Teams not going to the white house

Obuma has no clue....
That's a matter of opinion. You still can't deny his response is 100x more presidential and accounts for the fact there are multiple view points; whereas, Trump just ignores the other side and blanketly accuses everyone of being unpatriotic to the point of calling them "SOBs". Seriously?!?! I recognize there are somethings he's doing well (take Israel for example), but he undermines every positive step with his asinine comments and social media dipshittedness.
I've shared many of these same thoughts in other forums; especially with regards to the NFL being a private company. Folks hollering about 1st Amendment, etc. tend to forget the NFL can set their rules and terminate you if you chose to exercise free speech that doesn't fit the company line.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer the protest use a different venue for protest, BUT this certainly has gotten people talking. At first, I thought Kap was just being a selfish, pouty prick, BUT I'll give him credit for listening to Nate Boyer and changing his approach. He's come off more sincere since that encounter.

Finally, rather than spouting off via Twitter like a 12-year-old girl Trump should have IMMEDIATELY invited Kap to the White House and had an open discussion (if it bothers him that much). I am by no means an Obama supporter, but THIS is how you respond presidentialy. He recognizes BOTH sides of the situation.

Agreed - just a couple of nuanced points. Society talks a ton about supposed "free speech" issues...when the reality is they are almost never really about freedom of speech. Freedom of speech only has to deal with government interference, not person to person or most of what the debate of the day is about.

Secondly, if you are part of the group that generally supports Kap's position you'd do more to support that side by making sure you don't piss off the very people who's support you are trying to gain. The phrase "cutting off your nose to spite your face" comes to mind. You can both be right and lose the overall debate in these sensitive issues.

Lastly - I voted for Trump and still stand by him being the better choice. But two things can be correct at the same time - he may have been the best choice at the time and he's a jackass/scumbag personally. Trump may be winning the political debate but could at the same time, be losing the overall issue. Prior to Trump getting involved abotu 75% of the US population thought athletes should stand for the anthem. Now it's about 55-60%. So Trump is winning the politics as it plays to his base but he's losing the overall issue.

If you are someone like me and you think people should be united and standing for the anthem, you have to call out the way Trump is handling the issue...even if you think he's essentially correct at the end of the day.
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That's a matter of opinion. You still can't deny his response is 100x more presidential and accounts for the fact there are multiple view points; whereas, Trump just ignores the other side and blanketly accuses everyone of being unpatriotic to the point of calling them "SOBs". Seriously?!?! I recognize there are somethings he's doing well (take Israel for example), but he undermines every positive step with his asinine comments and social media dipshittedness.
That is because one side is overly sensitive and let's petty bullcrap bother them. They roll in pity and dwell on the negative. They worry about words and care nothing for the actions.
That is because one side is overly sensitive and let's petty bullcrap bother them. They roll in pity and dwell on the negative. They worry about words and care nothing for the actions.
That's only true if we refer to everyone based on group identity. If we ditch polarizing labels like left/right, Dems/GOP, Liberals/Conservatives and just talk to people you'll find there are some honest opinions about this issue. One of my best friends is a wealthy black man (registered republican) who has dealt with ridiculous things like a white woman at a gas station saying, "Wow, I've never seen a black man drive such a nice truck" to be questioned by police for driving in his own neighborhood. He is on the receiving end of racism and while it's not necessarily on the rise, it's still prevalent in our society and is now getting captured on film for all to se.

As for me, my grandfather served in WW2, my father served in Vietnam and I served 20 years through OEF/OIF so it is not physically/emotionally/spiritually possible for me to kneel; however, I'm not going take a blind stance because of my own personal beliefs and ignore someone else's. That's why I stand in support of those who kneel.

There has to be open dialog and that's something Trump refuses to do...he just panders to his base. I want a President that has the ability to relate to the masses on an empathetic and personal level. I want a President that touts what he stands for more than what he's against. I want a President that stands strong on the issues he believes in rather than succumbing to a group of issues based on party line. For example, just because a person is "Pro Life" (I hate that term) doesn't mean they have to be anti-marriage equality. I am neither Liberal or Conservative. I am neither a Democratic or a Republican. I have feelings and opinions on issues that don't align to a party line and I refuse to be sheep herded into either corner.
A thread with majority white folks arguing back and forth on how a black person should feel or why they feel.a particular way.

Let the black man chime in for a minute.

--FSU Numbers has went a little overboard but on the surface he is pretty spot on.

-- Then we have well off white guys who probably live in a majority white neighborhood speaking up for the black folks. Honestly you are more offensive.

-- I have always been an independent and never voted for the party but for the individual. Now a days I will never ever ever vote for a Democrat for a high position such as senator, governor, house of rep, and especially president. Mayor isn't really swayed one way or the other except on occasion. The Democrat party has done nothing but held the thump on majority of the minorities and enabled them to depend on government assistance for way too long. My entire life anyway.

---Kap may have a vaild point but he chose the wrong venue to express that thought. He shut more people out on caring for his cause than he helped listen.

