RAT impeachment hearings Fizzle

North Carolina needs more engineers like myself that are rational thinkers and problem solvers, and less progressive thinkers that think they know everything and create problems. I deal with progress idiots on a daily basis. Those Neanderthals in Huntsville, Alabama put men on the moon.
Progressives have contributed to making America great. For you to constantly dismiss them and assert your worldview as the only correct one reflects that you are anything but a rational thinker. Moreover, problems are NOT solved in a pluralistic society by people like you who think only their view is the correct one. THAT is my problem with you and narrow minded people like you.
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Progressives have contributed to making America great. For you to constantly dismiss them and assert your worldview as the only correct one reflects that you are anything but a rational thinker. Moreover, problems are NOT solved in a pluralistic society by people like you who think only their view is the correct one. THAT is my problem with you and narrow minded people like you.
Did I ever make a blanket statement about all progressives? Did I ever question your mental capacity? By the way your last response was hypocritical and insinuating. That’s the problem with some progressives, they are arrogant and condescending.
I didn’t know all the German scientists that developed the U.S. space program were from Houston?

A Roswell type crash in Italy in 1932.
A Roswell type crash in Germany in 1936.

Once, when Wernher von Braun was asked how the Germans got so far ahead of the rest of the world with their wonder-weapons, he gave a little smirk and said; "we had help."
After that, he refused to ever elaborate on what or who he meant had helped.... o_O
Progressives have contributed to making America great. For you to constantly dismiss them and assert your worldview as the only correct one reflects that you are anything but a rational thinker. Moreover, problems are NOT solved in a pluralistic society by people like you who think only their view is the correct one. THAT is my problem with you and narrow minded people like you.

Progressives see the Constitution as a log of bologna.
They take a slice away, then another, then another....
Eventually, all that's left of the bologna log is a stinking pile of progressive chit... o_O
A Roswell type crash in Italy in 1932.
A Roswell type crash in Germany in 1936.

Once, when Wernher von Braun was asked how the Germans got so far ahead of the rest of the world with their wonder-weapons, he gave a little smirk and said; "we had help."
After that, he refused to ever elaborate on what or who he meant had helped.... o_O
I do believe the Nazis were ahead of the curve scientifically, and I have heard about the the Nazi Bell involving some sort of advanced quantum mechanics for that time, but the Germans put a strong emphasis on mathematics and science in the education of children. My grandfather was German and had a degree in economics but became an electrical engineer through self taught, which is pretty remarkable. The Germans were very persistent in research and development, and I think that is why you have all these kinds extraterrestrial theories about their accomplishments.
Investigate away. It’s merely a distraction.

PS. LOL at OANN. That’s not a real news network. No respectable person takes them seriously. No surprise that you’ve bought into it.

OANN is pro-Trump.[7][21][22][23][19]Robert Herring, Sr., founder and CEO of the network, has ordered producers to promote certain types of content, such as pro-Trump stories, anti-Clinton stories and anti-abortion stories, and minimize stories about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.[7]According to a number of former and current employees at the channel, as well as internal e-mails, the executives of the channel have "directed his channel to push Trump’s candidacy, scuttle stories about police shootings, encourage antiabortion stories, minimize coverage of Russian aggression, and steer away from the new president’s troubles."
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My DNA ethnicity analysis was done at Genelex Labs in Seattle in 2008. I'm of Neanderthal descent. Probably most of us here are.

On a long ago Mensa exercise, I'm one of the 8 percent who answered this question correctly: Are there any among us who has a fear of heights? 92 percent answered the question incorrectly or skipped passed the question on the 60 question test.
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My DNA ethnicity analysis was done at Genelex Labs in Seattle in 2008. I'm of Neanderthal descent. Probably most of us here are.

On a long ago Mensa exercise, I'm one of the 8 percent who answered this question correctly: Are there any among us who has a fear of heights? 92 percent answered the question incorrectly or skipped passed the question on the 60 question test.
What a dumb question. And you misspelled past Mr. Mensa.
What a dumb question. And you misspelled past Mr. Mensa.

Thanks for correcting me. English is a third language. I fully expected you to find the question dumb. I'm not surprised in the least. A comma goes after past.

Another dumb question for your kind: Name the 9 letter English word with but one vowel. Name math's simplest equation.

Isn't this fun?
OANN is pro-Trump.[7][21][22][23][19]Robert Herring, Sr., founder and CEO of the network, has ordered producers to promote certain types of content, such as pro-Trump stories, anti-Clinton stories and anti-abortion stories, and minimize stories about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.[7]According to a number of former and current employees at the channel, as well as internal e-mails, the executives of the channel have "directed his channel to push Trump’s candidacy, scuttle stories about police shootings, encourage antiabortion stories, minimize coverage of Russian aggression, and steer away from the new president’s troubles."

