What's this? Oh just proof that the media is gaslighting you


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

Heard about this segment but missed it. CNN was all about telling its viewers that voting machines can be rigged in 2006 when a REPUBLICAN president was in the WH.

Now in 2020 when they were just used to rig an election for their guy? Suddenly CNN has amnesia about it's former 'reporting'.

What a coincidence.

Heard about this segment but missed it. CNN was all about telling its viewers that voting machines can be rigged in 2006 when a REPUBLICAN president was in the WH.

Now in 2020 when they were just used to rig an election for their guy? Suddenly CNN has amnesia about it's former 'reporting'.

What a coincidence.

Not a peep from the 2 dumbest men on cable news Fredo Cuomo and his fudge packing buddy Don Lemon

Heard about this segment but missed it. CNN was all about telling its viewers that voting machines can be rigged in 2006 when a REPUBLICAN president was in the WH.

Now in 2020 when they were just used to rig an election for their guy? Suddenly CNN has amnesia about it's former 'reporting'.

What a coincidence.
I’m reminded how it goes likes to be redundant and hear himself talk, pretty sure we’ve posted something like this for five times now :)

But he’s right, of course, the main stream media is simply the propaganda wing of the NDP

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