--You all covered a variety of topics from not visiting the White House to Mike Brown to Trayvon Martin to kneeling for the anthem. I'll address all that later.

---Black folks I know and are related to that have total disrespect for the police...90% of them are career criminals. 9.9 of the other % are sheep that are influenced easily by the thug mentality. The other .01% probably have a legit reason.

--Speaking of Thug and that word...that word was popularized by a segment of the black community. 2Pac with his Thug Life tattoo. Slim Thug. Bone Thugs N Harmony. Tear the Club up Thugs. Sure nowadays it's stretched and used too loosly but it's something a certain segment brought upon themselves.

Too much to cover in one thread. I'll reply with more later.

Oh and edit: As far as Trump seemingly to go overboard on something he dislikes and not concentrating on something he likes that is good. That is so false. The media constantly watches every little baby tweet and dissects the living hell out of it. Sure he speaks on things he shouldn't worry about such as professional sports but dude is constantly grinding at at least attempting to turn things around or go with the positive momentums Obama had for the economy.

Every darn president in my 40 years of life has said ignorant things or done ignorant things...the media just watch dogs Trump more.
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That's only true if we refer to everyone based on group identity. If we ditch polarizing labels like left/right, Dems/GOP, Liberals/Conservatives and just talk to people you'll find there are some honest opinions about this issue. One of my best friends is a wealthy black man (registered republican) who has dealt with ridiculous things like a white woman at a gas station saying, "Wow, I've never seen a black man drive such a nice truck" to be questioned by police for driving in his own neighborhood. He is on the receiving end of racism and while it's not necessarily on the rise, it's still prevalent in our society and is now getting captured on film for all to se.

As for me, my grandfather served in WW2, my father served in Vietnam and I served 20 years through OEF/OIF so it is not physically/emotionally/spiritually possible for me to kneel; however, I'm not going take a blind stance because of my own personal beliefs and ignore someone else's. That's why I stand in support of those who kneel.

There has to be open dialog and that's something Trump refuses to do...he just panders to his base. I want a President that has the ability to relate to the masses on an empathetic and personal level. I want a President that touts what he stands for more than what he's against. I want a President that stands strong on the issues he believes in rather than succumbing to a group of issues based on party line. For example, just because a person is "Pro Life" (I hate that term) doesn't mean they have to be anti-marriage equality. I am neither Liberal or Conservative. I am neither a Democratic or a Republican. I have feelings and opinions on issues that don't align to a party line and I refuse to be sheep herded into either corner.
I hear ya, I consider myself to be pretty wealthy. #BucaNole would probably consider it scraping by but that is another subject# I am in the mechanical trade business. I also own a rice farm and occasionally get my hands farm dirty. I drive a descent truck. I've heard by share of shock that a black guy has this or drives this or lives in that, etc etc.

However you didn't cover the other side. Although I'm now in a rural area doesn't mean I haven't spent my share of time in the inner-city. I've heard my share of insults hurled at white people. I've seen multiple white people pulled over for no reason.

Dude I know who has been harassed by the police was a long haired heavy metal headbanger and white as a sheet. The media never mentions how white folks are just as harassed. They instead show statistics of how many African American vs Caucasian were pulled over or a majority black community such as a St. Louis inner-city area but don't tell you the statistics of how many Caucasian are pulled over in a majority white area such as Waynesboro, TN that is nothing but a speed trap town.
-- Then we have well off white guys who probably live in a majority white neighborhood speaking up for the black folks. Honestly you are more offensive.

It's funny you mention that, Tennessee. I am a "well to do" white guy and the friend I mentioned above is a "well to do" black guy. We both grew up in the slums of Bassville Park, Florida (between Leesburg and Florida), so we've been on both ends of the income spectrum. That said, I've told him on more than one occasion I just don't deal with racism in my community. You might think, "Well, DUH! You live in a rich, white community". Well, here's the thing...

Next door neighbors to the left? Hispanic
Next door neighbors to the right? Filipino
Neighbors across the street and to each side: Elderly Hispanic | Bi-racial (black and white) | Hispanic
Rest of the street is a mixture of veterans, bi-racial, white, black and Hispanic. We ALL get along great and block party monthly. My friends opinion is that once people reach a certain affluence level, racism goes out the window. Apparently, based on my experience, there is some truth to that. It also has to do with upbringing...I raised all my kids to be color blind. Hell, my 17-year-old's boy friend is Hispanic. His parents don't even speak English.

---Kap may have a vaild point but he chose the wrong venue to express that thought. He shut more people out on caring for his cause than he helped listen.

I agree, but the ship has sailed and I refuse to be a sheep in the "conservative" corner and hide behind the flag and use it as an excuse to turn a blind eye.
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However you didn't cover the other side. Although I'm now in a rural area doesn't mean I haven't spent my share of time in the inner-city. I've heard my share of insults hurled at white people. I've seen multiple white people pulled over for no reason.

