Ukraine Russian War

JMOHO, but the leading Demonrats are now all but totally controlled and directed by: the Shadow Government / Military Industrial Complex / Elitists / NWO / TRAITORS.

While I'm currently registered to vote as a Republican, I'm in reality more of an Independent Conservative Constitutionalist, but since that's not an official party, I'm a Pub on paper.... Still too many RINO's for me to be a solid Republican.

For more of my opinions, I've long thought that America-Russia-India should be partners to keep the CCP / China under control. They are the current primary risk to world peace, along with the corrupt American Shadow Government.

America needs to more live up to our Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In doing so, other nations could over time be brought more into the light of FREEDOM and God given unalienable Human Rights. You can force submission to a point, but not a true partnership.

What that takes is an American citizenship that understands it's responsibilities as citizens and works to keep the traitors out of positions of power. Where the united States now stands is the fault of lazy ignorant citizens that have failed in their responsibilities. Corrections are needed badly.
I watched it. I found a youtube one by him that is not as concise but a lot more details. Watch it when you have a few free minutes.

After watching this...does it not become CRYSTAL CLEAR as to why a Ukrainian gas company was paying Hunter Biden 86000 per month for NOTHING???
These globalist clowns are out of control.
Yes, the same crap that has been occurring for the last four years would be continuing today if the Globocrats had won. More graft more corruption, more kickbacks. More of the same thing that needs to land people either in prison or on the gallows. ...
Lunch? It’s 8:30 in the morning here. I’m just getting up. Found this video on Facebook in a friend of mine‘s story. It is a very good video.
I think the thing that is most alarming about this kind of video is that you guys apparently don't recognize it as what it is. Your common sense should immediately tell you its propaganda and a completely one-sided viewpoint.

This has become the biggest problem that America now faces with social media. People who cannot properly assess information they get and things like this get passed around as if it was the truth when its not even close. I really don't know what solution we will ever find to combat this issue.

Do 15 minutes of research and you get a much better grasp of reality. That's for those of you who aren't old enough to have lived through this and should already know its not the truth.
I think the thing that is most alarming about this kind of video is that you guys apparently don't recognize it as what it is. Your common sense should immediately tell you its propaganda and a completely one-sided viewpoint.

This has become the biggest problem that America now faces with social media. People who cannot properly assess information they get and things like this get passed around as if it was the truth when its not even close. I really don't know what solution we will ever find to combat this issue.

Do 15 minutes of research and you get a much better grasp of reality. That's for those of you who aren't old enough to have lived through this and should already know its not the truth.
Are you claiming that Putin wasn't promised by the US that they would not move NATO closer to Russia back several years ago? Because that was stated, and then the Balkans were added ...
I think the thing that is most alarming about this kind of video is that you guys apparently don't recognize it as what it is. Your common sense should immediately tell you its propaganda and a completely one-sided viewpoint.

This has become the biggest problem that America now faces with social media. People who cannot properly assess information they get and things like this get passed around as if it was the truth when its not even close. I really don't know what solution we will ever find to combat this issue.

Do 15 minutes of research and you get a much better grasp of reality. That's for those of you who aren't old enough to have lived through this and should already know its not the truth.
You can lead a horse to water, but can't make them drink, much less think. :rolleyes: I am old enough to remember when the USSR threatened to send troops and missiles to Cuba, on our backdoor. How did that end? It did not end well for the soviets, and eventually their commie regime collapsed. No country that refuses to allow hostile actors to set up camp on their lawn is going to put up with sniveling little shits like Zelensky.
It really wasn't a question, it was a statement.😡
Even light in the loafers UKRAINE SKRONG Lindsey Graham has had enough of the little dictator Z. He's now feeling the heat as the winds of political sentiment have just about choked him.

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Tell me specifically of what agreement your talking about. When and who.
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you will need to click on the link to read it all, I copied the part I referenced:

When the USSR collapsed, Ukraine became independent and Washington stepped in—not to help Ukraine, but to weaponise it against Russia.
The U.S. & NATO lied to Gorbachev, promising they wouldn’t expand “one inch eastward." Yet NATO moved into Poland and the Baltic States.

