We choked BUT..

I agree. You don't see ANY post of mine predicting a single Vol victory ( unlike all you Nostradamus' who were predicting a UF romp)

UT has played 3 good quarters out of 12 all year.So many shoulder & Ankle injuries. So going through this bloody buzz-saw of a schedule is going to be a tall order.

Only offsetting thing is other teams get injuries too. Playing 8 SEC games + 4 takes a toll on every team other than Alabama as they have 5* recruits riding the bench waiting their turn.

I didn't predict any romp with a back up QB, I predicted all of the things that were happening in the first half.
True but I put that more on discipline and conditioning. Both sets were tired two deep.

If you have depth, you don't need as much conditioning.

Lack of depth and staying on the field too long and scheme all screwed us.

There is NO EXCUSE is allowing the other team to score 38 straight points or whatever it was.