Dude I know who has been harassed by the police was a long haired heavy metal headbanger and white as a sheet. The media never mentions how white folks are just as harassed. They instead show statistics of how many African American vs Caucasian were pulled over or a majority black community such as a St. Louis inner-city area but don't tell you the statistics of how many Caucasian are pulled over in a majority white area such as Waynesboro, TN that is nothing but a speed trap town.

Solid point! For example, the white lobbyist who verbally assaulted two white officers for pulling over a car with her daughter in it. All the social media commentary was how if she were black she'd have gotten the beat down, been arrested and/or killed. My response was calling BS! That line of thought assumes the two white officers were racist. Just because two white men didn't behave a certain way with a white woman doesn't automatically mean those same men would treat a black woman differently. I personally take offense to that line of thinking because it would assume I'm racist as well.

I've even got some white friends saying, "I'm ashamed to be white." I'm like, "WHAT!?" I'm not ashamed or proud of my race. We need to become a people of character regardless of the outward appearance....I could rant longer, but I wont. ;)
This says it all

It's funny you mention that, Tennessee. I am a "well to do" white guy and the friend I mentioned above is a "well to do" black guy. We both grew up in the slums of Bassville Park, Florida (between Leesburg and Florida), so we've been on both ends of the income spectrum. That said, I've told him on more than one occasion I just don't deal with racism in my community. You might think, "Well, DUH! You live in a rich, white community". Well, here's the thing...

Next door neighbors to the left? Hispanic
Next door neighbors to the right? Filipino
Neighbors across the street and to each side: Elderly Hispanic | Bi-racial (black and white) | Hispanic
Rest of the street is a mixture of veterans, bi-racial, white, black and Hispanic. We ALL get along great and block party monthly. My friends opinion is that once people reach a certain affluence level, racism goes out the window. Apparently, based on my experience, there is some truth to that. It also has to do with upbringing...I raised all my kids to be color blind. Hell, my 17-year-old's boy friend is Hispanic. His parents don't even speak English.

I agree, but the ship has sailed and I refuse to be a sheep in the "conservative" corner and hide behind the flag and use it as an excuse to turn a blind eye.
As far as your neighborhood goes....sounds similar to the last neighborhood I lived in before moving out to the countryside.

I'll tell you why there is not much tension and all walks of life get along. They are living comfortable. It's ones who are not well off...who are poor
..for whatever reason. They want to find a reason...or an excuse as to why they are in the the situation they are in. Screaming racism is one that has been used for years and one people will actually listen to. I swear if I can come up comfortable... nearly anybody can.
That's a matter of opinion. You still can't deny his response is 100x more presidential and accounts for the fact there are multiple view points; whereas, Trump just ignores the other side and blanketly accuses everyone of being unpatriotic to the point of calling them "SOBs". Seriously?!?! I recognize there are somethings he's doing well (take Israel for example), but he undermines every positive step with his asinine comments and social media dipshittedness.

Obama "recognizes" both sides but then completely ignores the other side. Obama SEEMS more presidential but he is a snake in the grass. He incited the "race war" that is going on now. Is attending michael browns funeral instead of a 4 star generals funeral presidential? Obamas words were "presidential", his actions were not. I feel trumo is the exact opposite, i feel trumps actions are presidentila, his words are not. However, i care way less about words and i kind of just laugh at what he says and i dont really take it seriously. Trump has done things i didnt like and obama did things i liked but the sanke in the grass act vs trumps "im the king of the jungle" act, the snake in the grass act bothered me more. I did like obama more than mccain tbh.
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Agreed - just a couple of nuanced points. Society talks a ton about supposed "free speech" issues...when the reality is they are almost never really about freedom of speech. Freedom of speech only has to deal with government interference, not person to person or most of what the debate of the day is about.

Secondly, if you are part of the group that generally supports Kap's position you'd do more to support that side by making sure you don't piss off the very people who's support you are trying to gain. The phrase "cutting off your nose to spite your face" comes to mind. You can both be right and lose the overall debate in these sensitive issues.

Lastly - I voted for Trump and still stand by him being the better choice. But two things can be correct at the same time - he may have been the best choice at the time and he's a jackass/scumbag personally. Trump may be winning the political debate but could at the same time, be losing the overall issue. Prior to Trump getting involved abotu 75% of the US population thought athletes should stand for the anthem. Now it's about 55-60%. So Trump is winning the politics as it plays to his base but he's losing the overall issue.

If you are someone like me and you think people should be united and standing for the anthem, you have to call out the way Trump is handling the issue...even if you think he's essentially correct at the end of the day.

I personally dont think trump should have gotten involved in a private business but i do feel him saying what he said, he was right. He doesnt care about being pc which im fine with. I didnt vote for trump because i thought he was a nice guy, he knew he was a scumbag but that is ok with me as long as he is doing good for the country which he is doing. This issue, i believe was brought to his attention by one or two owners who he is close with and i think he was trying in his own weird way to help the NFL.... But i understand how it came off.
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I hear ya, I consider myself to be pretty wealthy. #BucaNole would probably consider it scraping by but that is another subject# I am in the mechanical trade business. I also own a rice farm and occasionally get my hands farm dirty. I drive a descent truck. I've heard by share of shock that a black guy has this or drives this or lives in that, etc etc.