If you have any issue with the the veracity of the above statements, you will need to disprove them ...
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<iframe src="" width="500" height="594" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>

you will need to click on the link to read it all, I copied the part I referenced:

When the USSR collapsed, Ukraine became independent and Washington stepped in—not to help Ukraine, but to weaponise it against y Russia.
The U.S. & NATO lied to Gorbachev, promising they wouldn’t expand “one inch eastward." Yet NATO moved into Poland and the Baltic States.

If you have any issue with the the veracity above statements, you will need to disprove them ...
You cannot beat reason into these people, even if they are capable of learning and understanding history. They're retarded, politically slanted media feeding on their brains like zombies prevents them from having one ounce of objectivity, much less any sense of history and how we ended here. :mad:
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I've wanted it and suggested it long before now, but can we now just GTF outta NATO and leave Europe to themselves.

Since the nuclear age, we no longer need them in the least for our own safety. We've been suckered by them since WWI, more so in WWII, and that continues right up to today. They are the corrupt Royalty that we threw off when the 13 Colonies declared their Independence, and they have not changed, but only gotten sneaker since then.

The Founding Fathers warned us to AVOID FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS. We've been lazy and stupid for too long.
The criminal elite in all of their various forms and organizations around the world are dragging us down and stealing our freedom.
The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves over what we've squandered.
"A Constitutional Republic, IF you can keep it."
You cannot beat reason into these people, even if they are capable of learning and understanding history. They're retarded, politically slanted media feeding on their brains like zombies prevents them from having one ounce of objectivity, much less any sense of history and how we ended here. :mad:
Correct...he will just go hide now
You cannot beat reason into these people, even if they are capable of learning and understanding history. They're retarded, politically slanted media feeding on their brains like zombies prevents them from having one ounce of objectivity, much less any sense of history and how we ended here. :mad:
Libs are simply selfish people. They put what THEY want ahead of everyone else, ahead of what's best for the country and society.

The rest of us don't do that.
<iframe src="" width="500" height="594" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>

you will need to click on the link to read it all, I copied the part I referenced:

When the USSR collapsed, Ukraine became independent and Washington stepped in—not to help Ukraine, but to weaponise it against Russia.
The U.S. & NATO lied to Gorbachev, promising they wouldn’t expand “one inch eastward." Yet NATO moved into Poland and the Baltic States.

If you have any issue with the the veracity of the above statements, you will need to disprove them ...
Interesting, you have gone to a facebook post to try and support this position when their is a mountain of information on the internet that is easily accessible. Much of it is not from the MSM. Going to a facebook post makes it look a lot like you are searching for something that will support your pre conceived belief instead of simply following the evidence and looking for the truth. I do understand why as most of the available evidence goes against your POV.

A couple specific points. 1) What the guy is referring to here is not in writing and was never a part of any formal agreement. You would think that if we are launching invasions that kill millions of people you might want to have something in writing don't you? There is even controversy as to if this was even said at all to Gorbachev.....there are internet statements from him that say it wasn't. Either way, its not a formal agreement so it means squat in the end.

2) I don't know how old you are, but I remember this time period well and everything changed from Gorbachev to Putin. Gorbachev was trying to open up the Soviet Union (Glasnost), allowing freedom of speech and of the press, etc. A massive change from the old Soviet guard and from what Putin brought them back to and a situation where the US was certainly going to view as much more favorable. Of COURSE the US would have to completely re-evaluate policy once Putin assumed control. It was back to a cold war style Russian dictator. Nobody in their right mind would expect a non written statement made to Gorbachev would carry over and apply to the Putin's Russia. That is absurd.

