Simple question for the GhostofBRAINLESS.
Why are you still posting to this thread, other than the blatant lie that you do it because I want you here to save this thread from going off the front page? (expecting crickets, not anything approaching honest answers)


As to reading comp. I have told your dumbass repeatedly that unlike you, I don't need books or others testimony, opinions, or beliefs on the existence of UFO/UAP's because I have my own TOP SECRET experiences to go on. (just another blatant lie on your part, to join your many others).

I have never claimed anything about the 'Galactic Federation' and I never included the Israeli General with the 800+ witnesses that have already given public comment, and have said that they are willing to testify before the U.S. Congress under oath, with the associated Penalty for Perjury.

The Israeli General's statements were just an interesting (to me) article that I ran across and posted for interesting information only.

~ Israeli General and Professor, Haim Eshed served as the head of Israel’s Security Space Program from 1981 to 2010 and over the years received the Israel Security Award three times, twice for confidential technological inventions. On his statements to the press, "I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards, I am respected in universities abroad."

So, what are his qualifications?
The 87-year-old has a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering from Technion, a master’s degree in performance research, and a doctorate in aeronautical engineering. In 1965, he worked in the technological unit of the IDF Intelligence Division in research and development positions. Later in 1969, he was assigned by the IDF Military Intelligence to study for a doctorate in aeronautical engineering in the US. When he returned, he was appointed head of the research and development department in the Intelligence Corps.

After his military service,
he was employed as a professor at the Technion’s Space Research Institute, and in 1981 established and became the first director of the Challenge Program, a unit of the Administration for Research, Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure in the Defense Ministry, which is responsible for satellite projects. In October 2011, he retired from the Defense Ministry, having directed the launching of 20 Israeli satellites.

So brainless, instead of nothing but your own clueless drivel, show us all of your qualifications to dispute what he's said.... (CRICKETS)
Please feel free to show any proof that you have that he's either unqualified to know, or as big of a liar as you've proven to be, many times over.....


Your own 'Intellectual Cowardice' has nothing to do with you believing me or other top quality witnesses. It has to do with your own moronic posting to this thread.

As to an attention whore, your performance on this thread would make Both BS-C911 and Kackling Kamala jealous of your talent at being the Ho....
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Washington examiner exposes Dr.Steven Greer in this article. 🤭🤔

Did Steven Greer fake a UFO with flares?​

The author of that hack piece might be a GhostofBRAINLESS attention whore, just like he is.

I read it and it's nothing but some nobody giving his own
'unqualified' opinion on what occurred, which btw is his right to do. However, my response to his article is that I laughed at it and at him. I don't know what those lights were (and neither does he), but in my own limited experience, they weren't flares.
Show me some real proof, instead of just someone's own personal bias...

Now, I have no idea about anything that Dr Greer is doing on contact or it's validity. I give him credit for his decades of working on the UFO
Disclosure Project, but on nothing else because I don't know him. He has given UFO disclosure briefings to Presidents and to Reps/Sens, but I wasn't in the room for any of those either.

I would think that by now, if anyone could show him up as a fraud that's bilking money out of people for his time, that he'd have been prosecuted by now and found guilty. Has he??? (for another 'swing-and-a-miss')
In a sense nail, an astronomical telescope is a for real 'Time Machine.'

That picture allowed them to look through a window, to 2,000 years in the past.

Too bad that pointing the telescope out in the direction our Solar System is going, doesn't allow us a view of the future..... ------------ (jus-messin-wid-jor-nailed-head)
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Just another link to information, that each is free to do with as they choose.

With the sheer volume of reported UFO sightings by the public these days and leading figures such as; former generals, astronauts, top scientists and even hints made by former US presidents and presidential candidates ALL raising the bar that the ET’s very much do EXIST and are visiting our planet already – it is no surprise that the greedy manipulative elite are starting to become nervous!'

Scientists are now even suggesting that it would be crazy to think that we are alone in the universe and in some cases have started to provide evidence that perhaps the mankind was created by advanced alien beings. Science is finally proving that we are very much not alone in the universe and there is now no way that the elite can stop this critical information being reached out to the masses.

This planet is already awakening to the truth and the masses are slowly but surely uniting, in order to seek out the truth from the lying corrupt world politicians. There is now a clear division happening on planet earth, between those that know that the elite are playing the masses as fools and of course our world leaders who have already declared these people as ‘conspiracy theorists’ and a threat to humanity.

Believers -- Open seekers of the truth and reality.

