Ooz come on man.

The kid is lost in the passing game.

Huh? I haven't defended him. I'm saying I don't think it's an issue of him being confused or whatever which is what I took lost to mean. The throws have been there and for the most part he's found the right guy to throw too, he's just been inaccurate as hell. That's the biggest issue. He's been awful so far. I've said that about four times already this thread.
Why don't we sit and bash the backup because the starter took a banned PED? We know damn well their isn't a better option at this point. Danny couldn't stand people bashing the worst coach in D1 football history, but he can't get over a QB situation that we cannot fix.

GET OVER IT! We put up with your clown for 4 years

Dude you have issues.
Thank god for that turnover it may be the only time we score all day at this rate. And of course the kick gets blocked. What a lazy, uninspiring kick. Anybody else notice how slowly Hardin approached the XP? Get this guy out of here.
I am not the one crying. Treon will leave, he is not meant for this system, thats obvious. But deal with it for the rest of the year and hope High school backup Trask can get us through 6 games next year. Quit crying

You are seriously hurting this bad?

Damn dude.
What a waste of a free ride. He sucked at the under armour game as a high school all star and has since. Just pathetic. I can make an XP. He's a bum.
I mean the dude has one job. How can you be this awful concentrating on one thing? He took forever to step to the ball. Like he just didn't even give a damn. He should be cut.
Soft zone on 2nd and long. Of course they get a big gain to get them to 3rd and short. SMH.
Thank god he can't catch. We have been very, very fortunate so far in this game. Should be down like 14-0.
Who else said "he'll miss the point after the TD?" Sad but, pull his scholarship Sunday.
LMAO what a stupid call by UGA trying to go horizontal against us. Idiots.
That was a horrific pass by Treon. Good lord it wasn't even close the guy is wide open in the flats. What on earth is wrong with this dude?
That was a horrific pass by Treon. Good lord it wasn't even close the guy is wide open in the flats. What on earth is wrong with this dude?

Even worse, where did he think that decision was going? Powell wasn't going to get the first down.
How bad was JD that Treon looked like a savior last year? My god
Does Hardin have a brother that kicks for James Madison? They have had 2 blocked PATs returned for 2 points
Play calling has been fine IMO. Those are gimme throws he needs to make. When that isn't happening there's not much you can do. I'd like to see is switch up the running game more and run some counters and sweeps but other than that I have no complaints. The QB is the issue right now. Idk wtf happened to this dude. In the past he was at least accurate deep and short, has always struggled intermediately. But he can't even hit simple dump offs right now. It's awful.
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Play calling has been fine IMO. Those are gimme throws he needs to make. When that isn't happening there's not much you can do. I'd like to see is switch up the running game more and run some counters and sweeps but other than that I have no complaints. The QB is the issue right now. Idk wtf happened to this dude. In the past he was at least accurate deep and short, has always struggled intermediately. But he can't even hit simple dump offs right now. It's awful.
It's called fear.
3rd and 7 backed up on the goal line and we give them life SMH. VHIII is getting abused also, doing way too much talking.