I believe the voting was real and sufficiently accurate to name Biden President.
From Politico:
Turnout in Milwaukee County was 80 percent in 2016. Turnout in Milwaukee County this year was 84 percent. That’s a very modest increase, especially relative to the rest of Wisconsin, where some rural red counties saw turnout boom as much as 15 percent. This is the inherent flaw with the GOP’s charge of mass voter fraud. Participation rates spiked more in Republican areas than in Democratic ones; Trump won more votes in cities like Milwaukee and Detroit than he did four years ago. There is no pattern in the data to suggest anything except a high-intensity, high-turnout election all the way around, and in many cases, particularly down-ballot, Republicans were the beneficiary.
Because the Department of Justice has not (yet) inserted itself into any of the fracases that have sprung up in various states, the burden falls on Trump’s campaign to substantiate their allegations of wrongdoing. That’s a heavy lift — one made heavier by the fact that, despite this being the most scrutinized election in memory, there is thus far zero evidence of any scalable fraud. This should be considered a triumph for Trump’s campaign: Over the past few months, I’ve had numerous local GOP officials boast about their poll-watching program, describing its sophistication, exuding confidence that they would have eyes and ears in every room as votes were being counted. “The Trump campaign is on it like white on rice. They’re watching everything,” Matt Albert, chair of the Outagamie County GOP in Wisconsin, told me last month. If anyone tried to cheat, Albert emphasized, they wouldn’t stand a chance.
This is what's cute about all of you. The narrative changes almost daily, and you pivot with it and accept anything you read as gospel truth as long as it fits your world view. Literally, tweets like "A poll worker told me there were uncounted Trump ballots in a box." Is to all of you, proof of massive nationwide fraud. But it's really not.
You all need to stop being so damn credulous. You have brains, try using them. Critical thinking can be your friend.
speaking of critical thinking, you know the saying....when you point the finger at someone u got 3 pointing right back at ya
Pollster: It's Curious How Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton In Every City...Except These Four. - Geller Report
Curious? Or impossible?