Disbelievers -- Closed arrogant that already know everything about what they disbelieve....

For the Open Seekers only, NASA leaked photos, before the airbursh crew got to work....

I see instakook is still invoking the name of the most popular Rivals poster ever to attempt to save this dead thread.

He is almost as slow as @BSC911 is, so I guess we need to try something else to get his attention. And we all know how he loves attention.

So from now on, every time instakook brings me up in this trash thread to try to save it I am gonna come here and change the subject.

For starters, let's discuss this:

instakook you have a decision to make: You can keep talking aliens, or we can talk whatever I want.

But what you aren't doing to do is have me prop up a dead thread about aliens. If this thread stays alive, we change the subject now.

Your call. You can keep your dead thread, or I make it mine.
Or the GhostofBRAINLESS circle of jerks could start their own thread on any subject that they are interested in, instead of just being the PoS trolls that are constantly attempting to stink up my UFO/UAP/AATIP thread...
Just like you stunk up Sad’s thread about the first inhabitants of Florida thread?? ....For a record 84 pages of UFO and infinite universe rambles??

I see instakook is still invoking the name of the most popular Rivals poster ever to attempt to save this dead thread.

He is almost as slow as @BSC911 is, so I guess we need to try something else to get his attention. And we all know how he loves attention.

So from now on, every time instakook brings me up in this trash thread to try to save it I am gonna come here and change the subject.

For starters, let's discuss this:

instakook you have a decision to make: You can keep talking aliens, or we can talk whatever I want.

But what you aren't doing to do is have me prop up a dead thread about aliens. If this thread stays alive, we change the subject now.

Your call. You can keep your dead thread, or I make it mine.

As it was spoken, so let it begin...
Let reality in, or remain with the diminishing number of clueless of the world.

The Disclosure Project was the most watched event in the entire history of the National Press Club in Washington D.C.

"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth." -- President Harry Truman

"I believe that these ET vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth." -- Astronaut Gordon Cooper

"I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all of the available information on these UFO's. You cannot disregard so many unimpeachable sources." --
Honorable John McCormac - Speaker of the House

"I believe the American People are entitled to a more thorough explanation than has been given them by the Air Force.. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFO's, and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment of the subject." -- President Gerald Ford

"It now seems quite clear that Earth is not the only inhabited planet." -- Dr Carl Sagan -- (before he was threatened by the Intelligence community, then he became a UFO debunker)

"Of course the flying saucers are real, and they are interplanetary." --
Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding

"We have, indeed, been contacted- perhaps even visited- by extraterrestrial beings, and the U.S. Government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public." -- Victor Marchetti - Former Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the CIA

We have not had a real, functional Commander in Chief. since Eisenhower left office. The next President, when he tried to go public with the information on UFO's was assassinated. No President coming to the office after that, has tried to push the issue too far....

After seeing a UFO himself, President Carter made a campaign promise to make UFO info public and so the military embarrassed him making sure he didn't get a 2nd term.

In 1974 before becoming President, Reagan also reported seeing a UFO. When he went too far, it almost cost him his life. After that, he fully understood the true situation...

To avoid the slow introduction, move ahead about 6 minutes.

Scientific Integrity demands, that you look at the facts, and then follow them wherever they lead.... Intellectual Cowardice requires you to sit down and STFU....
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The GhostofBRAINLESS and a few others of his clueless type,,, claim that there is NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. --- That would be correct with this added to it: Offically released to the general public.

Date of UFO crash: March 1969
Location of UFO crash: Yekaterinburg, USSR


This is the Secret KGB UFO Files, The Russian Crash of 1969. Its real, 100% and I can find no flaws in it. Its an old film bought on the blackmarket for 10K US and some how leaked to the public. I see why. The video shows both an alien craft, and a blueish green alien body that was recovered. This is enough to cause panic across the planet if the news ever got hold of it. You ask, are aliens real? But its probably the same questions they ask about us. I can vouch for this evidence at being real. You have my word on it.

This leads to another thing...the continuing of the Apollo missions...covertly. NASA pretended to end the missions after Apollo 17, but they continued past 20. Russia was part of it. The NASA symbol has both flags in a cooperation displayed in the Apollo 20 videos. Apollo 20 took place about 1974-1975. Just 4-5 years after the UFO crash in the USSR.