3) Again you have to consider the dynamics at that time. You had several countries that had finally broken away from years of oppressive Russian control and desperately wanted to establish themselves as independent countries. NATO did the right thing in helping them do so.......they were only part of the Soviet Union because they had a gun to their head. America USED TO do the right thing in these situations and we benefitted massively in the long run. Appears we aren't on that course anymore.

4) NATO's actual written policy has always been an open door policy. You can go look it up. Basically they are open to any nation applying for NATO membership and the members would then vote on it. Nothing in there about restricting any expansion.

5) last point. This doesn't mean that the growth of NATO isn't controversial.....clearly it is. These are very, very complex issues and they need to be debated. But the video you posted is inaccurate and revisionist history aimed at a specific purpose.
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Interesting, you have gone to a facebook post to try and support this position when their is a mountain of information on the internet that is easily accessible.
He's got a point, @fresno. I mean you drove all the way to Facebook HQs to get them to give you that post, when you could have just gone to MSNBC or Vox or The Washington Post or any number of lefty sites that had the same lies about Ukraine that @Illegal-shift found.
We, the people, are the good guys. It's our government leaders that are evil and corrupt. Recently finished the book, "Chaos - Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties."

This crap has been going on a long time but it's only in recent years, with the advent of the internet and all of the alternative media, that we're just now figuring out how long our own government has been corrupt and downright evil.

The formation of the Administrative State, also known as the Deep State, first started during the Woodrow Wilson Administration and continued on in the Roosevelt Administration because they wanted to work around that pesky little Constitution document. That's when things were turned over to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats. Things starting going sideways since then.

Dear Board, including ALL Gator fans and alumni, if you only read one book this entire year, this is the one to read. iG

Sep 1, 1995 · TRANCE-Formation of America was released in 1995 after the 1947 National Security Act was invoked to censor this testimony from the US Congressional Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight. (see what I mean Fresno?)

But the book was later sent to the office of every member of Congress,,, but I doubt that many of them bothered to read it. It was probably filtered out by their corrupt liberal staffs before they even saw it.

Reviewer: Vinculum14 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - August 31, 2024
Subject: America needs to read this so they can wake up
The most powerful way to take down the mind control abuse is to expose it and then by people reading it and observing it they can agree to no longer comply with their system of control. We observe then we change that and every high school in America should read this book along with 1984.

Trance-formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave
Cathy O'Brien - Mark Phillips
Cathy O’Brien, born in 1957 in Muskegon, Michigan, is a nationally and internationally recognized US Government Whistleblower on the subject of MK Ultra mind control and healing from it.

The true life story of a CIA mind control slave by Cathy O'Brien with Mark Phillips. This is the documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation. Chiseled deep into the white stone of the CIA's Langley, Virginia headquarters is a partial verse lifted from the Holy Bible and writings of Saint John... "and the truth shall set you free". This statement, like the agency, is total reality. The building that it is engraved upon houses the world's most successful manufacturer of lies to facilitate psychological warfare. The "Company" uses truth and technology as their raw materials to produce "pure" lies for control of you and America's allies.

This book is amongst the most shocking ever to reach this desk. Trance-formation of America is the chronicle of Cathy O'Brien, a recovered survivor of the CIA's infamous MK-ULTRA Project Monarch mind-control operation, and of Mark Phillips, the courageous man who rescued her (and her daughter) in 1988 from certain death and helped her recover her memories and regain some control over her life. Cathy O'Brien's troubles began at birth (in 1957) when she was subjected to constant abuse by her family. As she grew up, her father ensnared her in a corrupt pedophile ring and eventually sold her out to the CIA where, under the auspices of Project Monarch, Cathy became a mind-controlled White House sex slave deprived of any love, free will, or self-respect and forced to endure drug and electro-induced torture.

Interesting, you have gone to a facebook post to try and support this position when their is a mountain of information on the internet that is easily accessible. Much of it is not from the MSM. Going to a facebook post makes it look a lot like you are searching for something that will support your pre conceived belief instead of simply following the evidence and looking for the truth. I do understand why as most of the available evidence goes against your POV.

