I've shared many of these same thoughts in other forums; especially with regards to the NFL being a private company. Folks hollering about 1st Amendment, etc. tend to forget the NFL can set their rules and terminate you if you chose to exercise free speech that doesn't fit the company line.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer the protest use a different venue for protest, BUT this certainly has gotten people talking. At first, I thought Kap was just being a selfish, pouty prick, BUT I'll give him credit for listening to Nate Boyer and changing his approach. He's come off more sincere since that encounter.
Finally, rather than spouting off via Twitter like a 12-year-old girl Trump should have IMMEDIATELY invited Kap to the White House and had an open discussion (if it bothers him that much). I am by no means an Obama supporter, but THIS is how you respond presidentialy. He recognizes BOTH sides of the situation.