I remember talking to Willam Rutledge (astronaut on Apollo 20) on Youtube messages, and he said there was a cigar UFO and a triangle UFO in Deporte crater on our moon. They explored both. I had doubts, but I was the first person to ever find the ship in Deporte crater and report it to the public. William was very excited and didn't expect such a photo existed, but he liked it when I told him about it. He must have been about 77 when we spoke, but...may not be with us anymore and stopped talking to anyone after his Youtube account was hacked >>> by the US government.
Scott C. Waring

The story continues, use the link if you're interested in reality....

Just as long as you know that I own this thread. Without me, it dies. You know it better than I do. Before I saved this thread, all you had to look forward to was Dr Zarius showing up once every 3 months to laugh at you. Or maybe IPD showing up every few weeks to do the same.

I am the Main Attraction here. No one cares about you or your kookiness. They are here for ME.

I keep him on ignore, but I know he seethes in this thread so I look at it every once in a while. Ironically, when he first started posting about this crap, I tried to engage him reasonably. I am open to the idea of extraterrestrial intelligent life visiting earth - no matter how impossible it seems. But he didn't want to do that; instead, he wanted to argue with straw men and repost long-debunked drivel from whatever nutcase blogs he happened to read that day.

But I hope when we finally do make contact, the aliens look something like this:

Hey Dr. Clueless, have you debunked those quotes I listed above, or watched the Documentary vid that I included?

If so, we can engage in real discussion for a change, instead of your usual BS memes or outright lies.

Crickets or just more useless drivel in 5...4...3...

(unless you still have me on faux-ignore and your sissy lies would show)
I keep him on ignore, but I know he seethes in this thread so I look at it every once in a while. Ironically, when he first started posting about this crap, I tried to engage him reasonably. I am open to the idea of extraterrestrial intelligent life visiting earth - no matter how impossible it seems.
I am too, and I think a lot of posters here would actually be interested in an HONEST discussion of this topic. If you'll notice, on the few times that others have jumped in and shared credible information on the topic, a discussion actually starts and the thread is actually active for a change.

The remaining 99% of the time, this thread is a trainwreck. I feel bad leaving this reply as it was about to fall off the first page again.

Due to a lack of interest. Again.

Alright Insta what is that? Some piece of metal covered by a hardened layer of Mars dust? From an alien craft possibly?
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Alright Insta what is that? Some piece of metal covered by a hardened layer of Mars dust? From an alien craft possibly?

Fever, Mars is something that can't be intelligently addressed if you are starting out in a vacuum, lacking solid background on the subject. Debunker blogs and isolated BS is not where you should begin. If you are really interested and have an open mind concerning the subject, here is where you can begin. If not, then just continue with the BRAINLESS intellectual cowards that just spew drivel here....

Richard Hoagland: -- 'The Monuments of Mars.' In 1976, NASA sent four Viking spacecraft to Mars to photograph the planet, including a mile-long mesa that uncannily resembles a human face. In this wide-ranging and profound analysis of the Mars data, Hoagland takes readers step by step through these NASA images and the evidence that a highly advanced civilization may have lived and built upon Mars hundreds of thousands of years ago. 50 photographs; 10 line drawings; maps and charts.

Epic interview with Richard Hoagland discussing the many anomalies and structures found within our own Solar System, Millions of years old. Mr Hogland Explains how he feels the Story line of Star Wars is more Non Fiction than Fiction. With over a Dozen high resolution photographs from JPL, and NASA, Richard breaks down the possibility of Iapetus and Phobos being Spaceships designed to look like a planetoid or moon. Iapetus looks just like the Death Star in Star Wars and you will see the comparisons in this podcast. Mr Hoagland also explains how these ancient ships are from a Type II Civilization that colonized our Solar System Millions of years ago. Now there is evidence of Pluto having been colonized as well! Check out Richards work at and

As this might relate to current day UFO/UAP/Aliens.....

The questions I always have about ancient cultures, outposts on other celestial bodies in our solar system, etc, is whether the original creators are dead and gone, or are current UFO sightings related? What if the UFOs sighted today are simply "space archaeologists" exploring THEIR past, like when we impose on native cultures to study humanity's ancient roots? More worrisome is this -- any advanced civilization that can cross star systems can tolerate or destroy us at whim. Therefore, if we are not their target for conquest, then why are they here... research? The big question is this, are they zookeepers, or game wardens?
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Fever, Mars is something that can't be intelligently addressed if you are starting out in a vacuum, lacking solid background on the subject. Debunker blogs and isolated BS is not where you should begin. If you are really interested and have an open mind concerning the subject, here is where you can begin. If not, then just continue with the BRAINLESS intellectual cowards that just spew drivel here....

