Rules are rules - We aren't FSU

Wasn't Grier an early enrollee? He's had a year and a half to put on weight. I really don't see that being that out there.

Fair enough, I seriously didn't know how much weight a QB put on. With a new lifting program and the fact that he is starting to grow into his "man" body, 28 lbs. or so doesn't seem all that much.
Pass, I made a crab leg joke. I am not as gleeful as you might think about this.
Wasn't Grier an early enrollee? He's had a year and a half to put on weight. I really don't see that being that out there.

This. He has had 20 months to put on 30-35 lbs. Not outside of the ordinary, particularly since he didn't play last year.
Story starting to run is it was in a supp marketed as a cold remedy that he took when he had the flu. Appeal will happen.
I realize that there has to be a line in the sand when it comes to PED's but there should also be some consideration if it's what it seems to be. Seems a bit egregious IMO.
I realize that there has to be a line in the sand when it comes to PED's but there should also be some consideration if it's what it seems to be. Seems a bit egregious IMO.
I agree, a few years back UK had Jeremy Jarmon suspended for PEDs....He was able to buy the supplement at GNC, while I understand he should have known or inquired about them, it seems unfair that anything you can buy off a shelf at GNC is illegal in the NCAAs eyes...
The fact of the matter is that ALL schools, including UF, pound it into the athletes' heads to check with the training staff before taking ANYTHING.
You guys need to man up and deal with the consequences of your player's decision. FSU has nothing to do with this.
The fact of the matter is that ALL schools, including UF, pound it into the athletes' heads to check with the training staff before taking ANYTHING.
No's on the player...I think that everyone knows that. My point is that this seems to be a pretty minor thing to get suspended for the rest of the year over.
It was reported on Warchant 2 WEEKS ago that he had failed a drug test... September 27. And you are telling me that NO ONE on the UF staff knew about it until now? riiiiiiiiight...

The NCAA protocol is when a test is failed, the school is notified and a second test is run on a second sample. The suspension is not required until after notification that the second sample tested positive, which was SUnday.

You can read it for yourself HERE if you want (Section 8, specifically Sorry if this does not fit your narrative.
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It was reported on Warchant 2 WEEKS ago that he had failed a drug test... September 27. And you are telling me that NO ONE on the UF staff knew about it until now? riiiiiiiiight...
Because as we know, the NCAA regularly monitors the FSU boards for breaking information like this.
The NCAA protocol is when a test is failed, the school is notified and a second test is run on a second sample. The suspension is not required until after notification that the second sample tested positive, which was SUnday.

You can read it for yourself HERE if you want (Section 8, specifically Sorry if this does not fit your narrative.
He won't be able to respond to you.
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The NCAA protocol is when a test is failed, the school is notified and a second test is run on a second sample. The suspension is not required until after notification that the second sample tested positive, which was SUnday.

You can read it for yourself HERE if you want (Section 8, specifically Sorry if this does not fit your narrative.

But first you have to be able to read.
Of course we aren't surprised that noles are here to gleefully rub it in.

Not rubbing it in here but wondering what you guys think if the suspension sticks. He's obviously better than Treon, I had you guys whipping us(FSU) with Grier playing. Let's say Treon starts off pretty good next year and you're 5-1 when Grier becomes eligible. Then what, does Grier stick around and hope Treon stumbles or gets hurt. I hate it for you guys, my business partner is a Gator and some epic trash talk had already started. I picked you to beat Tenn and Ole Miss and honestly thought you'd be unbeaten when we came to town. Not so sure now although it seems like Foley lucked into a good coach.
Not rubbing it in here but wondering what you guys think if the suspension sticks. He's obviously better than Treon, I had you guys whipping us(FSU) with Grier playing. Let's say Treon starts off pretty good next year and you're 5-1 when Grier becomes eligible. Then what, does Grier stick around and hope Treon stumbles or gets hurt. I hate it for you guys, my business partner is a Gator and some epic trash talk had already started. I picked you to beat Tenn and Ole Miss and honestly thought you'd be unbeaten when we came to town. Not so sure now although it seems like Foley lucked into a good coach.

Why not worry about your POS team and let the Gator fans worry about who our QB will be. You won't be undefeated when you roll into the Swamp and we may not be undefeated either but we will beat your ass. You can take that one to the bank. You're also right about one other thing. We have a good coach but it wasn't luck. Just like Meyer, Mac will own your ass too.
You guys are the (mostly) the same toolbags that come to FSU forums and run your mouth, it's SOOO different when the shoe inevitably ends up on the other foot though, isn't it?

