Jimmy-with-his-head-up-his-butt desperately needs more work in World history, and in current affairs reality, THAT IS NOT WRITTEN BY SOME TRAITOROUS RAT DING-BAT.... 🤓
(Books by Dinesh D'Souza would be a good place to begin)
America defended Europe and N. Africa from the German/Italian Axis and won WWII.
Made since back then.
America also paid to rebuild war torn Europe post WWII.
Made some sense back then.
America formed and paid the lion's share of NATO while the Soviet Union was engaged in the 'Cold War.'
Mostly made sense back then.
Industrialized Europe no longer needs America's help to defend against Russia.
Makes NO SENSE now days for us to go bankrupt defending them.
We also don't need to be defending Japan, S.Korea, or Taiwan.
America rebuilt Japan, then paid to defend S.Korea and Taiwan.
Let them and the rest of Asia, Indonesia, India, etc. form their own defense treaties to combat China's expansionism.
America needs to form a new treaty organization involving the Americas (N-C-S) and the Caribbean, keeping China out of our hemisphere.
But all of that makes way too much sense for what passes for World leaders to even consider it, because World Peace is NOT ON THEIR AGENDA's.....