Richard Hoagland: -- 'The Monuments of Mars.' In 1976, NASA sent four Viking spacecraft to Mars to photograph the planet, including a mile-long mesa that uncannily resembles a human face. In this wide-ranging and profound analysis of the Mars data, Hoagland takes readers step by step through these NASA images and the evidence that a highly advanced civilization may have lived and built upon Mars hundreds of thousands of years ago. 50 photographs; 10 line drawings; maps and charts.
IOW, if you want to get a solid education on the topic, listen to the guy that sees a human face on Mars and believes that proves that non-human aliens once lived there.

You cannot make this stuff up. And I feel somewhat bad about putting this thread back on Page One.
IOW, if you want to get a solid education on the topic, listen to the guy that sees a human face on Mars and believes that proves that non-human aliens once lived there.

You cannot make this stuff up. And I feel somewhat bad about putting this thread back on Page One.

You're not just a stupid intellectual coward and a liar, you're also boring as hell.

You're an attention whore for constantly coming to a thread that you have claimed repeatedly to have no real interest in,,.

You are an expert at running your vastly ignorant mouth, while you're a rank armature at any quality debunking. As I said, you're just boring as hell.

What amuses me the most is that you are too stupid to even realize that you embarrass yourself with every post that you make here.... LMFAO
😂 at you, again....

Curiously, as the Viking 1 spacecraft was orbiting the red planet, it spotted a strange structure on the surface of Mars. A massive mile long ‘FACE’ was spotted in the so-called Cydonia region on Mars, leaving experts in total confusion. NASA even had a press conference to announce this discovery.

5 Bizarre Things Spotted on Mars - TechEBlog

The Cydonia Plateau is home to the famous and controversial "Face on Mars". This mile long, half mile wide and quarter mile high "trick of light and shadow" (Never A Straight Answer) is surrounded by dozens of obviously artificial and mostly pyramid-like structures, all are aligned with the Martian cardinal points and arranged on a proportional grid of one by the square root of two the diagonal of a perfect square and first irrational number.
(sorry, but 'light & shadows' won't create the associated mathematical anomalies)

The Cydonia Plains on Mars. Very interesting... | Mars and ...

Hoagland discovered a collection of pyramidal mounds to the southwest of the Face (termed the City) and containing the Fort, an unusual object apparently with straight walls and an open central area. He also calculated that Martian solstice alignments at Cydonia would be fulfilled every 330,000 years or so.

As to what others have noticed on the NASA Mars photos.....

I love how insta posts his picture of the 'face' and think that proves his point LOL

No shit NASA held a press conference, they hold press conferences about EVERYTHING they do. Why? Cause they want more public awareness cause that helps drive funding for their work.

Only a kook would take that to mean that NASA found evidence of humans living on Mars LOL

BTW your 'face' photos look a lot more like acne pimples than they do human faces. How do you explain that?

Does it prove that aliens with acne issues once lived on Mars?
Just exactly as boring as I've stated. Even his 'cherry picking' on the face is fact-less stupid.
Not even a weak attempt to debunk the city, numerous pyramids, or their related mathematics.

No quality debunking, just more ignorant opinions with his mouth running out of control.

Never bothers to look in-depth at any of the evidence, because like Rat politicians, the facts don't fit his intellectual coward agenda.

The GhostofBRAINLESS just being exactly what he is.....
Just exactly as boring as I've stated. Even his 'cherry picking' on the face is fact-less stupid.
Not even a weak attempt to debunk the city, numerous pyramids, or their related mathematics.

No quality debunking, just more ignorant opinions with his mouth running out of control.

Never bothers to look in-depth at any of the evidence, because like Rat politicians, the facts don't fit his intellectual coward agenda.

The GhostofBRAINLESS just being exactly what he is.....
There are no cities on Mars. Just like there are no pyramids or 'faces'. Do you actually need someone to tell you that? LOL

And I love your spin that NASA is hiding 'proof' of aliens from us. Are you insane??? If NASA had proof of aliens, guess what? That instantly makes NASA the most powerful organization ON THE PLANET. There is no way in hell that 'proof' wouldn't be made public IMMEDIATELY. And it would come from NASA, cause NASA knows what that would mean for them if it did.

You debunk yourself. Everything you say here doesn't even pass the slightly logical test.

A few years ago I was driving through the countryside at night. It was foggy, very low visibility. This was an area of the country I almost never drive through at night, and it was on the outskirts of a city.

I'm driving along, slowly through the fog, when I see it......about 100 feet in the air there are a series of yellow lights, flashing and hovering. Bobbing back and forth slowly.

