Teams not going to the white house


Bull Gator
Jul 29, 2014
If Fsu did this.....i would become a gator fan. You go to the white house, i dont care your affiliations, even if Obuma(this is in case mdvol reads the thread:eek:) i would want the Noles to go. Since we hired Tagg.... I dont think i need to worry about this in the near future though
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You dumb redneck. Do you really not get that this is a manufactured controversy, that has not even .00001 percent impact on any issue of actual importance, that Trump throws at you like fish to trained seal to keep you barking and clapping along with your flippers?
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You dumb redneck. Do you really not get that this is a manufactured controversy, that has not even .00001 percent impact on any issue of actual importance, that Trump throws at you like fish to trained seal to keep you barking and clapping along with your flippers?


Lmao i knew you would be upset.

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If Fsu did this.....i would become a gator fan. You go to the white house, i dont care your affiliations, even if Obuma(this is in case mdvol reads the thread:eek:) i would want the Noles to go. Since we hired Tagg.... I dont think i need to worry about this in the near future though
I dont think FSU would lose any sleep over losing a fake fan.
I'm not sure why we care what a ball player thinks about politics, unless of course they demonstrate a solid knowledge on the subject. I haven't seen that very often - asking athletes/stars/actors etc. what they think seems kind of dumb. Just because you are great at one thing, doesn't magically confer greatness on you in another subject.
I find all this sort of funny. This administration canceling these events when most players don’t plan to attend reminds me of somebody getting fired but yelling out I quit to save face. Then to make it about the national anthem is very humorous considering that the eagles never had a single player kneel or sit during the Anthem. Then Fake News (fox) shows a clip of Eagles players kneeling in prayer to mislead their viewers and have them think the Eagles were kneeling in protest. Can’t make this stuff up. Truly reality TV.
I find it humorous that we are supposed to believe these protests are about the safety of blacks, yet every single player in the NFL ignores the fact that most blacks are killed by other blacks
Do you know what every single player believes or ignores? do you know what Charities and community involvement every single player dedicates time and money to?
Enlighten us
Since you are on a website, I can safely assume you know how to use the internet. A quick google search will answer your question.Educate yourself good doctor. Also, I was not the one who made the blanket statement about all NFL players.
Nollies and Aubies going at it on a Gator board with Uber lib Bradley chiming in.

I do find it funny Labron already announced he won't go...we already know... because the Cavs have zero chance.

Who cares. I enjoy seeing all of the Now Hiring and Help Wanted signs at nearly every business I go in. I am enjoying the unemployment rate dropping. I don't care if some millionaires don't want to visit a billionaire. Rich folks problems.

However if you really had a social injustice issue you really really cared would take the opportunity to meet with the leader. Just my.$0.02 worth.
Since you are on a website, I can safely assume you know how to use the internet. A quick google search will answer your question.Educate yourself good doctor. Also, I was not the one who made the blanket statement about all NFL players.
So that's a "no"
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I find all this sort of funny. This administration canceling these events when most players don’t plan to attend reminds me of somebody getting fired but yelling out I quit to save face. Then to make it about the national anthem is very humorous considering that the eagles never had a single player kneel or sit during the Anthem. Then Fake News (fox) shows a clip of Eagles players kneeling in prayer to mislead their viewers and have them think the Eagles were kneeling in protest. Can’t make this stuff up. Truly reality TV.

Its the NFL in general. They dont like trump because he attacked them and called them for what they are. The liberal elites want athletes to believe that Trump hates them, would he have had anything to say if they stood like real Americans? To me, if you kneel during our national anthem, ur citizenship should b revoked. You should be loaded on a boat or plane(your choice) and shipped to syria. I say this because these morons THINK they are oppressed. Yet they make MILLIONS of dollars. maybe they should see what real oppression looks like?

