TRue. But I Think he made first physical contact.What was she yelling at him about? Audio wasn't working on my link. Looked like he was getting mob-pushed into her and it pissed her off.
She immediately turned and threw up a fist.
TRue. But I Think he made first physical contact.What was she yelling at him about? Audio wasn't working on my link. Looked like he was getting mob-pushed into her and it pissed her off.
She immediately turned and threw up a fist.
MJ's description of the video is laughable. I'm not sure what video he watched, but it wasn't the De'Andre Johnson video.
TRue. But I Think he made first physical contact.
Arms, shoulders, whatever. He made first physical contact.Did you even watch the video, MJ? At no point does he ever touch her shoulders.
Arms, shoulders, whatever. He made first physical contact.
Questions for Igloo, danoleman and SKNole and other Nole Nole apologists. Given what you saw, or think you saw on the video, should he be on your team...ever?
Nope. He screwed up. He does, however, deserve a 2nd chance somewhere else (based on what went down in the video).
The point me, oozie and the other RRT members is trying to make is the fact she's getting off scott free like some innocent, helpless victim when the reality is she's the initiating aggressor.
"She started it." That is your position? (even as wrong as it is)
Arms, shoulders, whatever. He made first physical contact.
As for the video itself, let's break it down objectively.
- About 5 seconds in, the woman appears and makes her way to the bar.
- At 7 seconds she turns her head backwards toward Johnson and says something to him. It appears he's pushing his way to the bar
4 seconds he places his right hand under the edge of the bar and appears to be pulling himself towards it. The woman again turns toward him and says something, like quit pushing me
- At 16 seconds she completely turns around and balls up her fist and tell him to quit shoving her
- At 18 seconds Johnson grabs her fist and pulls it down thus instigating everything by touching her
next she uses her knee to distance herself from him.
- At 21 seconds she pushes him away in the shoulder.
- At 23 seconds he decks her in the face and walks away.
- The entire event took place over a 23 second period at a bar.
Could he have walked away at 21 seconds? Certainly. Oozie's point is, does he have to just because she's a woman.
The answer is yes, he's a large athlete compared to the girl, had he at least been polite this wouldn't of happened, but no he has to push his way to the bar and push the girl even after she's turned around and told to stop. So the big man on campus punches her in the faces and walks away.
GO Canes!
For equal accountability under the law? You bet your arse! If she were a man, this thread wouldn't exist. She hit him (pushed and kneed in the groin), he hit her. Explain to me why they aren't receiving equal punishment? Why is she still a student at FSU and he isn't?
You really support a double standard? I guess you were OK with Hope Solo playing in the cup too, eh?
That's a pretty week troll, even for you, Marv.
She pushes her way to the bar and that's okay? He "pushes" his way to the bar and it's not okay? Actually, it looks like he's trying to get to the bar on her left and is being pushed from behind by the "bar mob."
- she can push. He cannot.
- she can spout off at the mouth. He cannot.
- she can knee in the groin. He cannot defend himself.
- she can punch him in the face. He cannot defend himself.
Again, first and foremost, NEITHER of them should be engaging in physical violence. My issue is the double standard many of you are in full support of. Explain to the board, along with MJ, why she is still attending FSU and has not been charged with a misdemeanor?
Please, she make her way to the bar and tells they guy on the right excuse me and the rude qb pushes himself right behind her and puts his hand under the bar to pull himself forward while the girl tell him to stop.
GO Canes!
And you guys don't get it, I'm not saying he should have punched her in the face, but I'm not gonna jump on the other side and act like he's human filth either. The point I'm trying to make is, at what point is a man allowed to defend himself from a woman? Does he need to be punched 5 times? 10 times? 20 times? Sure he could have walked away, but if that was a man NOBODY would have that expectation and everyone would be fine with him defending himself. But because it's a woman her actions get excused and it's all on him, that to me is bullshit. I don't really care where you stand on it morally, I'm saying under the law she should be treated the same, that's my only point. They both should have picked up battery charges.
So just so we're clear, the guys defending the girl don't think she should be treated the same under the law? Putting morality aside on how you feel about men hitting women, she shoved, kneed, and punched a guy. At a minimum she should be charged with assault too. How can anyone disagree with this? If you do, you're basically arguing that men and women should be treated differently under the law, which just makes no sense. Especially with all this transgender craziness going on these days. It'd be quite hilarious to see some guy who 'feels' like a woman unload on a chick and see how the narrative changes. Hey, he's a woman too right? Can't go charging him either.
Well then we agree on that part. I'm not making excuses for either side like some want to do, they both should have been charged.
I can't agree that there should be a different set of rules under the law though. I think that stems from the outdated view that women are little 100 lb. weaklings. The average American woman now weighs around 170 lbs. That weight was about what the average male weighed for decades. They can cause damage with their violence too.
She was allegedly shouting racial slurs at him as well.
Sure he could have walked away, but if that was a man NOBODY would have that expectation and everyone would be fine with him defending himself.
I can't believe this thread... Chock full of homer semenhole jackasses and misogynistic douchebag gator fans. Fuggin A Peter...this site has gone to shit.
If it had been a man, he would have had a reason to "defend himself" because there would have been an actual threat. I don't know why this is so hard for a small percentage of men to understand. I remember your posts from other incidents like Ray Rice and you clearly have some issue with women, but come on man. You can't seriously expect to compare a man defending himself against another man in an actual fight with a man punching some intoxicated young woman who presents no real threat to him. The entire idea that this was "justified" because we would support him "defending himself" against another man instead of "walking away" is beyond absurd.
Its sad to think you or anyone posting on this topic would actually try to file a complaint against a woman you just punched in the face in a bar, especially considering she has wounds from your punch and you were never really even hit.
This "but, but... BOTH SIDES!!!" nonsense has got to stop. It seems like a certain group of people trot it out in every social or political discussion these days. Men are not victims of women. To paraphrase JA Adonde, "Yeh, there is a double standard here. But there are many double standards with men and women in life, and this is the only one that's not in men's favor. Deal with it; don't hit women". To act like it so unfair to men that there is a double standard when it comes to violence against women is mind boggling at best.
Misogyny is defined as dislike, Her drunken behavior cannot be excused away just because she's a female.
Men are not victims of women. To paraphrase JA Adonde, "Yeh, there is a double standard here. But there are many double standards with men and women in life, and this is the only one that's not in men's favor. Deal with it; don't hit women".
Many of you, esp oozie and the resident noles, need to take a minute to read the Florida self defense statute. Then brush up on your understanding of "reasonable force."
He does NOT have a self defense case.
His punch was unnecessary. It looks like there was something going on between the two before they got to the actual bar. He was clearly backing her down and it pissed her off. When she raised her fist, that was a warning for him to back off. When he grabbed her hand it became a physical conflict. He looked like the aggressor to me in every way. He comes off as a real dirtbag in that video. I'm not sure how old he is, but as a true freshman, I doubt he had any business trying to buy a drink anyways.
I can only assume that it is a gay bar based on the shirtless bartender or is this just a Tallahassee thing?