For the first time in my life, I wondered.....could I have just seen a UFO????

As soon as I got home, I went straight to Twitter and checked. It seemed MANY people had seen the same thing I did! Flashing yellow lights in the fog about 100 feet off the ground. We all wondered if it was really a UFO!

Then came the very LOGICAL explanation. A weather balloon had malfunctioned and broken loose and was floating through the area.

Oh, that explains it! Except to a kook, it wouldn't. The kook would tell themselves that it WAS a UFO, and this was a coverup!

Ok LOL Just like the kook thinks an 'advanced' alien race would go to Mars, put pyramids and human 'faces' on the surface, then leave the planet.

Cause they only wanted to do all that so humans on Earth would find them one day.

Cause LOGICALLY.....that makes SO much sense. SMDH
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The same ole intellectual cowardice baseless opinions,,, and boring as hell is his forte...

Even if you were twice as smart as you think you are, you'd still qualify for that position on your village's wall.

The difference between us is this:
I have Top Secret military experience to go on.
While you have anal leakage spewing outta yo ignorant mouth....
"There are no cities on Mars. Just like there are no pyramids or 'faces'. Do you actually need someone to tell you that? LOL" --- The GhostofBRAINLESS

Images of the Cydonia region of Mars continue to be popular among visitors to the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) web site.
>>> The iG didn't take those photos from his front porch with his Polaroid.

The two pictures are mosaics of two images from MGS MOC and one from the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System visible camera (THEMIS VIS). The mosaics highlight a Cydonia landform popularly known as the
"D&M Pyramid."




The images obtained by the Viking mission to Mars in 1976 are some that show peculiarly shaped surface features that are inconsistent with the regional geology and with surrounding landforms.

Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar (D&M), computer scientists working at the Goddard Space Flight Center, were working with the Viking imagery when they found images of the “Face on Mars” and surrounding features, such as the pentagonal pyramid. DiPietro and Molenaar's image processing aided in the observation of land-forms that are inconsistent with the local geology. Computer enhancement of these images revealed unusual details.

Any one item, and you might be able to excuse it as an anomaly.
But when you have all of those items together, then only a fool (or a brainless) would not see the reality....

GhostofBRAINLESS,,, your ignorance and stupidity are showing once again...
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We don't even need to go all the way to Mars for some interesting pictures.

How about we also look more closely at our own Moon....


TMM were first alerted to the possibility of artificial structures on the Moon by an anomaly that has been puzzling scientists for ages. In an area of the Moon called Sinus Medii (Central Bay) is a crater called Ukert which when observed, even from Earth, contains an equilateral triangular shape. Even more strange, Ukert is at the 'sub-Earth point,' which means it is centrally located on the Moon's surface and at the point nearest the Earth.

As far as NASA giving out true and correct information, and showing the general public all of the un-airbrushed photos....


The intellectual cowards can ignore reality all they want to, but they can't make reality go away....

Anyone can view the pictures and then get back to me about what is, and what is not....


It's a buncha rocks. There are no cities, no human faces.

You are an expert at debunking yourself. But you can't debunk anything I say.

PS: It's illegal to share Top Secret information. You just debunked yourself again.
  • Haha
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We don't even need to go all the way to Mars for some interesting pictures.

How about we also look more closely at our own Moon....


TMM were first alerted to the possibility of artificial structures on the Moon by an anomaly that has been puzzling scientists for ages. In an area of the Moon called Sinus Medii (Central Bay) is a crater called Ukert which when observed, even from Earth, contains an equilateral triangular shape. Even more strange, Ukert is at the 'sub-Earth point,' which means it is centrally located on the Moon's surface and at the point nearest the Earth.

As far as NASA giving out true and correct information, and showing the general public all of the un-airbrushed photos....


The intellectual cowards can ignore reality all they want to, but they can't make reality go away....

Hoax picture. There is no such structure on the moon. You can examine crater pictures from other sources than NASA and there is no such structure. You can also clearly see the apex of the “pyramid” shadow is clearly wrong with respect to the shallowed faces of the indicated trapezoid. The apex should be much further away from the the pyramid base

you’ve been scammed yet again InstaFool
It's a buncha rocks. There are no cities, no human faces.

Your own blind/biased agenda opinions not-withstanding...

You are an expert at debunking yourself. But you can't debunk anything I say.

Can't debunk the gross stupidity spewed out by the chronically deluded ignorant, and that's a fact.

PS: It's illegal to share Top Secret information. You just debunked yourself again.