However you didn't cover the other side. Although I'm now in a rural area doesn't mean I haven't spent my share of time in the inner-city. I've heard my share of insults hurled at white people. I've seen multiple white people pulled over for no reason.

Dude I know who has been harassed by the police was a long haired heavy metal headbanger and white as a sheet. The media never mentions how white folks are just as harassed. They instead show statistics of how many African American vs Caucasian were pulled over or a majority black community such as a St. Louis inner-city area but don't tell you the statistics of how many Caucasian are pulled over in a majority white area such as Waynesboro, TN that is nothing but a speed trap town.

Lots of truth in this. I think what liberals dont hear me say is that racism is not dead, its just not in everything. They want to paint every thing that doesnt go their way as racist or sexist or misogynistic. My best fried s8nce 7th grad(who lived with me in high school) is black. He is deathly terrified of police and in his own words told me he would run from them out of fear of being shot..... That pissed me off. I realize there are cops who have a conscious bias and some who have unconscious bias... But that is not the overwhelming majority. Think about all the interactions per day with cops and citizens. It was reported that there is close to 100k interactions a day and thats on the low end(not sure what they deemd interactions) and then you hear about the one case that one time in that one neighborhood. Imo, the media prays on the fear of racism. What i mean by that is to most blacks, i would assume racism is one of the top things that blk people hate so the media plays to that fear all the time. Thats the part that upsets me. They are going for clicks meanwhile my best friend legitimately fears the police becuz of it.
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It's funny you mention that, Tennessee. I am a "well to do" white guy and the friend I mentioned above is a "well to do" black guy. We both grew up in the slums of Bassville Park, Florida (between Leesburg and Florida), so we've been on both ends of the income spectrum. That said, I've told him on more than one occasion I just don't deal with racism in my community. You might think, "Well, DUH! You live in a rich, white community". Well, here's the thing...

Next door neighbors to the left? Hispanic
Next door neighbors to the right? Filipino
Neighbors across the street and to each side: Elderly Hispanic | Bi-racial (black and white) | Hispanic
Rest of the street is a mixture of veterans, bi-racial, white, black and Hispanic. We ALL get along great and block party monthly. My friends opinion is that once people reach a certain affluence level, racism goes out the window. Apparently, based on my experience, there is some truth to that. It also has to do with upbringing...I raised all my kids to be color blind. Hell, my 17-year-old's boy friend is Hispanic. His parents don't even speak English.

I agree, but the ship has sailed and I refuse to be a sheep in the "conservative" corner and hide behind the flag and use it as an excuse to turn a blind eye.

I live in a well off neighborhood with blks and hispanics too lol We all get along and as was pointed out, they dont feel the need to claim racism because they made the right choices. Poor blk people feel the need to blame everything on race because they are told tok, poor white kids play the blame game too. Neither of them is right. As far as your friend being ashamed that he is white....what a moron. I really dont GaS what race someone is, i care how they act. If they are a decent peraon, they are cool with me. The group of 4 or 5 guys that i hang with weekly we do nothing but argue vehemently with each other, when other people are around they think we hate each other but we are such good friemds that we can all be honest. Thats what it takes, i dont feel uneasy about talki g to a blk guy or about talking racism in an open forum. Sure there are extremist on both sides(bradleygator for example) but doing what is right and looking at facts is very important. We cant get caught up emotionally and change policy and spend months and yrs talking about the .00001 percent.
...We cant get caught up emotionally and change policy and spend months and yrs talking about the .00001 percent.

Social media is going to be the end of logic. I spend way more time than I should dispelling right/left memes that people actually believe. It's unreal how stupid people are. Did you know most American's actually believe Trump made fun of a journalist with a disability (really research that one and you'll find Trump is simply an equal opportunists and acts that way towards everyone). People did the same thing in regards to Hilary. OMG! She laughed about a woman being raped. she didn't.

People can spare me the idea that Obams or any other liberal is open to both ssdes of this issue. The Democrats invited Micheal Brown's mother to their last presidential convention. The only reason she is even known is because her son committed a violent robbery and then was shot dead while attacking the police who were trying to arrest him.

A lot of liberals even think opposing something like illegal immigration makes you a racist. I have had several liberals tell me the only reason I was against illegal immigration is because most of those people were either brown or black
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This image was also posted on the UK board yesterday evening on a thread that has since been deleted.

I don’t like Colin Kaepernick, but this crosses a line with me. If anything, it belittles the sacrifices made by those young men 74 years ago yesterday.

UK1988.. you’re good peeps, just politely disagree on this one..Kaeperich and his ilk belittle the sacrifices ALL of our brave soldiers have made for this great country.