I always love it when liberals who live in all white gated communities lecture the population on diversity or my favorite is a liberal showing up to a rally, demandi g gun control yet they arr guarded by 4 guys all with guns LOL. Liberals know that most athletes are on their side so they try to get this "police brutality" thing going with people who have no clue about the subject. The problem with people like u is that if its on the news you think its true, u r a sheep, u believe and act the way they tell you to. FACTS, less blk people have been killed by cops over the past 10 yrs than any 10 yr period before. FACTS, more white people are killed by cops than blk people. FACTS, blk people assaulted cops at a much higher rate over the last 3 yrs than any 3 yr period over the last 30(because of the narrative pushed by ur CNN). FACTS, 98 percent of blks are killed by.....wait for it.....wait for it....thats right, you didnt guess it, other blk people. The kneeling was a BS propoganda spin by the left to create tension between blks and the republican party(all for votes btw) and it worked because blks are still sensitive to racism because it wasnt that long ago where most whites were racist.

Also, trump won awards by your beloved jesse jackson back in the 70s for hiring blks when no one else would.

It really sucks when the facts dont help your argument doesnt it? But plz, tell me how hes not nice and he tweets. It is pea sized little minds liek you that allow this diversion by the left(to be fair, the right does it as well). The problem is you dont even realize what is being force fed to you is a lie, its hilarious
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Lol, no - that is not what we are supposed to believe.

What do you believe the protests are about?

Police brutality and racial inequality.... However, the reasons for protesting these are fake and not real. See previous post. They had to do it during the national anthem to make sure it came to light becuz they knew it would create controversy but now they are like "well we dont know why they are creating controversy"
Its the NFL in general. They dont like trump because he attacked them and called them for what they are. The liberal elites want athletes to believe that Trump hates them, would he have had anything to say if they stood like real Americans? To me, if you kneel during our national anthem, ur citizenship should b revoked. You should be loaded on a boat or plane(your choice) and shipped to syria. I say this because these morons THINK they are oppressed. Yet they make MILLIONS of dollars. maybe they should see what real oppression looks like?

I always love it when liberals who live in all white gated communities lecture the population on diversity or my favorite is a liberal showing up to a rally, demandi g gun control yet they arr guarded by 4 guys all with guns LOL. Liberals know that most athletes are on their side so they try to get this "police brutality" thing going with people who have no clue about the subject. The problem with people like u is that if its on the news you think its true, u r a sheep, u believe and act the way they tell you to. FACTS, less blk people have been killed by cops over the past 10 yrs than any 10 yr period before. FACTS, more white people are killed by cops than blk people. FACTS, blk people assaulted cops at a much higher rate over the last 3 yrs than any 3 yr period over the last 30(because of the narrative pushed by ur CNN). FACTS, 98 percent of blks are killed by.....wait for it.....wait for it....thats right, you didnt guess it, other blk people. The kneeling was a BS propoganda spin by the left to create tension between blks and the republican party(all for votes btw) and it worked because blks are still sensitive to racism because it wasnt that long ago where most whites were racist.

Also, trump won awards by your beloved jesse jackson back in the 70s for hiring blks when no one else would.

It really sucks when the facts dont help your argument doesnt it? But plz, tell me how hes not nice and he tweets. It is pea sized little minds liek you that allow this diversion by the left(to be fair, the right does it as well). The problem is you dont even realize what is being force fed to you is a lie, its hilarious
lol so sounds like you want dictatorship. Shipping people off for protesting is about as Anti-American as you can be. Don't be such a snowflake
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Now wait just a darn minute here.
I'm all for racial equality,,, across the board. o_O

The ACLU should shut the NFL down until 18% of the head coaches are BLACK, at least 50% of the players on every roster are WHITE! :eek: ----- :D
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lol so sounds like you want dictatorship. Shipping people off for protesting is about as Anti-American as you can be. Don't be such a snowflake
You realize one of the incidents that sparked this protest was a guy named Micheal Brown being shot by the police in Missouri. An Obama appointed United States Justice Department later ruled this shooting was justified because the guy was attacking the police at the time of his death.