And that's why all I've ever said is that I know that UFO/UAP's are real, while giving ZERO Top Secret details about how I know this. You really are this grasping / stupid.... 🙄

PS -- Not bothering with the ignored today, so back-stab away, or just continue with the usual circle jerking of each other...
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Richard C. Hoagland's Mars -- The UN Briefing

Independence Hall -- Ohio State Univ. 1994

Here's a question for you all to consider:
Why does Elon Musk want so badly to go to Mars?

Taken from the original Civilian NASA Charter
..... Provide for the widest, practicable and appropriate, dissemination of information...

From that fine and noble beginning, we now have:
Never A Straight Answer, and a brand new Military Space Force

“ McDaniel Report - On the Failure of Executive, Congressional, and Scientific Responsibility in Investigating Possible Evidence of Artificial Structures on the Surface (of Mars)”.

The report clearly shows that NASA does not want the public to know too much about the mysterious monuments of mars.

Short attention span circle jerkers won't spend any time with actual science, because they have their own intellectual coward agendas....

Therefore, their moronic jerker comments on this science is not needed nor wanted.
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And that's why all I've ever said is that I know that UFO/UAP's are real, while giving ZERO Top Secret details about how I know this. You really are this grasping / stupid.... 🙄
That's because you have none to share.

Let's look at this logically: If someone has Top Secret intel on a topic, then they know more about it than the average cititzen.


Yet you claim to have Top Secret information about aliens, but you fall for every alien hoax that comes down the pipe! And dude, these are VERY BAD hoaxes you are falling for. Everything you post here, @nail1988 or @IrishPokerDog debunks within minutes.

If you knew more than the average person does about UFOs, you would have been able to spot the hoaxes more easily than the average person does. But you fall for it every time! You can't even spot the hoaxes as well as the average person does!

So the average person has MORE knowledge of UFOs than you do! LOL

I actually feel sorry for you and your need for attention the same way I do for @BSC911 when he makes unbelievable claims about his life. I know why you guys do it, but it's still sad.
Short attention span circle jerkers won't spend any time with actual science, because they have their own intellectual coward agendas....

Therefore, their moronic jerker comments on this science is not needed nor wanted.

But the GhostofBRAINLESS attention whore just can't stop being his brainless self here, and so he continues with his brain-dead debunker drivel....

These vids are just the tip of the iceberg of what they have that the public has never seen.

And it's not just in recent years as they are claiming, it's been going on continuously since 1969 that I'm personally aware of, and really going all the way back to the Foo Fighters of WWII, then Roswell and many other crash site cover-ups.

Stand by for more attention whore and/or circle jerkers drivel in 5...4...3...
But the GhostofBRAINLESS attention whore just can't stop being his brainless self here, and so he continues with his brain-dead debunker drivel....

These vids are just the tip of the iceberg of what they have that the public has never seen.

And it's not just in recent years as they are claiming, it's been going on continuously since 1969 that I'm personally aware of, and really going all the way back to the Foo Fighters of WWII, then Roswell and many other crash site cover-ups.

Stand by for more attention whore and/or circle jerkers drivel in 5...4...3...

If the tip of your iceberg constantly gets broken off due to rampant hoaxes, what’s that say about your iceberg?
The ignored circle of jerks are just as much of an attention whore as the BRAINLESS has repeatedly proven to be....

Yet none of them seem able to debunk the U.S. Navy or the Pentagon....
  • Haha
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But the GhostofBRAINLESS attention whore just can't stop being his brainless self here, and so he continues with his brain-dead debunker drivel....

These vids are just the tip of the iceberg of what they have that the public has never seen.

And it's not just in recent years as they are claiming, it's been going on continuously since 1969 that I'm personally aware of, and really going all the way back to the Foo Fighters of WWII, then Roswell and many other crash site cover-ups.

Stand by for more attention whore and/or circle jerkers drivel in 5...4...3...

What's this???? @instaGATOR suddenly thinks CNN is credible???

Hmmmm.....let's go back in time and see what instahoax has said about CNN in the past:

That Communist Nitwit Network's polls are very accurate, since they are only polling the clueless twits that still waste their time watching CNN. 🥴
Alex Salvi hammered him and Fake News CNN into the ground like a cheap tent stake....
You don't respond directly, so you get all of the respect that you've earned,,, zero. :cool:
OAN reports facts, not 'Fake (made up) News,' unlike CNN or MSDNC, or others of their sort.

Oops! Just like a dem, tell him what he wants to hear, and he will gobble it down and ask for seconds.

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