Name calling in this post:
1) Everyone that doesn't agree with you politically is a "reject"
2) The whole of the posters on this board are a "mob" - as in pitchforks and torches
Trolling in this post:
1) "
As far as The GOAT, I just keep it alive as a middle finger" (both the existence of the thread and the way you refer to well as the admission it's a troll job, in 15 words or less)
2) "
As far as me being a “leftist”, LOL, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You guys are so far Right you can’t even see the middle."
- You take the furthest left position on nearly every economic and foreign policy issue, and Trump could cure cancer and you'd blame him for harming the pharmaceutical industry - while literally thanking God for the worst president of our adult lives...sorry man, you are not an independent. At least most of the board is honest about political affiliation.
Here's the deal, a vast majority of real people react according to stimulus. If you were honest, didn't name call and troll, and showed more common sense, intellectual flexibility and logic on issues (instead of being hyper partisan on everything) you'd have a MUCH different experience here.
As an example, I differ with posters like
@GhostOfMatchesMalone and
@Dr. Curmudgeon pretty strongly on certain core issues like religion...and I don't think we've had one cross word about it. We understand each other's position, don't troll each other about it, and have a respectful disagreement. If I started calling them names and tagging and calling them out about it, that would all change immediately.
You get what you give. Change the way you act or stop whining about how you're treated.