Trump's Dumbest Ideas

How would you get Canada to reduce their large tariffs on us, and get American industry from Canada back in the United States? How do you do that without tariffs? Trump has been speaking of this for 40 years that I know of. I love having him on our side, because he’s going to win in the end. One he is a better negotiator than they are. To America has more leverage than anybody we go against. I 100% fully support what he’s doing!
Ron this all slides this way it will be hugely beneficial
Ron this all slides this way it will be hugely beneficial
This is and has always been the plan. Go back and watch some youTube videos of Trump speaking to some of the news 4 decades ago. He was saying EXACTLY the same thing then. America has been taken advantage of, and it is OUR fault, not the Countries doing the best that they can for their Countries. He just wants tariffs to be FAIR. You charge us...we charge you the same. Now there will be some other negotiations other then reciprocal tariffs, but they are negotiating tools. I ask that everyone give this a chance. I see GREAT things for us when we return workers TO America from other Countries, and I see GREAT things when we cut fraud and waste from spending. Imagine how this economy will sing when this all is in place!
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100%. He KNOWS what he is doing. The end results of this will be the best economic times ever, and a path for generations of phenomenal economic times for America
I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..
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I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..
Everyone here in a year's time will be better off financially due to Trump's policies.

Whether everyone here will be able to admit that and give Trump credit, is another matter.
I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..
VERY reasonable post. You left the I HATE TRUMP stuff out. I appreciate that. You, me or no one else knows how this all will work out, but when you make other Countries reduce their tariffs on us, force American companies to return to America so WE employ workers instead of those other countries, and cut the biggest fraud and waste in our system we have ever seen I cannot see a downside to it...OTHER than the bump down in the market. I 100% believe it will be short-lived, and very temporary, then things TAKE OFF.
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I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..
Energy prices are down

Inflation is down (again, inflation is measured as a % increase so that doesn't mean deflation has occurred)

Interest rates are down

Food prices are down

If you're having problems paying the bills you should be elated...meanwhile big time money managers and institutional investors are bleeding capital like stuck pigs. I don't understand where this "the little guy is getting screwed in favor of the rich" is coming from, but it's the opposite of the truth.
What's wrong with the thread? After some initial resistance from those who think Trump shouldn't be criticized, other are making good suggestions.
Who has posted on here that Trump shouldn't be criticized? Show me the posts.
Energy prices are down

Inflation is down (again, inflation is measured as a % increase so that doesn't mean deflation has occurred)

Interest rates are down

Food prices are down

If you're having problems paying the bills you should be elated...meanwhile big time money managers and institutional investors are bleeding capital like stuck pigs. I don't understand where this "the little guy is getting screwed in favor of the rich" is coming from, but it's the opposite of the truth.
Jimbo to tell us his portfolio is screwed in 3, 2, 1......

Sound familiar?
My portfolio is getting crushed. I’m sure you blame the Fed or the MSM since that’s what Trump told you.

Hint: it’s the presidents protectionist trade policies. He knows real estate, he sucks at everything else.
Because it's dumb. It's like he did something solely for purpose of showing he could do it.
You mean like the guy that buys a pickup truck to show he's a real man? Like the guy that buys a gun that he 'really doesn't need' and thinks that makes him tough?

The world is just full of 'tough guys' and 'bullies', right?

Sensing a pattern here...
Jimbo to tell us his portfolio is screwed in 3, 2, 1......

Sound familiar?
Isn't it amazing? When Biden was in office and we were teettering on another Great Depression, dems were happy as pigs in slop.

But let Trump come in and save American taxpayers a few trillion dollars and suddenly every dem has a few million in the stock market which is now worthless...thanks to Trump.

Hilarious how that works.
Yea I’ll definitely take a smart assses advice!! I’ll jump right on that first thing in the morning Chico
Given my avatar I feel an obligation every time someone says Chico.
Bro I just wanna see the stock market turn anything but Red, my Retirement account looks like a nuclear bomb hit it, the DOGE is a good thing as long as it benefits you, me, and any other hardworking tax payer
I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..

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VERY reasonable post. You left the I HATE TRUMP stuff out. I appreciate that. You, me or no one else knows how this all will work out, but when you make other Countries reduce their tariffs on us, force American companies to return to America so WE employ workers instead of those other countries, and cut the biggest fraud and waste in our system we have ever seen I cannot see a downside to it...OTHER than the bump down in the market. I 100% believe it will be short-lived, and very temporary, then things TAKE OFF.
Capt. Me personally I wish Trump would come straight out also and tell folks what his plan is to do with all these budget cuts, meaning tons of job cuts, the middle class meaning me and you deserve that, we work our tails off, man I’ll be honest, I’m going to be pissed off if it’s set up for huge tax breaks for the Richest people, that too me would be downright dirty, I just want DJT to be transparent and tell us with all this money we are saving this is what I’m going to do for you
Capt. Me personally I wish Trump would come straight out also and tell folks what his plan is to do with all these budget cuts, meaning tons of job cuts, the middle class meaning me and you deserve that, we work our tails off, man I’ll be honest, I’m going to be pissed off if it’s set up for huge tax breaks for the Richest people, that too me would be downright dirty, I just want DJT to be transparent and tell us with all this money we are saving this is what I’m going to do for you
In my lifetime there has NEVER been a more transparent POTUS
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I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..
Jimbo, I will look forward to your post in a year and a half.

That said, I fully expect things to be rolling by the beginning of next year, just like the last time Trump was president. History is the best teacher. And my portfolio was up 24% after one of his years in office, I don't remember which one, but I do know that I was able to buy a condo, remodel it and pay off three rental houses that I owned after cashing in some capital gains and paying the taxes ...
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Isn't it amazing? When Biden was in office and we were teettering on another Great Depression, dems were happy as pigs in slop.

But let Trump come in and save American taxpayers a few trillion dollars and suddenly every dem has a few million in the stock market which is now worthless...thanks to Trump.

Hilarious how that works.
My grocery bill went through the roof under Biden, and the price of going out to dinner almost doubled.

It was remarkable going from paying 35 to 40 bucks for a ribeye to almost 60 during Biden's years of ****ing America repeatedly and you didn't hear a peep from Democrats because social justice and all ...
Two stand out to me.

1. Picking a fight with Canada. It's like picking a fight with one of your better friends. WTH?

2. Renaming the Gulf. Totally unnecessary. Makes us look insecure.

What are you all's picks?
LOL, Do you not know your audience?

These tariffs are kicking his butt. That is why he keeps delaying them because he knows he ****ed up. The recession chances increased and inflation is back. Now he is saying that there will be pain, he definitely didn't campaign on bringing pain and making things worse :oops: .

I am sure this audience will defend and support it.
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LOL, Do you not know your audience?

These tariffs are kicking his butt. That is why he keeps delaying them because he knows he ****ed up. The recession chances increased and inflation is back. Now he is saying that there will be pain, he definitely didn't campaign on bringing pain and making things worse :oops: .

I am sure this audience will defend and support it.
Yes, I had a feeling I would get some pushback.
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