This is the same miscreant who wears Che Gurvera and Castro shirts honoring 2 brutal Kommie thugs and killers. That crosses the line for me.
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Thing is everybody’s experiences are different. And when both sides try to paint everybody inside neat little lines that gets lost. Saying black people get their opinions from media manipulation only is every bit as dumb and insulting as the other side who wants to paint every thing as racist. people cant think for themselves? Are they the only race of people prone to media manipulation? When it comes to cop interactions as a black male I’ve:

A. Been trailed all the way to my house for no reason.
B. Pulled over randomly and asked where I’m going.
C. Pulled over and asked who’s car I was driving because I guess the car was too nice.
D. Pulled over and asked why I was in a certain neighborhood and asked to leave.
E. Tackled and cuffed randomly at a mall because I was told I looked like a suspect. Because all black people look alike apparently.

Did any of those experiences make me hate cops? Nah. Do I think all cops are racist? Nah. But a large majority of my friends have had similar experiences. I don’t think it took the media telling black people that all cops are racist and out to get them to have a general mistrust of police, those beliefs likely developed over generations from general mistreatment. Sometimes you have to work your way backwards on issues. If it’s easy to tile up certain segments of the population on that particular issues it’s because there was already a general mistrust of them to begin with. Kinda like when you don’t like somebody all it takes is the smallest thing to piss you off? Same concept.
One of the best explanations I heard was from a player who explained it this way. He said he was protesting because the Flag does not represent the same freedom for everyone and until it does he will kneel in protest. Now whether you agree with it or not, you cannot deny America’s history and the fact that the Freedoms were not always equal. In Fact, a lot of the African Americans and minorities who died fighting for this country, did not die with equal freedoms and rights as their white brothers in arms. For the vast majority of America’s history we have not granted the same opportunities and freedoms to all of our citizens. I personally believe that as a country we have come a long ways in a very short period of time and the opportunities are out there to take advantage of but it’s also not hard for me to imagine that segments of the population still feel disenfranchised.

I have 0 problem with peaceful protest. I also don’t have any problems with a business not allowing their employees to make political statements or protest while on the clock. So if the NFL wanted to put a stop to it while they are playing, I support that. What I have a problem with is the government getting involved in the peaceful protest. We are not a dictator ship and should not be in the business of squashing free speech. We should also not demand our citizens be patriotic. Once again we are not a dictatorship.
Now whether you agree with it or not, you cannot deny America’s history and the fact that the Freedoms were not always equal. In For the vast majority of America’s history we have not granted the same opportunities and freedoms to all of our citizens.

Slavery came from Africa, where it's still going strong today.
There were African slave owners in every Confederate state.
An African in SCa owned over 50 slaves on his 3 plantations.
Freed slaves after the Civil War returned to Africa to found Liberia, where they instituted Slavery to run their own plantations, right up to this century...

Less than 18% of ALL Whites in the South every owned even a single slave, but ALL Whites are painted with the 'slave master' brush, right up to today....

There is a whole lot of 'American' history that some choose to ignore...
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Slavery came from Africa, where it's still going strong today.
There were African slave owners in every Confederate state.
An African in SCa owned over 50 slaves on his 3 plantations.
Freed slaves after the Civil War returned to Africa to found Liberia, where they instituted Slavery to run their own plantations, right up to this century...

Less than 18% of ALL Whites in the South every owned even a single slave, but ALL Whites are painted with the 'slave master' brush, right up to today....

There is a whole lot of 'American' history that some choose to ignore...
What about my post lead you to this response?
I am a fitness nut who used to get up before daylight every day to go jogging. I have had the police called on me at least 3 or 4 times because I was jogging through a neighborhood while it was still dark. I am as white as a person can get
Thing is everybody’s experiences are different. And when both sides try to paint everybody inside neat little lines that gets lost. Saying black people get their opinions from media manipulation only is every bit as dumb and insulting as the other side who wants to paint every thing as racist. people cant think for themselves? Are they the only race of people prone to media manipulation? When it comes to cop interactions as a black male I’ve:

A. Been trailed all the way to my house for no reason.
B. Pulled over randomly and asked where I’m going.
C. Pulled over and asked who’s car I was driving because I guess the car was too nice.
D. Pulled over and asked why I was in a certain neighborhood and asked to leave.
E. Tackled and cuffed randomly at a mall because I was told I looked like a suspect. Because all black people look alike apparently.

Did any of those experiences make me hate cops? Nah. Do I think all cops are racist? Nah. But a large majority of my friends have had similar experiences. I don’t think it took the media telling black people that all cops are racist and out to get them to have a general mistrust of police, those beliefs likely developed over generations from general mistreatment. Sometimes you have to work your way backwards on issues. If it’s easy to tile up certain segments of the population on that particular issues it’s because there was already a general mistrust of them to begin with. Kinda like when you don’t like somebody all it takes is the smallest thing to piss you off? Same concept.

Im white.

