Looks like our only success running is on the edge, we need to stick to it and ditch the inside zone. Maybe give one of the freshman a toss outside.
And Treon is so backwards when you think about it. He can drop the deep balls in a bucket but can't hit simple dump offs accurately to save his life. It's supposed to be the opposite.
Please punch it in and put the game away. They can't score on us 3 times barring major flukes. We cannot settle for 3 here, especially since Hardin would likely miss it.
That is what I am talking about. A lot of defense only needs a bit of offense to beat the mangy mutts
It should be. I wouldn't trust Hardin even from that distance. The last XP barely snuck in.

Edit: doesn't matter. TD!
Yep! Edge game is there to be taken. For whatever reason UGA can't contain it. We shouldn't run another inside zone again this game.
Don't like the last two calls. We made it past the 50 why not hit them up top? I mean I figure they probably don't trust Treon right now and I don't necessarily blame them but it is a 2-minute offense...
And Floyd got the top of Treon's helmet on that sack how is that not 15 yards?
Yea we really couldn't. This was a game where defense was gonna win. We probably should be trailing with how poor we played on offense and UGA's near misses and self inflicted mistakes. And Treon is doing his best Jeff Driskel 2012 UGA game inpersonation, only difference is he hasn't turned it over 6 times. To still be up 20-0 after all that is pretty crazy.
Man how crazy is it that if we hold on we're going to Atlanta? Mac is coaching his ass of. No o-line, freshmen all over the place, then when it looks like we're settling in we lose our QB. We still went into Death Valley and somehow almost pulled it off and now we're up 20-0 on UGA...somehow. This is all so damn crazy and enjoyable.