used correctly save save more lives, can you explain the loss of 58k American soldiers in Vietnam...the mega hundreds of thousands of lives lost in the Middle East with millions displaced...and for what?...guess all that war was saving lives, yes?

Have you already forgotten that you said that World War I and II were necessary? And that they SAVED LIVES?

You are letting your emotions betray you again. I never said all war is good or that all war would save lives. I never said all regime change is good, or that even most attempts are good.

I am just rational enough to know that SOMETIMES war saves lives and SOMETIMES so does regime change.

But I do know this: Bending a knee to aggressors ALWAYS leads to MOAR WAR and MORE DEATH.
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We can agree on WW1 & 2.
Now tell me how all these wars we've been in since then have saved more lives for the US military personnel.
And tell us how China, Russia, and other countries haven't had the expense of war, casualties, injuries to their vets that we have by doing things very differently that we have.
You are correct: our aggression has led to MOAR war, MOAR death, MOAR destruction. has MOAR war been beneficial to either the USA or Syria? has MOAR war been beneficial to either the USA or Libya?
Then has MOAR war been beneficial to either the USA or its proxy interests in Yemen?
Or Afghanistan?
Or is it just collateral damage?
Why are you so emotional?

Agent Orange
Hell with it! Lol, I have always loved that moment to BITCH SLAP the arrogant self serving Neo-Con War Pigs.

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We can agree on WW1 & 2.
Now tell me how all these wars we've been in since then have saved more lives for the US military personnel.
And tell us how China, Russia, and other countries haven't had the expense of war, casualties, injuries to their vets that we have by doing things very differently that we have.
You are correct: our aggression has led to MOAR war, MOAR death, MOAR destruction. has MOAR war been beneficial to either the USA or Syria? has MOAR war been beneficial to either the USA or Libya?
Then has MOAR war been beneficial to either the USA or its proxy interests in Yemen?
Or Afghanistan?
Or is it just collateral damage?
Why are you so emotional?

Agent Orange

I guess your emotions are now clouding your hearing as well.

I've said repeatedly that not all war is good and that not all attempts at regime change are a good idea.

You can keep asking the same questions, I'll keep giving you the same answers.

Bending the knee to anyone that is aggressive toward us leads to MOAR war and MOAR death.

That's just reality. What happened to you in junior high when the bully picked on you? If you fell down and started crying, then he kept bullying you. Probably more bullies did as well.

But if you stood your ground and popped him in the mouth, the bullying stopped. This isn't rocket surgery, as my friends in Boston like to say.
Your response would seem to be much a cross between Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris and your ability to deflect (as mine is) is legendary.

At least you learned from two of the best (noted above).

Agent Orange

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