Why are war-mongering dems desperate for Trump to make war with Iran?

Why do republican AND democratic voters love perpetual and growing debt...overseas wars...regime change(s)...pork barrel spending...crumbling infrastructure...liberal and conservative media that is out to paint the other side as continuous villains while not owning up to their own many mistakes...being the world's policeman?

The answer: the American electorate thrives on confrontation, divisiveness, poor results, and can't wait to stand in line for moar.

That's why.

Agent Orange
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Why do republican AND democratic voters love perpetual and growing debt...overseas wars...regime change(s)...pork barrel spending...crumbling infrastructure...liberal and conservative media that is out to paint the other side as continuous villains while not owning up to their own many mistakes...being the world's policeman?

The answer: the American electorate thrives on confrontation, divisiveness, poor results, and can't wait to stand in line for moar.

That's why.

Agent Orange

So why is Trump saying let's wait and get moar information before making moar war?

Why are dems outraged and claiming he's pushing us toward not making war?

Trump knows war is sometimes necessary and doesn't attempt to leverage it for political gains.

That's why the dems and many Never Trumpers are against him.
Either people aren't/weren't aware that Trump was a Democrat for most of his life or they try to make us forget that he was a democrat in the 80's. From what I've seen of Trump in the 80's, he was a fan of Reaganomics and almost everything Reagan stood for. He was always someone who opposed any type of war.
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So why is Trump saying let's wait and get moar information before making moar war?

Why are dems outraged and claiming he's pushing us toward not making war?

Trump knows war is sometimes necessary and doesn't attempt to leverage it for political gains.

That's why the dems and many Never Trumpers are against him.

Is that why Trump, many repubs, and many democrats were recently calling for and supportive of regime change in Venezuela because, as you say...they all were wanting moar information before making moar war?

Of course Trump was wanting to leverage it (Venezuela) for political, financial, and energy purposes...all that oil, you know...and to stick a thumb in the faces of China & Russia since (cents) they have spent lotsa money and effort in Venezuela propping up the Maduro regime.

Agent Orange
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Has @BoxofFrogs chimed in? I thought Republicans were supposed to be the war-mongers and the racists and bigots?

Wow have the parties flipped again like the dems tell us they did in the 60s?
I guess this explains everything. Now Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are trying to say the reason they were celebrating outside the White House is heard his mother was released from the Hospital. They really thought they could troll Trump into going to war.

Is that why Trump, many repubs, and many democrats were recently calling for and supportive of regime change in Venezuela because, as you say...they all were wanting moar information before making moar war?

Of course Trump was wanting to leverage it (Venezuela) for political, financial, and energy purposes...all that oil, you know...and to stick a thumb in the faces of China & Russia since (cents) they have spent lotsa money and effort in Venezuela propping up the Maduro regime.

Agent Orange

I think he wanted regime change in Venezuela because he doesn''t like seeing people homeless, powerless and starving in the streets. I know people there and it's absolutely horrific the living conditions they have, if you can even call them that.

If you did I think you'd support Trump too. There's war-mongering and then there's being decent human beings.
As far as I can see...every country we've ***helped*** out with attempted regime change...toppling leaders/dictators seem, IMO, to have a common denominator:
money (aka energy).

Let's see...Libya's former leader and Iraq's leader wanted gold-backed currencies and trading oil for gold...that was until these leaders were no longer "necessary."...or needed...
Libya became a failed state...Saddam was exiled to the "other side."

And surely we have to stop the Russkies and China from their One Road One Belt activities through the Middle East, don't we?, IMO, we get all cozy, cozy with terrorist organizations that we were once fighting and now we're fighting with them?

And of course, we must mention Saudi Arabia (who we love buying our weapons) so the Saudi's won't buy from Russia even though Saudi grows closer in cooperation with Russia (you know, the country who ***stole*** our election in 2016)...and who (the Saudis) doing "God's work" down in Yemen.

I don't believe the PTB in the USA give one whit about the suffering in Venezuela only to make noise about it...the grand prize, IMHO, is money, power, oil, resources.

In all the above examples I brought always comes down to this: "follow the money."

The USA was out-flanked knowing Russia and China currently has Maduro's back...surely the USA isn't foolish enough to attempt a total takeover there.

Notice the USA never attempted regime change or any sort of takeover when Argentina has gone through many financial crises...and I wonder why................................

Agent Orange
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Poor Ole Tucker...triggered by the stash. Iran will screw up ...its just a matter of time until they force Trump or whoever is at 1600 Penn Ave. hand.

Daniel 8:
2 And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai. ( Elam is in Iran)

3 Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns: and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last.