A couple specific points. 1) What the guy is referring to here is not in writing and was never a part of any formal agreement. You would think that if we are launching invasions that kill millions of people you might want to have something in writing don't you? There is even controversy as to if this was even said at all to Gorbachev.....there are internet statements from him that say it wasn't. Either way, its not a formal agreement so it means squat in the end.

2) I don't know how old you are, but I remember this time period well and everything changed from Gorbachev to Putin. Gorbachev was trying to open up the Soviet Union (Glasnost), allowing freedom of speech and of the press, etc. A massive change from the old Soviet guard and from what Putin brought them back to and a situation where the US was certainly going to view as much more favorable. Of COURSE the US would have to completely re-evaluate policy once Putin assumed control. It was back to a cold war style Russian dictator. Nobody in their right mind would expect a non written statement made to Gorbachev would carry over and apply to the Putin's Russia. That is absurd.

3) Again you have to consider the dynamics at that time. You had several countries that had finally broken away from years of oppressive Russian control and desperately wanted to establish themselves as independent countries. NATO did the right thing in helping them do so.......they were only part of the Soviet Union because they had a gun to their head. America USED TO do the right thing in these situations and we benefitted massively in the long run. Appears we aren't on that course anymore.

4) NATO's actual written policy has always been an open door policy. You can go look it up. Basically they are open to any nation applying for NATO membership and the members would then vote on it. Nothing in there about restricting any expansion.

5) last point. This doesn't mean that the growth of NATO isn't controversial.....clearly it is. These are very, very complex issues and they need to be debated. But the video you posted is inaccurate and revisionist history aimed at a specific purpose.

lol ...Thinking more NATO expansion (especially talk of Ukraine joining) and having Ukraine shelling Russian speaking areas of Ukraine wouldn't eventually make Russia roll into that area. My guess is the crooks knew full well Russia would eventually act but they were clearly wrong that the sanctions and seizures etc would cripple Russia. All it has done is made Russia and China etc better able to withstand those actions now.
Yet again missing the key point. Even when he was president, I was never embarrassed of America nor embarrassed to be an American and had anybody gone into the oval office and treated the office or the president of this country in that manner, regardless of political affiliation, I would be equally outraged, indignant, and supportive of the office and the president under those circumstances.

I have zero issue with political opposition, and I embrace the concept of the loyal opposition working through the government to try and support their point of view and their objectives. That’s not the issue.

The issue here is you’re embarrassed by America because a foreign president acted like a petulant child and disrespected our country, the office of the president, and the president and vice president of our country. And if you’re embarrassed by America because of that, then you need to get the **** out..
Look at the big tough Doc. Boy I bet your MAGA friends are impressed with how tough you can be on a keyboard.

Your completely wrong as usual. I am not embarrassed by America......I am embarrassed by the President and VP. And since it appears you don't have a basic understanding of America.....I will clue you in......we are not a country of people who supposed to blindly follow the leader like they do in North Korea (although clearly that is what Trump wants). It is fully an American trait to express your views on how your president conducts himself. Its called freedom of speech and since its you who appears to be against it maybe you need to go somewhere else. None of us will mind if you go.

It was refreshing to see somebody not come in and kiss Trumps ring. I will never understand how you guys think that is a good thing - to have a leader who expects everybody to bend a ****ing knee. He treats Zelensky like shit and expects him to come in and kiss his ass. Trump called him a dictator, suggested he started the war, completely cut his legs out from under him in this so called "negotiation" and ultimately cut his aid. And for that he wants a "thank you".

Who is the stronger man......the leader who has almost nothing and risks his life on a regular basis trying to fight off a much bigger enemy who has attacked him.......or the guy who has the words biggest military and instead of fighting the real enemy who he coddles, he pushes around and extorts the guy who has almost nothing.
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Who is the stronger man......the leader who has almost nothing and risks his life on a regular basis trying to fight off a much bigger enemy who has attacked him.......or the guy who has the words biggest military and instead of fighting the real enemy who he coddles, he pushes around and extorts the guy who has almost nothing.
Let me be VERY clear here, son...NOT YOU by 1 million miles!
Look at the big tough Doc. Boy I bet your MAGA friends are impressed with how tough you can be on a keyboard.

