Snopes busted for lying about Maricopa Audit

I don't try to be fair to Trump. Not a fan

The Heritage foundation is a known group that finds republicans, funds republicans and provides them with policies. This could be completely accurate data but I have no doubt that some info is omitted that would show the Rs in a negative light. They also provided names of conservative judges to nominate. Safe to say where they stand. The same can be said for ACTBlue with the Left. Reading those sites, you have to know you're getting one side of the story.
You didn't even click the link. It's a summary of fraud cases. Doesn't mention party (unless it's part of the case). I scrolled and didn't see Trump or Biden mentioned.

You made up your mind based on the source. Clearly you're using your critical thinking muscles and coming to your own conclusions based on facts.
You didn't even click the link. It's a summary of fraud cases. Doesn't mention party (unless it's part of the case). I scrolled and didn't see Trump or Biden mentioned.

You made up your mind based on the source. Clearly you're using your critical thinking muscles and coming to your own conclusions based on facts.
I said that. I'm sure it's accurate but I wouldn't be surprised if it's slanted. The heritage group doesn't lie about their intentions.
Politico has a proven track record of lying. CNN has a proven track record of lying. The NYT has a proven track record of lying. WaPo has a proven track record of lying.

So as an honest thinker, I don't listen to anything they say. Even if they say something I want to hear, I assume it COULD be a lie, because they have a history of being caught lying.

Jim Hoff is a homer. Sean Hannity is a homer. Both have proven track records of being homers.

Neither has been caught lying as CNN, Politico, WaPo and the NYT have.

I ignore the commentary from Hoff and Hannity because I know they are homers. If they post some interesting facts, I check into them.

Sheep believe what they want, and discredit anyone that publishes facts they don't want to hear.

Then they come here and claim others are doing the very thing they are.

This is why these posters can leave the board for weeks, and no one notices. you read a claim in a story and then seek out additional information to support or refute it?

Amazing concept.
I don’t believe in Aliens either.

But like many conspiracy theories, there is NOTHING that could ever convince you nut jobs that there wasn’t fraud, since it’s difficult to prove a negative. But the burden of proof is in your hands, so get to it.

BS-C911, I don't 'believe' in aliens, I know about UFO's/UAP's by way of my own personal 'Top Secret' military experiences. I've been waiting for over 50 years (1969) for 'Full Disclosure' to finally happen, and it's finally begun.

So what any ignorant twit 'believes' or doesn't believe, makes no real difference to reality in an 'Infinite Unverse.'

The election audits going on right now have already and will continue to show that a massive fraud has been perpetrated on the American electorate. Joe and the Ho need to be removed from the WH before they can further destroy our Constitutional Republic and replace it with Socialism. All of those involved in the fraud need to be prosecuted and then given their just deserts...
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Wow so the posters who are complaining about the 'silly' test have low IQs?

That's the brilliance of this test. Well done.
Average to low. The bright always sees a test as a challenge.

The bright always seeks answers for questions they can't answer. The slow often labels questions they can't answer as stupid, dumb or trick.

jfegaly doesn't need to tell Ghost an opponent is stupid. The opponent shouts it to the world through the internet.
Not when it comes to politics, but I have read others opinions that have changed my views on other topics. All you can do is make a well-reasoned argument and hope it is compelling enough to change minds ...
I sometimes read opinions that prompt me to research, sometimes changing my view.
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Snarky comments about UFO's/UAP's and the Infinite Universe are cute when being thrown back and forth between the ignorant twits, but that's all they are.

Here's a quick look at a piece of the small bank of info that we have accumulated so far.
Most of the twits can't bear to watch and learn, they are only comfortable living in their very limited universe. They are the equivalent of those that are or were the 'Flat Earth' advocates.

No idea who snopes is but I saw this on my local news.

Then i saw this recently.

If you seriously don't know who Snopes is, sadly you are on the spreadsheet as a "low information voter". Not a good look for you Kal, no, not at all. I had higher hopes for you. See, this is why Hidin got several hundred legitimate votes. Ignorance. The rest was pure fraud.
If you seriously don't know who Snopes is, sadly you are on the spreadsheet as a "low information voter". Not a good look for you Kal, no, not at all. I had higher hopes for you. See, this is why Hidin got several hundred legitimate votes. Ignorance. The rest was pure fraud.
Who/what is it?
My opinion based on independent research. Too many people are conditioned to believe that Snopes is a non-partisan independent fact checker. That is pure folly. If some sites on the right did the same, I'd call them out on it as well.

And as I see it, I'm supposed to not play favorites and treat everyone fairly, as a mod. You are welcome to call me out if and when I cross that line ...
I was just messing with you. I know you’re right leaning by your posts on The Main Board.

Tough but fair.

As far as Snopes is concerned, the may be left leaning but to just dismiss their research out of hand is a mistake IMO. Disagree with their conclusions if you wish, but don’t ignore the facts they present.
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I was just messing with you. I know you’re right leaning by your posts on The Main Board.

Tough but fair.

As far as Snopes is concerned, the may be left leaning but to just dismiss their research out of hand is a mistake IMO. Disagree with their conclusions if you wish, but don’t ignore the facts they present.
Facts are always ignored immediately if it's by a link they don't like. That's was Trump speciality, discredit the media when you don't like the story.
I was just messing with you. I know you’re right leaning by your posts on The Main Board.

Tough but fair.

