who do you believe

the biden apologizers who say joey is as sharp as ever

or your own lyin eyes when you see the tottering old fool on camera showing he is cognitively impaired

I’m gonna go with my lyin’ eyes.

I don’t know what they dope Brandon up with for his big moments… cocaine mixed with bull semen and jaguar piss, maybe… but it definitely makes him very aggressive. The difference is obvious to those of us that are paying attention. MSM has worked overtime to hide the mountain of evidence that shows his mental decline.
I’m gonna go with my lyin’ eyes.

I don’t know what they dope Brandon up with for his big moments… cocaine mixed with bull semen and jaguar piss, maybe… but it definitely makes him very aggressive. The difference is obvious to those of us that are paying attention. MSM has worked overtime to hide the mountain of evidence that shows his mental decline.
Ever see that TV series Limitless? It was about a smart pill that would make you a genius, but eventually kill you with too many doses. Brandon's run the string, anymore, and the Toe will be President. 😂
Ever see that TV series Limitless? It was about a smart pill that would make you a genius, but eventually kill you with too many doses. Brandon's run the string, anymore, and the Toe will be President. 😂
Maybe Kalim is right and I’m wrong…

Maybe they are having Biden tread water for as long as possible so the Kamala “campaign” will be as much ‘Joe in the basement’ as possible.

My thoughts on Kamala running always depended on her having to actually run.
Maybe Kalim is right and I’m wrong…

Maybe they are having Biden tread water for as long as possible so the Kamala “campaign” will be as much ‘Joe in the basement’ as possible.

My thoughts on Kamala running always depended on her having to actually run.
What's really scary is even Kal hates her guts too. 😂 Having an imbecile following a dementia patient is horrifying. Even Liechtenstein will think they can just come here and kick our asses.:oops: 😂
Biden wasn’t playing with a full deck in 2020. It didn’t matter. Improve your game, focus on what you can control. Own the shit you put out there. Trunp is absolutely awful that’s the message from 2020 and 2016. He was lucky to squeak by Hillary . The country cannot take another 4 years of his fiscal and monetary insanity. Too liberal. Waaaay too liberal
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even being noticed in other countries

It’s been elder abuse for quite some time. But like most liberals, they think the ends justify the means. That’s why they’re willing to weaponize the department of justice. Ends justify the means.

They’re sheep and have been brainwashed into thinking that the worst thing is Trump as President. Some thing that we had for 4 years already and the country was just fine.

Now the media has managed to convince them that this 4 years will be the end of the country. It will be different and worse than the last 4 years. Doom and gloom and government needs to protect you. Typical liberal garbage that people have been falling for for centuries.

Identity politics.
because they know their eyes ain’t lyin’ and he is a worthless twit with dementia
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It’s been elder abuse for quite some time. But like most liberals, they think the ends justify the means. That’s why they’re willing to weaponize the department of justice. Ends justify the means.

They’re sheep and have been brainwashed into thinking that the worst thing is Trump as President. Some thing that we had for 4 years already and the country was just fine.

Now the media has managed to convince them that this 4 years will be the end of the country. It will be different and worse than the last 4 years. Doom and gloom and government needs to protect you. Typical liberal garbage that people have been falling for for centuries.

Identity politics.
The thing that gets me, the sheep truly believe Trump will do everything the Dems say he will do. I was at a restaurant the other day and I heard some of the servers talking about who they were going to vote for. One said, probably Trump as Biden doesn't seem mentally able. These other 2 were like, WHAT, don't you know, Trump will take away ALL abortion rights and ALL birth control rights, Trump will make it hard for people of color to vote and find jobs and on and on and on. I was just shaking my head. I almost went and asked them if Trump had done any of that his first Term, but I felt it was probably useless.
The thing that gets me, the sheep truly believe Trump will do everything the Dems say he will do. I was at a restaurant the other day and I heard some of the servers talking about who they were going to vote for. One said, probably Trump as Biden doesn't seem mentally able. These other 2 were like, WHAT, don't you know, Trump will take away ALL abortion rights and ALL birth control rights, Trump will make it hard for people of color to vote and find jobs and on and on and on. I was just shaking my head. I almost went and asked them if Trump had done any of that his first Term, but I felt it was probably useless.
I always challenge them to provide any FACTS to back up their claims
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It is but what sort of self esteem issues do you have to have to declare yourself a principality instead of a monarchy? So you're royalty but you're not getting completely caught up in it?
When you’re Lichtenstein you have to take every opportunity at getting noticed you can. lol.
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The thing that gets me, the sheep truly believe Trump will do everything the Dems say he will do. I was at a restaurant the other day and I heard some of the servers talking about who they were going to vote for. One said, probably Trump as Biden doesn't seem mentally able. These other 2 were like, WHAT, don't you know, Trump will take away ALL abortion rights and ALL birth control rights, Trump will make it hard for people of color to vote and find jobs and on and on and on. I was just shaking my head. I almost went and asked them if Trump had done any of that his first Term, but I felt it was probably useless.
People are lazy. They don’t want to think. Just want to regurgitate what people tell them too.
Goebbels would be proud of little Brian and #fakenews CNN

If this is all clip art and perspective like the media wants you to believe, then why is this the first time we’ve ever seen a president act in this manner??? How come this clip art strategy has never been done before?

Anyone who defends this just embarrasses themselves. You can think Trump is a bad option for president and also acknowledge what’s happening with Biden at the same time. It’s allowed.
My eyes tell me Biden is clearly too old.

My eyes and ears tell me Trump is a lying bastard who only cares about himself and does far more to divide the country than any American ever has before.
My eyes tell me Biden is clearly too old.

My eyes and ears tell me Trump is a lying bastard who only cares about himself and does far more to divide the country than any American ever has before.
So joe:
Isn't a lying bastard?
Has done nothing to divide the country?
Hasn't received money from foreign adversaries?
Hasn't destroyed a once robust economy?
Hasn't failed on all foreign policies?
Hasn't allowed unfettered illegal immigration?
Hasn't increased taxes?
Hasn't instituted terrible trade deals?
Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Et Cetera............

I would also argue obama did more than any other president to divide our country, joe is in second place. But you keep on libbin'.
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ACP, a good idea Biden actually came up with, lapsed thanks to Congress not funding it. 60 percent of the people on ACP had no internet access prior to this program and now they're back to having no internet.

Consider this, they don't send out paper notifications for court anymore, and most federal agencies refer you to their website unless you want to wait 6 months for an appointment.

But we've got money for Ukraine and feeding shitheads in Palestine.
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