A- D happened to me (when i was much younger, high school and early college)

E, i was nvr tackled in a mall but i was pulled over by about 6 cops because my car fit the description of someone they were trying to find. Scared the shit out of me. However, it was them thinking i was someone else(it was dark outside so i understood)

I do believe blk people are easier in general to manipulate ONLY because they are sensitive to the racist topic. When someone is sensitive about a topic, its easier to "hook" them. For instance, when i started this thread, i knew for a fact bradley would be in here to call me a name. I mentioned trump, he is so sensitive to trump. Another example, want to piss off an fsu fan? Talk bad about Jameis or Bowden. Want to piss off a gator fan? Talk bad about tebow. Because people not long ago were really racist, most blks are sensitive to that topic and its a trigger. Are blks the only ones who are susceptible to media trying to get them to think a certain way? No, absolutely not. On this topic of police brutality and racial inequality, yes they are. So the context matters. I also agree with u that everyones experiences are different and that can be enhanced by what the media says. For instance, during the michael brown case, the officer who shot him had a run in with someone they were interviewing the day it happened(some blk girl) and she was saying how she was only in the gas station shopping for milk and he had handcuffed and questioned her for no reason. They did a fact check on this later and found that she was drinking the milk in the store bbefore paying for it and the owner said she had done that in the past and not paid, yet she was all over the news talking bad about the cop and people got in an outrage and thought, there is a pattern here. Turns out that wasnt the case. So personal experience is sometimes a bad indicator because most people are stupid and always think someone is out to get them. I realize this is one small example but its what happens
What about my post lead you to this response?

American History and Unequal treatment.... o_O

BTW, as a Caucasian American citizen of W.European decent that was born here (making me a native American), I don't owe jack to any Africans,
or to those that lived on this continent prior to (pick a time)....
or to Asians,
or to Hispanics,
or to any damn body else, from anywhere else in this freakin' infinite universe.... o_O

If you think that the world 'OWES' you something, then try to collect it elsewhere, cause as I said before,,, I DON'T OWE YOU JACK!

If you don't like life in America, then use your feet and your freedom to GTFO....
And do me a favor, take all of those lying bastards that said that that they were leaving if Trump was elected with you.... :cool:

"Peace, love, dove, and hairy Krishna all you groovy freaks, and power to tha people...." :D
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I am a fitness nut who used to get up before daylight every day to go jogging. I have had the police called on me at least 3 or 4 times because I was jogging through a neighborhood while it was still dark. I am as white as a person can get
And I've seen this happen to white folks before. Plenty

Back in my late night early morning running days the only encounter is police pulled beside and I heard one officer say to his partner...",it's that ball playing Ni##er." No joke but I shrugged it off.
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American History and Unequal treatment.... o_O

BTW, as a Caucasian American citizen of W.European decent that was born here (making me a native American), I don't owe jack to any Africans,
or to those that lived on this continent prior to (pick a time)....
or to Asians,
or to Hispanics,
or to any damn body else, from anywhere else in this freakin' infinite universe.... o_O

If you think that the world 'OWES' you something, then try to collect it elsewhere, cause as I said before,,, I DON'T OWE YOU JACK!

If you don't like life in America, then use your feet and your freedom to GTFO....
And do me a favor, take all of those lying bastards that said that that they were leaving if Trump was elected with you.... :cool:

"Peace, love, dove, and hairy Krishna all you groovy freaks, and power to tha people...." :D

I’m going to take the mudslinging out of my post because I actually want honest replies.

I don’t know your age but from ur past post I believe you to be a much older person. Given that the Cival Rights movement did not happen until the mid to late 50s and lasted till he 60s, there was a good chance you were alive during that time. So You May have personality witness when it was not only lawful but socially acceptable to discriminate. So I am just wondering why you listed slavery as unequal treatment and left out the gigantic part of our history as a nation when it regards to racism, bigotry and discrimination?
Thing is everybody’s experiences are different. And when both sides try to paint everybody inside neat little lines that gets lost. Saying black people get their opinions from media manipulation only is every bit as dumb and insulting as the other side who wants to paint every thing as racist. people cant think for themselves? Are they the only race of people prone to media manipulation? When it comes to cop interactions as a black male I’ve:

A. Been trailed all the way to my house for no reason.
B. Pulled over randomly and asked where I’m going.
C. Pulled over and asked who’s car I was driving because I guess the car was too nice.
D. Pulled over and asked why I was in a certain neighborhood and asked to leave.
E. Tackled and cuffed randomly at a mall because I was told I looked like a suspect. Because all black people look alike apparently.

Did any of those experiences make me hate cops? Nah. Do I think all cops are racist? Nah. But a large majority of my friends have had similar experiences. I don’t think it took the media telling black people that all cops are racist and out to get them to have a general mistrust of police, those beliefs likely developed over generations from general mistreatment. Sometimes you have to work your way backwards on issues. If it’s easy to tile up certain segments of the population on that particular issues it’s because there was already a general mistrust of them to begin with. Kinda like when you don’t like somebody all it takes is the smallest thing to piss you off? Same concept.