Your completely wrong as usual. I am not embarrassed by America......I am embarrassed by the President and VP. And since it appears you don't have a basic understanding of America.....I will clue you in......we are not a country of people who supposed to blindly follow the leader like they do in North Korea (although clearly that is what Trump wants). It is fully an American trait to express your views on how your president conducts himself. Its called freedom of speech and since its you who appears to be against it maybe you need to go somewhere else. None of us will mind if you go.

It was refreshing to see somebody not come in and kiss Trumps ring. I will never understand how you guys think that is a good thing - to have a leader who expects everybody to bend a ****ing knee. He treats Zelensky like shit and expects him to come in and kiss his ass. Trump called him a dictator, suggested he started the war, completely cut his legs out from under him in this so called "negotiation" and ultimately cut his aid. And for that he wants a "thank you".

Who is the stronger man......the leader who has almost nothing and risks his life on a regular basis trying to fight off a much bigger enemy who has attacked him.......or the guy who has the words biggest military and instead of fighting the real enemy who he coddles, he pushes around and extorts the guy who has almost nothing.

He is nothing but a tool for the globalists. He isn't strong and is a crook that will be living it up on crooked money supplied by the US when he is finally ran out of the country. Trump is the first POTUS in a long time that actually looks out for US interests.
Look at the big tough Doc. Boy I bet your MAGA friends are impressed with how tough you can be on a keyboard.

Your completely wrong as usual. I am not embarrassed by America......I am embarrassed by the President and VP. And since it appears you don't have a basic understanding of America.....I will clue you in......we are not a country of people who supposed to blindly follow the leader like they do in North Korea (although clearly that is what Trump wants). It is fully an American trait to express your views on how your president conducts himself. Its called freedom of speech and since its you who appears to be against it maybe you need to go somewhere else. None of us will mind if you go.

It was refreshing to see somebody not come in and kiss Trumps ring. I will never understand how you guys think that is a good thing - to have a leader who expects everybody to bend a ****ing knee. He treats Zelensky like shit and expects him to come in and kiss his ass. Trump called him a dictator, suggested he started the war, completely cut his legs out from under him in this so called "negotiation" and ultimately cut his aid. And for that he wants a "thank you".

Who is the stronger man......the leader who has almost nothing and risks his life on a regular basis trying to fight off a much bigger enemy who has attacked him.......or the guy who has the words biggest military and instead of fighting the real enemy who he coddles, he pushes around and extorts the guy who has almost nothing.
Yet somehow, you're not embarrassed by Biden? Sorry that is just a bridge too far for any thinking person ...
He is nothing but a tool for the globalists. He isn't strong and is a crook that will be living it up on crooked money supplied by the US when he is finally ran out of the country. Trump is the first POTUS in a long time that actually looks out for US interests.
The funny thing to me is that you guys don't ever see the big picture. The way we have been doing things the past 30 years the US has done phenomenally well. We are the richest, strongest country in the world with the way we have been handling foreign policy.

And for some reason you guys want to change it. Its like the football national champion suddenly deciding it needs a coaching change. There is only one way for us to go.
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Yet somehow, you're not embarrassed by Biden? Sorry that is just a bridge too far for any thinking person ...
Don't put words in my mouth Fresno. Your trying to change the subject to deflect the point.

But to answer your question, yes, there are things Biden did that where embarrassing. That doesn't change the current point. I disagree with both sides when I see them do wrong, and that is what happened here.
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BTW, welcome to the chaos that is Donald Trump. I think folks forgot how wild things where the first term......and they are going to get much, much worse this time for a lot of reasons.

God help us all.......I hope America can survive this.
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