As far as Snopes is concerned, the may be left leaning but to just dismiss their research out of hand is a mistake IMO. Disagree with their conclusions if you wish, but don’t ignore the facts they present.
They were considered at one time the most credible source of validation but now they have proven they are narrative-driven, IMO.
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They were considered at one time the most credible source of validation but now they have proven they are narrative-driven, IMO.
I don't even mind them being narrative-driven, all media is.

My problem is they have multiple times been busted outright LYING about their claims.

That matters to honest people. Compare that to the posters ITT that don't see it as a big deal, and there you go.
I don't even mind them being narrative-driven, all media is.

My problem is they have multiple times been busted outright LYING about their claims.

That matters to honest people. Compare that to the posters ITT that don't see it as a big deal, and there you go.
Yes, they are without a doubt a discredited source. IMO, a research sourcing agent should be completely non-biased.
What doesn't Snopes lie about or twist to claim its likely false. They refused for years to admit that mined nuclear material sold to Russia with Hillary signing off on the sale could leave the US or Canada and it had already been proven some of it went to Asia using the shipping rights of a different company.
Facts are always ignored immediately if it's by a link they don't like. That's was Trump speciality, discredit the media when you don't like the story.
Yep. What they do is find a few conclusions out of thousands that they disagree with, so that they can then say all of their info is wrong. They then quote the most unreliable sources as fact. Those Trumpers are very dishonest, but I think its merely a coping mechanism for being real life losers.
Yes, they are without a doubt a discredited source. IMO, a research sourcing agent should be completely non-biased.
There's no such thing as being completely unbiased. Do you have some sources that prove the black swan theory? If so, what are they?
There's no such thing as being completely unbiased. Do you have some sources that prove the black swan theory? If so, what are they?
You can research the author and find many investigative clues as to their reputation and history of reliable reporting, sir.
I was just messing with you. I know you’re right leaning by your posts on The Main Board.

Tough but fair.

As far as Snopes is concerned, the may be left leaning but to just dismiss their research out of hand is a mistake IMO. Disagree with their conclusions if you wish, but don’t ignore the facts they present.
Haha, on tMB, my posts are WAY right. I let the fur fly there and am extremely sarcastic. Different hat.

Over the years I have specifically noticed Snopes co-opting any narrative they were able to put a liberal spin on. They do so with impunity and it has been laughable. After about 10 of those experiences, I started dismissing them out of hand ...
You can research the author and find many investigative clues as to their reputation and history of reliable reporting, sir.
No doubt. I do find them useful, but as with all sources, you have to evaluate the facts presented. Im sure they’ve made some errors, but overall they seem as reliable as any source.
Snopes has been known as a left wing shill for years. And it's not even close.

SNOPES EXPOSED – Heavily financed by George Soros​

4 Years Ago


Snopes receives funding from an undisclosed source. The source is undisclosed because Snopes refuses to disclose that source. The Democratic Alliance, a funding channel for uber-Leftist (Marxist) Billionaires (George Soros etc.), direct funds to an “Internet Propaganda Arm” pushing these views. The Democratic Alliance has been reported to instruct Fundees to not disclose their funding source.

For you faux "independents" 😂

Snopes has been known as a left wing shill for years. And it's not even close.

SNOPES EXPOSED – Heavily financed by George Soros​

4 Years Ago


Snopes receives funding from an undisclosed source. The source is undisclosed because Snopes refuses to disclose that source. The Democratic Alliance, a funding channel for uber-Leftist (Marxist) Billionaires (George Soros etc.), direct funds to an “Internet Propaganda Arm” pushing these views. The Democratic Alliance has been reported to instruct Fundees to not disclose their funding source.

For you faux "independents" 😂

LOL. A four year old opinion Piece. Full of conjecture. If they we so in the bag for Obama, why did they award him the lie of the year one time?
Dems ITT: "What??? You linked to Gateway Pundit???? Everyone knows they are biased for Trump!"

Same Dems ITT: "Look, I don't care if Snopes gets it wrong and is biased. Who isn't? I like em so I'm gonna keep reading them."
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I was just messing with you. I know you’re right leaning by your posts on The Main Board.

Tough but fair.

As far as Snopes is concerned, the may be left leaning but to just dismiss their research out of hand is a mistake IMO. Disagree with their conclusions if you wish, but don’t ignore the facts they present.

Liars lie to me. I have very little spare time for in none.

Tell me a hard truth, an easy truth or STFU. I have no time for snopes.
Liars lie to me. I have very little spare time for in none.

Tell me a hard truth, an easy truth or STFU. I have no time for snopes.
Of don’t. Righties hate fact checkers.

And everybody lies. You included. Whether intentionally or not.
Of don’t. Righties hate fact checkers.

And everybody lies. You included. Whether intentionally or not.

Lying requires intent genius.

And yes, everyone lies. Telling a fat girl she looks good in her new jeans /= misrepresenting easily discernable facts in a political discussion.
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Lying requires intent genius.

And yes, everyone lies. Telling a fat girl she looks good in her new jeans /= misrepresenting easily discernable facts in a political discussion.
Does it? Tell a falsehood under oath and see where it gets you. See General Flynn.

And how do you determine intent. So if Snopes makes an incorrect conclusion, but it was unintentional, then you wouldn’t call it a lie?

Don’t lie now.
Lying requires intent genius.

And yes, everyone lies. Telling a fat girl she looks good in her new jeans /= misrepresenting easily discernable facts in a political discussion.
Did Ghost lie when he agreed to stop posting if Trump lost the election?

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