Virginia Democrats pushing to downgrade assaulting a police officer to a misdemeanor


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

How do you destroy the Democratic Party once and for all? Get them to push for laws that reflect their true beliefs.

This is the last Presidential election that will have a candidate from the Democratic Party. You did save that prediction, right @LizardGrad89?
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"You can't pitch working class white people and black people against each other anymore.
You told us that they were ALL racist thugs.
You told them that they we were ALL drug dealers.
Unfortunately for YOU, we've started talking to each other.
We've realized that we have a common enemy.
So it's over for YOU"...
--- Genesis Elijah o_O

Read more. Think more. Parrot the Rat MSM 'Fake News' less.... :cool:
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These factions that are wanting charges dismissed and criminal behavior rewarded are not realizing that private security won't keep unruly mobs from their personal property.
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De-funding / Demoralizing / Entirely Disbanding the Police

This will lead to two types of people:
Rat Victims :confused: & Armed (self-defense) Citizens. o_O

With no police, Vigilante groups will form to protect their communities.
So the Dim-Moe-Rats and pod-lings are working on bringing back lynching.

They have already murdered 61+ Million babies by abortion (infanticide).
With 75+% of those murdered being people of color and/or poor.
Joseph Mengele is spinning in his grave with envy over what the Rat's have accomplished.

The 61+ Million infanticide Holocaust makes what the Nazi's dd look insignificant.
Socialists - Fascists - Marxists - Communists - Progressives - by any other name are still slavers (just now in disguise). :cool:

People that continue to support and vote for those that have lied to them continuously,
are not only CHUMPS, but are traitors to their race. -- Malcolm-X

"I'm Proud to be an AMERICAN,,, where at least I know I'm FREE!!! " o_O
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