For those like GhostofBrainless and his circle of jerks that don't bother to use the links provided...
The Skeptical Argument
The skeptical argument against Billy Meier's stunningly clear, "too good to be true", UFO photographs, films and video has been that Meier used model UFOs and also model, or miniature, trees to create his evidence. This was the original claim made by CFI-West/IIG, in 2001 when they accepted
my challenge to duplicate just one of Meier's UFO photos and one of his films. Naturally, that is a challenge they have never been able to meet.
Their claims that Meier used such models to create what they referred to as
"an easily duplicated hoax" were presented by their current lead investigator, Derek Bartholomaus, in his carefully scripted presentation in the Special Features section of our film,
The Silent Revolution of Truth (now being released as The Billy Meier Story: UFOs and Prophecies from Outer Space). Subsequent to the release of the film,
Mr. Bartholomaus was forced to retract his foundational claims regarding models, since he was completely unable
(despite years of preparation) to produce any evidence for them, without so much as one photograph of a comparable model tree to support his assertions.
Further, his attempt to get Academy Award-winning Uncharted Territory to retract their statement regarding the virtual impossiblity that Meier used model UFOs was not only rebuffed,
they clearly restated their same evaluation. So frustrated was Mr. Bartholomaus, when other examples of his incompetence and false claims were revealed, that he then took to
falsifying emails from me
to try to distract from the implosion of his own demolished credibility.
(see Brainless...)
Billy Meier : The only authentic extraterrestrial contactee