4 I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great.

5 And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes.(Air Power from across the Earth from the west aka USA)

6 And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power.

7 And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand...(Nope not China nor Russia)

20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.(Iran)
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BTW Trump made the right call as a drone does not elicit an attack. But they will sink a ship, hit a naval vessel, or cross the nuke red line and they will be done.
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More about Iran Jeremiah 49:
34 Here is an oracle concerning Elam. The word of the Eternal came to the prophet Jeremiah early in the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah. 35 This is what the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies has to say:

Eternal One: I will break the bows of Elam’s archers—the very best of their military might. 36 I will bring the four winds from the four corners of heaven to blow against Elam. I will scatter them to the four winds, and there will not be a nation where her exiles will not go. 37 I will shatter Elam right in front of her enemies, before those who want her dead. I will bring disaster upon these people, for My violent anger burns against them. I will pursue them in war until they are no more.

Why would they need to exile themselves from southern Iran ( Elam?)
Thats where the nuke are. The day is coming.
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Note Agent's quotation marks with stole.

However, I did read about all the Putin henchmen around Wichita threatening all those Hillary backers if they didn't switch their vote to Trump.

I'm pretty sure Trump and Putin teamed up to tip the election to Trump. Trump hasn't steered any U. S. uranium reserves to Moscow. Trump lobbed tomahawks at Putin's favorite client. Trump has made the U. S. the world's leading natural gas exporter. In doing so, many of Putin's customer's have fled or they buy from Russia at bargain rates.

So what do we have today? Putin is praying Biden or Hugo Sanders defeats Trump.
Dems want war with Iran so they can use it as a political weapon against Trump. Trump knows that and he's not falling for it.
It would be a matter of timing...most presidents get a huge bump during a war..H was at 90 % during GWI ,recession clipped his wings. W was re-elected during GWII. At the beginning of the Iraq war W got a huge bump. It was only after botching the "peace" and the misrepresentation of what happened during Katrina that his popularity began to fall. I would say if Iran did something stupid in Sept or Oct of the election year Trump gets huge bump if he retaliates.
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MOAR foreign regime change!!!!!!!
MOAR displaced (by the millions) people due to MOAR wars/intervention to spread MOAR democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!
MOAR funding for Raytheon & Haliburton!
MOAR loathing of the US gov't by foreigners!
MOAR meddling in the affairs of foreign countries leading to MOAR One Belt One Road projects!
MOAR meddling in the affairs of foreign countries leading to China & Russia (and other countries) settling their financial affairs not using the USD$ for payment!!
MOAR meddling in the affairs of other countries leading MOAR and MOAR countries dumping their UST bonds leading to our central bankers trying to save the day with MOAR Q.E. and buying UST bills!!

And all the while...Americans watch SS not being addre$$ed...more interested in social media "likes"...watching the "KarCRASKians" (Kardashians)...worried about spaces...while they're being fleeced (left and right---both parties)...all "in the land of the brave and home of the free" least we have our priorities on point.

Maybe not.

Agent Orange
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MOAR foreign regime change!!!!!!!
MOAR displaced (by the millions) people due to MOAR wars/intervention to spread MOAR democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!
MOAR funding for Raytheon & Haliburton!
MOAR loathing of the US gov't by foreigners!
MOAR meddling in the affairs of foreign countries leading to MOAR One Belt One Road projects!
MOAR meddling in the affairs of foreign countries leading to China & Russia (and other countries) settling their financial affairs not using the USD$ for payment!!
MOAR meddling in the affairs of other countries leading MOAR and MOAR countries dumping their UST bonds leading to our central bankers trying to save the day with MOAR Q.E. and buying UST bills!!

And all the while...Americans watch SS not being addre$$ed...more interested in social media "likes"...watching the "KarCRASKians" (Kardashians)...worried about spaces...while they're being fleeced (left and right---both parties)...all "in the land of the brave and home of the free" least we have our priorities on point.

Maybe not.

Agent Orange

If you never make war then that just means everyone is making war on you and you will always be slaves to someone else.

This is earth, not Utopia.
War is a justifiable response to aggression (foreign) on one's soil.
War for regime changes and to topple just any and all leaders...not so much.
The warmongers must be proud of our spectacular results in Viet Nam, Nicaragua, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen...not to mention all the coups around the world that have led to a big, fat zero (nada)...the results speak for themselves.
Not to mention how well so many of our veterans have fared through all of this.
Those poor, pitiful Scandinavians...starting all these wars/conflicts, and coups.
Guess that's why they're consistently ranked as some of the unhappiest places/people on Earth...Not.

Agent Orange
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In your many foreign armies/forces invaded our country?
After what we've done overseas (militarily) sanctions against other countries...used the USD$ to keep other countries out of the SWIFT system...installed puppet regimes all over the place...interfered with other countries' elections...listened in on other countries' leaders (remember Merkel from Germany)...just how could you or anyone else believe that one day...we will not reap what we have sewn?
The biggest reason why the One Road One Belt...Russia, China, and other countries stocking up on gold (think gold trade notes---gold backed currencies---and the Shanghai Gold Exchange---countries joining Russia & China to do bilateral trade in regional currencies) is to escape being constantly under the thumb of the USA...will their plan work?...time will tell...that's who so many countries are dumping UST bills like the plague and our central bank has to be the buyer of last resort.

