Reasonable enough. I don't know that a mask mandate would have saved a single life, net-net. I think it's entirely possible that a mask mandate could have possibly slowed the spread but, in turn, would have dragged out the pandemic and the net result would have been VERY similarly.
If I'm being honest, I don't believe a mandate would have had much of an impact whatsoever...meaning it wouldn't have even slowed it down or dragged it out. The masks are not much more than a placebo. So what do you lose with a mandate? Other than personal freedom, not much i guess. I've never been big on national mandates....for anything. The federal government needs to stay in their lane. You guys on the left disagree and that's fine. We can agree to disagree.
To answer your question, I think ghost has spun and deflected. But then again, so have you. I think the argument between you two became more of a pissing contest of egos long ago.
I wear masks because it doesn't cost me much to do so. I wear masks because they seem to have a calming effect on some. I wear masks because my governor, who is my neighbor, asked me to. I wear masks because I'm a LEO and I make a habit of rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.