Trump's Dumbest Ideas

How would you get Canada to reduce their large tariffs on us, and get American industry from Canada back in the United States? How do you do that without tariffs? Trump has been speaking of this for 40 years that I know of. I love having him on our side, because he’s going to win in the end. One he is a better negotiator than they are. To America has more leverage than anybody we go against. I 100% fully support what he’s doing!
Ron this all slides this way it will be hugely beneficial
Ron this all slides this way it will be hugely beneficial
This is and has always been the plan. Go back and watch some youTube videos of Trump speaking to some of the news 4 decades ago. He was saying EXACTLY the same thing then. America has been taken advantage of, and it is OUR fault, not the Countries doing the best that they can for their Countries. He just wants tariffs to be FAIR. You charge us...we charge you the same. Now there will be some other negotiations other then reciprocal tariffs, but they are negotiating tools. I ask that everyone give this a chance. I see GREAT things for us when we return workers TO America from other Countries, and I see GREAT things when we cut fraud and waste from spending. Imagine how this economy will sing when this all is in place!
I’m gonna ride it out and see where it lands Capt
Me too. I just think I have more confidence than you do, but that is 100% understandable. How can bringing jobs back to America from other Countries, charging other Countries what they have been charging us, and finding INCREDIBLE waste and fraud and STOPPING it HURT?
100%. He KNOWS what he is doing. The end results of this will be the best economic times ever, and a path for generations of phenomenal economic times for America
I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..
I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..
Everyone here in a year's time will be better off financially due to Trump's policies.

Whether everyone here will be able to admit that and give Trump credit, is another matter.
I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..
VERY reasonable post. You left the I HATE TRUMP stuff out. I appreciate that. You, me or no one else knows how this all will work out, but when you make other Countries reduce their tariffs on us, force American companies to return to America so WE employ workers instead of those other countries, and cut the biggest fraud and waste in our system we have ever seen I cannot see a downside to it...OTHER than the bump down in the market. I 100% believe it will be short-lived, and very temporary, then things TAKE OFF.
I wish I had i/i0 of your optimism. I will email you in a year if half of what he has done works out w/o hurting many Americans that don't have the resources many have. Personally, my wife and , both retired with a small pension and social security, are fighting to pay the bills. Not dumping on you my friend, just telling it like it is for the bottom half of the income scale..
Energy prices are down

Inflation is down (again, inflation is measured as a % increase so that doesn't mean deflation has occurred)

Interest rates are down

Food prices are down

If you're having problems paying the bills you should be elated...meanwhile big time money managers and institutional investors are bleeding capital like stuck pigs. I don't understand where this "the little guy is getting screwed in favor of the rich" is coming from, but it's the opposite of the truth.
All I know is that the oysters have been tasting a hell of a lot better coming from the Gulf of 'Merica than they were from the ratty old Gulf of Mexico.
It'll be interesting to see what happens with that. Seems to me the only people who like the change are trumpers. I can see it being changed back sooner rather than later.
What's wrong with the thread? After some initial resistance from those who think Trump shouldn't be criticized, other are making good suggestions.
Who has posted on here that Trump shouldn't be criticized? Show me the posts.

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