96% of all political donations from journalists in 2016 went to the DNC.
If you don't like that link, try this one.
New Yorker television critic Emily Nussbaum, a newly minted Pulitzer Prize winner, spent the Republican National Convention pen-pricking presidential nominee Donald Trump as a misogynist shyster running an “ugly and xenophobic campaign.” What Nussbaum didn’t disclose in her dispatches: she...
Only 7% of journalists "identify" as Republicans.
<p>It's the lowest level in the five times this survey has been conducted.</p>
In 2020, 90% of the media donated to the left.
Reporters and other members of the media have donated at least $110,000 to candidates and parties in the upcoming election, with over 90% going to Democrats including, Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, according to a new deep-dive report."Journalists at The New...
You're fighting a stupid fight. No one else would even try to argue what you are trying to argue.
PS....Santa Clause isn't real either.