You, like myself, are indeed slaves to someone else...namely the PTB.

One of these days...we might well become the bullied instead of the bully...that's the problem when you're the some point...others will rise up and take control by whatever means necessary...and the cycle of war, control, and stupidity will once again continue.

We get what we deserve.

Agent Orange
In your many foreign armies/forces invaded our country?

This isn't the 1940s anymore. You don't have to send troops here, you can attack with missiles, with bombs, with cyber attacks, etc.

Your stance that war is justified only if an invader comes on our soil is incredibly naive and completely out of touch with modern warfare.
This isn't the 1940s anymore. You don't have to send troops here, you can attack with missiles, with bombs, with cyber attacks, etc.

Your stance that war is justified only if an invader comes on our soil is incredibly naive and completely out of touch with modern warfare.

Ghost believe's in the Boogie Man

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This isn't the 1940s anymore. You don't have to send troops here, you can attack with missiles, with bombs, with cyber attacks, etc.

Your stance that war is justified only if an invader comes on our soil is incredibly naive and completely out of touch with modern warfare.

Aggression ends end justifying aggression in return.
Now...just what from the above has the USofA not done in spades?
Now tell us...what overall dividends have we reaped with our foreign intervention circa 2000 and since?

My stance is only out of touch for those who rattle MOAR war...but don't do anything more than being a "sofa coach" yellin' for MOAR war...perhaps you'll be well situated to be a spokesman for Haliburton...or perhaps a "sofa coach" for AIPEC.

Agent Orange
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Aggression ends end justifying aggression in return.
Now...just what from the above has the USofA not done in spades?
Now tell us...what overall dividends have we reaped with our foreign intervention circa 2000 and since?

My stance is only out of touch for those who rattle MOAR war...but don't do anything more than being a "sofa coach" yellin' for MOAR war...perhaps you'll be well situated to be a spokesman for Haliburton...or perhaps a "sofa coach" for AIPEC.

Agent Orange

Aggression ends end justifying aggression in return.
Now...just what from the above has the USofA not done in spades?
Now tell us...what overall dividends have we reaped with our foreign intervention circa 2000 and since?

My stance is only out of touch for those who rattle MOAR war...but don't do anything more than being a "sofa coach" yellin' for MOAR war...perhaps you'll be well situated to be a spokesman for Haliburton...or perhaps a "sofa coach" for AIPEC.

Agent Orange

You just don't like war. That's why you keep deflecting and won't stay on point and actually address what you claimed.

I get it.
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You just don't like war. That's why you keep deflecting and won't stay on point and actually address what you claimed.

I get it.

Perhaps you can't seem to admit to your own follies:
You love war and want MOAR.
You're a cheerleader for the MIC, Haliburton, and AIPEC.
Yes, you are correct: you get it.
You're on the payrolls of the MIC, Haliburton, and AIPEC.
You're getting $$$$, right?
You must have been a big fan of Oh-bomba...since he took W's two wars and extended them to at least five or six (wars).
Perhaps you'll stay on point and actually address what you've claimed.

Agent Orange
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Perhaps you can't seem to admit to your own follies:
You love war and want MOAR.
You're a cheerleader for the MIC, Haliburton, and AIPEC.
Yes, you are correct: you get it.
You're on the payrolls of the MIC, Haliburton, and AIPEC.
You're getting $$$$, right?
You must have been a big fan of Oh-bomba...since he took W's two wars and extended them to at least five or six (wars).
Perhaps you'll stay on point and actually address what you've claimed.

Agent Orange

I'm just a realist. This is as dumb as the argument gun control crazies have that if you eliminate guns, you eliminate death.

War means people die, and that's always tragic. But the cold, rational reality is that war is OFTEN necessary to SAVE lives.

You can't see that because you are letting your emotions cloud rational thinking.

The irony is, your way of thinking leads to MOAR war, not less.

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While your index finger points towards me for being too emotional on this should realize you have three fingers (on your same hand) pointing back at you suggesting you're just as emotional on this subject.

Perhaps one day you'll actually distinguish between wars that are necessary and wars that were never needed to begin with, the resultant lives needlessly lost, the injuries, the costs to this country, the families, and the veterans themselves.

Ghost writes: "You can't see that because you are letting your emotions cloud rational thinking."
We're so happy you're the purveyor of rational thinking...only when said thinking agrees with your thinking...otherwise others are too emotional and their thinking is clouded.

We see what you said: "You can't see that because you are letting your emotions cloud rational thinking."..we also see what you tried to're too emotional, as well.

So much for rational thinking where war, attempts at war, and possible outcomes are concerned.

Epic FAIL on your part.

Agent Orange

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