So why are Noles so shrill about "omg double standard, omg she is a whore, omg the media hates FSU!"
You just had to end a decent post with this. You are a strange fellow. Nobody said such a thing. Smh
So why are Noles so shrill about "omg double standard, omg she is a whore, omg the media hates FSU!"
And you can't readYou just had to end a decent post with this. You are a strange fellow. Nobody said such a thing. Smh
What? No.
You are conflating different situations badly.
It's "never ok to hit a woman" because it's almost never necessary. It's almost never self defense.
Conversely, it can absolutely be necessary to hit a man. When a man is punched by another man, it's probably high-time to punch him back unless you are dying for an ass kicking.
Do you disagree?
There are not many people that will weep over a double standard in this particular situation. Who is being harmed? Who is aggrieved? Not FSU and not Johnson.
That was the reason I asked you Noles; why you are so insistently shrill that the woman be charged?
.....who is harmed by the double standard?
If she were charged, Johnson would also still be charged. If she were charged, Johnson would still be off the team. If she were charged, FSU would still suffer the embarrassment of yet another example of an FSU athlete assaulting a woman. So why are Noles so shrill about "omg double standard, omg she is a whore, omg the media hates FSU!"
Serious question though; why? Why would your response and level of empathy be far greater for your daughter than your son?
My mom said the same thing. No one in this thread is argueing that he should NOT have hit her, nary a one. NO one is arguing he shouldn't have been dissmissed from the team. He SHOULD have been.
For some reason, people can't grasp the fact the discussion is simply women need to quit acting like they can behave like men without consequences. The secondary debate is at what point does a man not have to show restraint....we realize they are expected to show a LOT of restraint, but is there ever a point where they can retaliate or engage in self defense?
Are you really comparing an old man with an 18 year old athlete?You ever see the Grandpa on the bus video punching the women passenger for spitting on him? "She wanna be a man I'll treat you like a man" Not sure the video would last long in this thread. Its on youtube
Then why bring it this thread?Where does it say I'm comparing anything? I just asked if you saw the video. These dumbasses can beat the crap out of each other.
My mom said the same thing. No one in this thread is argueing that he should NOT have hit her, nary a one. NO one is arguing he shouldn't have been dissmissed from the team. He SHOULD have been.
For some reason, people can't grasp the fact the discussion is simply women need to quit acting like they can behave like men without consequences. The secondary debate is at what point does a man not have to show restraint....we realize they are expected to show a LOT of restraint, but is there ever a point where they can retaliate or engage in self defense?
Is this video an example?
Finally, IMO, there's a big difference in walking around openly displaying unprovoked aggression and violence towards women and making a huge, regrettable mistake by retaliating against a woman. He even admitted (and never denied to FSU staff) that he screwed up. 23 seconds changed his life, it didn't make him a "POS"...he becomes a POS if this behavior continues.
Then why bring it this thread?
What ever happened to just avoiding these situations all together? How do you even get yourself in that position? Bad judgement/bad decision making? Seems like the best thing and the smarted thing to do would be to just avoid the situation all together. You make it sound as if he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and just accidentally stumbled into this situation to begin with.
If she were a man, would DJ be able to claim self defense?