Colin Kaepernick often retweets information about police brutality from a race baiter named Shaun King. This guy does nothing to fact check his information and it is just as likeky to be wrong as it is to be right. Yet Colin Kaepernick and many other people in this movement accept this information as fact

The Eagles (NFL buzzards) are the ONLY CHAMPIONSHIP team to not go to the White House over the past 2 years.:cool:
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I find it humorous that we are supposed to believe these protests are about the safety of blacks, yet every single player in the NFL ignores the fact that most blacks are killed by other blacks
Well the protest is specifically regarding police brutality of African Americans and Kap's chosen protest method was advised to him by U.S.veteran, Nate Boyer. LINK:

And for what it's worth, I'm a retired Air Force Master Sergeant who stands for the flag so that others may kneel (if they choose to exercise that right).
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Well the protest is specifically regarding police brutality of African Americans and Kap's chosen protest method was advised to him by U.S.veteran, Nate Boyer. LINK:

And for what it's worth, I'm a retired Air Force Master Sergeant who stands for the flag so that others may kneel (if they chose to exercise that right).

Well.... Ur a doosh...sooo.

Its not that they are kneeling that bothers me. Its why.
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Well.... Ur a doosh...sooo.

Its not that they are kneeling that bothers me. Its why.
You have as much right to be bothered by it as I do to not be bothered by it. Personally, I'd rather someone intentionally kneel with a purpose during the anthem then sit with their feet propped up on the back of a stadium chair munching on nachos (which I've seen). And while that irritates the piss outta me, Mr. Nacho ALSO has the right to do so.

We're either free or we're not.
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You have as much right to be bothered by it as I do to not be bothered by it. Personally, I'd rather someone intentionally kneel with a purpose during the anthem then sit with their feet propped up on the back of a stadium chair munching on nachos (which I've seen). And while that irritates the piss outta me, Mr. Nacho ALSO has the right to do so.

We're either free or we're not.

Exactly. I stand proudly and love this country. I also love that Fact that we are free not to stand and are not forced to worship the flag and/or the president. That’s one of the things that separates America from most.
Well the protest is specifically regarding police brutality of African Americans and Kap's chosen protest method was advised to him by U.S.veteran, Nate Boyer. LINK:

And for what it's worth, I'm a retired Air Force Master Sergeant who stands for the flag so that others may kneel (if they choose to exercise that right).
And police brutality goes to the safety of blacks just as I said. I have also personally never said someone doesn't have the right to protest, but I dont have to agree with or support their protest
The Fact that your a anti american snow flake who longs for dictatorship is not wrong. I didn't read the rest of your post because its a strawman.

Libs hate the facts. They stay as far away from them as possible.
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You have as much right to be bothered by it as I do to not be bothered by it. Personally, I'd rather someone intentionally kneel with a purpose during the anthem then sit with their feet propped up on the back of a stadium chair munching on nachos (which I've seen). And while that irritates the piss outta me, Mr. Nacho ALSO has the right to do so.

We're either free or we're not.

We are free because of what our nation has done in the past. Its a show of respect. Disrespecting the fact that you have the freedom that we do is similar to a child who has everything and then complaining that he only got a mercedes for christmas. Its petulant. Respect those 100's of thousands of peoppe who died and/or sacrificed for us. Standing is the LEAST anyone could do. I also hate the nacho guy. As i said before, its not that they are kneeling, its that they are kneeling for something that is so insignificant and false.
Exactly. I stand proudly and love this country. I also love that Fact that we are free not to stand and are not forced to worship the flag and/or the president. That’s one of the things that separates America from most.

You can disagree but you mouth breathers who dont understand the first thing about how things work are always the first to jump on something and have zero facts to back it up. Not to get religous, but i dont personally like religion, i dont like that Trump pushes that but he has done great things so far and im not going to a protest and destroying a town becuz of it. The best thing ever is to ask a trump hater to say things that they like that he has done. They wont admit that he did one thing right. Its brainwashing
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Says the white guy.

Facts are not racially biased. Facts are that whites are killed by more cops than blk guys. Facts are that blk guys are much more likely to committ crimes than white guys. You want me to care about the 16 blk guys who were killed by police this yr?

How about the 40k killed by cars? Or the 11 teens who die a day for texting and driving? Or the thousands murdered in chicago every yr. They are making a mole hill into a mountain and it has NOTHING to do with race for me, its factually, a very very very small percent compared to other things but YOU ARE TOLD TO CARE only because they are blk. Name one white guy who was killed by cops this yr? Is your mind drawing a blank? Want to know why? The news wont report it. They know that no one will care. Its not catchy, its not mouth dropping enough, but if you claim racism, that is a hot topic
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