Let's start with a quick description of myself. 6'1 215 lbs, dark hair, dark eyes, wearing gym shorts, dark sneakers, gray t shirt, and a blue ball cap. Now how many people in a populated area fit that description? We don't have the advantage of being 5'6 gingers with pale skin and red hair with our cousin being 6'3 blonde hair and green eyes.

As far as the media influence goes, all demographics are persuaded by it. All young people are influenced by whatever particular pop culture but to me it just seems black friends and some family I know are just slow to outgrow it vs other races I know.

Take for example. Couple of my relatives believe that baseball is actually a racist sport because they've heard the sports media speak of the decline of African American children playing baseball and the low rate of African Americans professional baseball. Nothing could keep me off the baseball field as a youth. It was the same with my older kids. However many other black children I associated with had no care for the sport. They wanted to be like Mike. I wanted to be like KG Jr. You and I both know a MLB would snatch up a black youngster in the draft of they had interest in playing.

On the flip side...why does the sports media not go in depth panicking because there is a decline in Caucasian playing basketball? You and I both know there is some white dudes who can ball their azz off.

What the media doesn't point out is people usually segregate by choice. Nor all but the majority. They just do. It's basically human of all the kids in one neighborhood are interested in basketball and being the next KD...who the heck is honestly going to make them want to be the next Mike Trout?
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Let's start with a quick description of myself. 6'1 215 lbs, dark hair, dark eyes, wearing gym shorts, dark sneakers, gray t shirt, and a blue ball cap. Now how many people in a populated area fit that description? We don't have the advantage of being 5'6 gingers with pale skin and red hair with our cousin being 6'3 blonde hair and green eyes.

As far as the media influence goes, all demographics are persuaded by it. All young people are influenced by whatever particular pop culture but to me it just seems black friends and some family I know are just slow to outgrow it vs other races I know.

Take for example. Couple of my relatives believe that baseball is actually a racist sport because they've heard the sports media speak of the decline of African American children playing baseball and the low rate of African Americans professional baseball. Nothing could keep me off the baseball field as a youth. It was the same with my older kids. However many other black children I associated with had no care for the sport. They wanted to be like Mike. I wanted to be like KG Jr. You and I both know a MLB would snatch up a black youngster in the draft of they had interest in playing.

On the flip side...why does the sports media not go in depth panicking because there is a decline in Caucasian playing basketball? You and I both know there is some white dudes who can ball their azz off.

What the media doesn't point out is people usually segregate by choice. Nor all but the majority. They just do. It's basically human of all the kids in one neighborhood are interested in basketball and being the next KD...who the heck is honestly going to make them want to be the next Mike Trout?

But this is all pretty benign and not what the protests are about. Ive never seen any reliable numbers on the frequency of police abuse of blacks vs. whites relative to population. I know that blacks are disproportionately arrested and jailed vs. their proportion of the population. People might say black people commit disproportionate amount of the crime. Maybe that’s true but the only number you have to go on is arrests, so that’s kind of circular. Black people are disproportionately arrested for weed in NYC and every white guy I know smokes their brains out. Anyway, the frequency that I see videotapes of black people getting mistreated by police without justification bothers me. And I have law enforcement experience. I used to do all manner of boardings in the coast guard patrolling key west and Miami, plenty of which involved methd out fisherman, migrant smugglers, drug smugglers, and we were armed and wearing vests, so I get that those are dangerous situations. But our officers kept everything professional. The type of physical abuse that I’ve seen in some of these videos was unthinkable.

As far as it being an economic issue, look at that video in Milwaukee with the NBA guard. Guy makes half million a year, parks an $80k Mercedes over two spots in an empty parking lot and ends up getting tased and assaulted by 10 officers for no reason.

So, objectively from my perspective, it is a problem. And if anyone wants to protest it, even wealthy athletes, I think it is merited. Not that they have a right to protest on their employers dime, but if they want to do that and take on the associated risk, then I support them.
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But this is all pretty benign and not what the protests are about. Ive never seen any reliable numbers on the frequency of police abuse of blacks vs. whites relative to population. I know that blacks are disproportionately arrested and jailed vs. their proportion of the population. People might say black people commit disproportionate amount of the crime. Maybe that’s true but the only number you have to go on is arrests, so that’s kind of circular. Black people are disproportionately arrested for weed in NYC and every white guy I know smokes their brains out. Anyway, the frequency that I see videotapes of black people getting mistreated by police without justification bothers me. And I have law enforcement experience. I used to do all manner of boardings in the coast guard patrolling key west and Miami, plenty of which involved methd out fisherman, migrant smugglers, drug smugglers, and we were armed and wearing vests, so I get that those are dangerous situations. But our officers kept everything professional. The type of physical abuse that I’ve seen in some of these videos was unthinkable.

As far as it being an economic issue, look at that video in Milwaukee with the NBA guard. Guy makes half million a year, parks an $80k Mercedes over two spots in an empty parking lot and ends up getting tased and assaulted by 10 officers for no reason.