He took whatever it was freely. It wasn't given to him under the guise of it being something else. He (as is every NCAA athlete) was told repeatedly to check with the staff before taking ANYTHING, he didn't. I feel a tad bit bad for him, but he (and all of you) have no one to blame but WG himself. Rest of the season should be out and he should be able to start fresh in 2016, not wait til week 7 IMHO.

Grier has taken responsibility for what he did and will live with the consequences.....Yeah taking a OTC supplement is worse than stealing crab legs and being accused of rape. Both times that POS got off because your sorry ass fan base paid for his attorney.
Grier has taken responsibility for what he did and will live with the consequences.....Yeah taking a OTC supplement is worse than stealing crab legs and being accused of rape. Both times that POS got off because your sorry ass fan base paid for his attorney.

I don't know what you're talking about paying for his attorney, but I can assure you igloo & I paid off the Cook jury.
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Grier has taken responsibility for what he did and will live with the consequences.....Yeah taking a OTC supplement is worse than stealing crab legs and being accused of rape. Both times that POS got off because your sorry ass fan base paid for his attorney.

Point of fact: Winston did not " got off" for the crablegs. He paid Publix, was given the standard civil citation and did comm. service like anyone else - then additionally since he was a scholarship athlete he was suspended for two games. As far as any accusations, I'm not sure since the Judge found no honor code violation and the SA declined to file charges, there is nothing for him to get off of legally . Matthew Thomas, our LB. is likely a much closer analogy to bring up regarding Will Grier. He got caught failing the NCAA pot test in the playoffs--- even though he was not playing, even though pot is legal there, and even though NCAA leaves pot testing to the institutions all year--- they nailed him for the full year. Hope Grier can get some relief in appeal.
What's Jimbo's record against the Gators again (since we are talking about individual coaches "owning" things)?

You sir are why everyone outside of Gainseville hates the Gators. Most of you are just arrogant, know it all loud mouths. Not all Gators are bad, but you are definitely what would be considered the norm.

We know we had a bad coach with Chump and most will admit that. Thankfully that era is over.

As far as you or any of your Trailerhasse cronies liking the Gators, I could give two s**ts about that. You sir are not worth the paper to wipe my @ss.
I cannot believe (and I'm serious) that a Warchant rumor was actually true. Read a thread about Grier when Treon got suspended stating Grier was next. After reading that Winston actually broke up an altercation at a party and saved some chick (when the Erica saga broke), I swore I was done buying into rumors. Holy Crap! Didn't see this one coming.

Like I posted in the Ole Miss thread, I was really impressed with how quickly Grier grew up in the 4th Qtr of that game. Sorry, fellas. Hate to see these kids screw up their futures like this (even if it turns out to be unintentional). Shame.
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You guys are the (mostly) the same toolbags that come to FSU forums and run your mouth, it's SOOO different when the shoe inevitably ends up on the other foot though, isn't it?

He took whatever it was freely. It wasn't given to him under the guise of it being something else. He (as is every NCAA athlete) was told repeatedly to check with the staff before taking ANYTHING, he didn't. I feel a tad bit bad for him, but he (and all of you) have no one to blame but WG himself. Rest of the season should be out and he should be able to start fresh in 2016, not wait til week 7 IMHO.

I don't disagree with your second paragraph, we're not denying Grier's culpability nor is he, but we don't need any FSU toolbag coming over here and trying to lecture us... look in the mirror, a-hole!
You guys are the (mostly) the same toolbags that come to FSU forums and run your mouth, it's SOOO different when the shoe inevitably ends up on the other foot though, isn't it?

He took whatever it was freely. It wasn't given to him under the guise of it being something else. He (as is every NCAA athlete) was told repeatedly to check with the staff before taking ANYTHING, he didn't. I feel a tad bit bad for him, but he (and all of you) have no one to blame but WG himself. Rest of the season should be out and he should be able to start fresh in 2016, not wait til week 7 IMHO.
I'm just glad that you told us that In Your Humble Opinion.
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Kentucky fan here. I feel for you guys. This rule is BS. I'd say there's a good chance Grier didn't think he was breaking a rule. Jeremy Jarmon got hammered by the same thing. He ended up going pro because the suspension took up his remaining eligibility.
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Look at Sterol which is produced by plants. Its a legal steriod not created from animals but plants. Its legal, sold at GNC and thousands of other places. Its can be used a PED but does the NCAA say this is illegal also? Maybe the NCAA needs to start pee testing every single player on every team because I can promise you that Grier is not the only person taking LEGAL OTC supplements. I take Sterols because I have severe DJD in my whole spine due to an injury in the military. I don't understand NCAA PED rules because they contradict Federal Laws. No, what needs to be done is these players need to get a hold of some top notch moonshine because that is a great PED.
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Hate this for Grier. However this thread has once again illustrated the stupidity of most noles. Treon will need to step up.