So, objectively from my perspective, it is a problem. And if anyone wants to protest it, even wealthy athletes, I think it is merited. Not that they have a right to protest on their employers dime, but if they want to do that and take on the associated risk, then I support them.

My only problem with this perspective is that you saw this on tv and what do they put on tv? It shoukd not be relative to population it should be relative to police interaction.They will never show cops beating a white guy on tv. As far as the stats go ive looked them up before and whites die more per interaction with cops than blks do. Im not saying some blks havent been treated badly by cops. Im saying it doesnt look like its done more frequently based on discrimination. More blks are in jail, yes that is true, but that is because blks commit more crimes because of lower education. You could make the argument that because they were oppressed they dont put a premium on education but that doesnt excuse a crime. Blks as a whole are getting smarter, more graduating college, less crime but they still have work to do(just like these moron whites who shoot up schools).

As far as the weed thing goes. You know my stance on that. I dont think weed is excused if you are white but i think blks "flaunt" it more in public which is why they get caught more i just think they really dont GaF lol

In conclusion, i disagree with the protests because they have no factual basis overall, sure you can point to 5 or 6 interactions and even i think, hey that cop was wrong in that situation but when you look at the totality of the situation(which is something liberals hate doing) less than .001 percent of black and cop interaction ends in an altercation. That is not racism as a whole, that is racsim of a few.
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Alot of racists on this board.
That's such a generic comment to make.

I see people from different races and different backgrounds making arguements for how they feel about various situations.

Actually discussion on these topics helps us understand why one feels different on these topics.

Nobody has hurled racial slurs or undertones at one another. Nobody has segregated the thread as white comments only, black comments only, Hispanic comments only, etc.

People have a variety of opinions of the invites, non invites, rejected invites to the White House as well as the protest of the anthem.

A simple"you are racist" is just so foolish to say.
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That's such a generic comment to make.

I see people from different races and different backgrounds making arrangements for how they feel about various situations.

Actually discussion on these topics helps us understand why one feels different on these topics.

Nobody has hurled racial slurs or undertones at one another. Nobody has segregated the thread as white comments only, black comments only, Hispanic comments only, etc.

People have a variety of opinions of the invites, non invites, rejected invites to the White House as well as the protest of the anthem.

A simple"you are racist" is just so foolish to say.
Thank you for addressing that lame comment...I was just about to. Kudos, Tenn.
But this is all pretty benign and not what the protests are about. Ive never seen any reliable numbers on the frequency of police abuse of blacks vs. whites relative to population. I know that blacks are disproportionately arrested and jailed vs. their proportion of the population. People might say black people commit disproportionate amount of the crime. Maybe that’s true but the only number you have to go on is arrests, so that’s kind of circular. Black people are disproportionately arrested for weed in NYC and every white guy I know smokes their brains out. Anyway, the frequency that I see videotapes of black people getting mistreated by police without justification bothers me. And I have law enforcement experience. I used to do all manner of boardings in the coast guard patrolling key west and Miami, plenty of which involved methd out fisherman, migrant smugglers, drug smugglers, and we were armed and wearing vests, so I get that those are dangerous situations. But our officers kept everything professional. The type of physical abuse that I’ve seen in some of these videos was unthinkable.

As far as it being an economic issue, look at that video in Milwaukee with the NBA guard. Guy makes half million a year, parks an $80k Mercedes over two spots in an empty parking lot and ends up getting tased and assaulted by 10 officers for no reason.

So, objectively from my perspective, it is a problem. And if anyone wants to protest it, even wealthy athletes, I think it is merited. Not that they have a right to protest on their employers dime, but if they want to do that and take on the associated risk, then I support them.

That's a wide variety of topics for discussion.

I do know two years ago Alton Sterling was a household name across the nation. Or at least the majority of the population knew of the black man from Baton Rouge that got shot by police.

Do you know who Melissa Borats is? If so how many people that you associate with know that name vs Alton Sterling?

I don't know the numbers vs numbers of black people vs white people killed, harassed, arrested, etc via police or the per capita statistics. I do know both have their share and I'm not naive to believe it happens to only minorities. HOWEVER I do believe the black community wants changes and wants more innocent people to not get shot. I can't speak for other races but on the surface many seem to just accept it and/or don't seem to speak out against it. Why...I have no clue. Maybe it goes back to "culture" or how one was raised on the perception of police. It may or may not be how the media portrays every situation.

I do know Sterling could have easily saved his life by not fighting with police while in possession of a handgun. I do know Melissa Borats could have saved her own life by not getting out of a car running with a knife. I think a riot for either case is stupidity.

As far as arrests for petty crime vs another is a valid argument but it's all case by case scenario.

Example, if a black person wants to buy Sudafed and aquarium tubing at the same time...they will get less hassle vs a white person. If a black person buys a large amount of ammo for a hunting trip they are monitored more vs a white person stockpiling the ammo for whatever reason. The black person will be monitored harder.

I come from a family with multiple Leo's and I have plenty of criminals in my family. The perception is so varying between the two.
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