Bro we've got CNN on camera admitting they are ordered to only report negatively on Trump, push the Russia collusion hoax (while also admitting on camera that it IS a hoax)

Damn you are dumb.
Did I ever make a blanket statement about all progressives? Did I ever question your mental capacity? By the way your last response was hypocritical and insinuating. That’s the problem with some progressives, they are arrogant and condescending.
Yes, you have consistently denigrated progressives, and it’s disingenuous for you to suggest otherwise.
As for “mental capacity”, there’s a world of difference between being able to think and refusing to. Intelligent but narrow-minded people constitute the latter category - the one you occupy. For example, it consists of people who think it was Ukraine, not Russia, who interfered in our 2016 election. For an intelligent person - say, an engineer - to hold such an opinion, they have to ignore ALL the evidence. Only a narrow mind allows one to ignore all evidence.
I’m sorry you feel insulted by my comments. You ought to feel embarrassed.
I am accepting of almost everything and everyone - unlike right wing nut jobs - including different world views. Live and let live usually governs my conduct. However, I have never been able to tolerate intellectually lazy, mean-spirited and narrow-minded people, which pretty much describes Trump supporters at this point in the disaster that’s his presidency.
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Thanks for correcting me. English is a third language. I fully expected you to find the question dumb. I'm not surprised in the least. A comma goes after past.

Another dumb question for your kind: Name the 9 letter English word with but one vowel. Name math's simplest equation.

Isn't this fun?
Yeah. I like quizzes.

What’s the answer to the heights question. It sounds like a trick question.
Strengths. (I cheated)
Also sounds like a trick question. There are many simple equations.
Yes, you have consistently denigrated progressives, and it’s disingenuous for you to suggest otherwise.

And others have pointed out what a horrible president and person obama is, that seems to enrage you as well.

'old-fashioned conservative'. libs always assume everyone else is as gullible as they are.
Yes, you have consistently denigrated progressives, and it’s disingenuous for you to suggest otherwise.
As for “mental capacity”, there’s a world of difference between being able to think and refusing to. Intelligent but narrow-minded people constitute the latter category - the one you occupy. For example, it consists of people who think it was Ukraine, not Russia, who interfered in our 2016 election. For an intelligent person - say, an engineer - to hold such an opinion, they have to ignore ALL the evidence. Only a narrow mind allows one to ignore all evidence.
I’m sorry you feel insulted by my comments. You ought to feel embarrassed.
I am accepting of almost everything and everyone - unlike right wing nut jobs - including different world views. Live and let live usually governs my conduct. However, I have never been able to tolerate intellectually lazy, mean-spirited and narrow-minded people, which pretty much describes Trump supporters at this point in the disaster that’s his presidency.

I believe it’s more likely willful ignorance rather than stupidity that causes Trumpers to ignore what’s staring them in the face. I doubt they would say these things IRL but for some reason feel free to make fools of themself on message boards.
Thanks for correcting me. English is a third language. I fully expected you to find the question dumb. I'm not surprised in the least. A comma goes after past.

Another dumb question for your kind: Name the 9 letter English word with but one vowel. Name math's simplest equation.

Isn't this fun?
Talk about confusing intelligence with wisdom and walking-around sense!
I believe it’s more likely willful ignorance rather than stupidity that causes Trumpers to ignore what’s staring them in the face. I doubt they would say these things IRL but for some reason feel free to make fools of themself on message boards.
That was my point.
That was my point.
Except for that Ghost guy. I truly believe he’s an idiot, which is why I don’t read his posts any more. His mind has been too warped by Alt right propaganda websites that masquerade as news.
Yeah. I like quizzes.

What’s the answer to the heights question. It sounds like a trick question.
Strengths. (I cheated)
Also sounds like a trick question. There are many simple equations.

I stand on a street corner in Denver in a crowd. I'm 5,280 feet above sea level. Our worst fears are getting run over by a bus or mugged.

I stand on the Alico building in Waco. I'm 712 feet above sea level. I stand near the edge with some roofers. I'm nervous. I walk away from the roofers to the middle of the rooftop. I'm as calm as a cucumber. I have no fear of heights nor do you.

Some of us have a fear of falling or a fear of edges.

I've always heard people say, "I'm afraid of heights." Sounded reasonable to me. In my class room testing, I reasoned the answer had to be no because the question was asked. I got it right.


I don't ask trick questions. I am one of those among us who want answers. I find no questions dumb.

You didn't cheat for looking up strengths. You sought an answer. I do so regularly. Kudos to you!
Looks like you’ve dropped the conservative pose you were to trying to sell a few weeks ago. Thanks to progressive thinking we now have the following:

1. Unfettered abortion on demand
2. Open borders and free benefits for law-breaking illegal aliens
3. Bigoted Intolerance against people of religious faith
4. Identity politics as a grievance industry
5. Climate change hysteria as a means of re-ordering the national and world economies
6. An Immoral entertainment industry
7. A view of America as a source of the world’s misery, rather than the shining light that it is (in spite of our acknowledged faults)
You are beyond stupid a d o we to IGNORE status.
What’s bullshit about it? You’re saying your outrage over trump is driven by your morals, rather than political cheerleading. So I’m asking you if it offends your morals that supposed progressives oversaw widening wealth disparity and then made literal hundreds of millions from financiers as soon as they left office.

Seems like a legit question to me. If you’re just a cheerleader, I apologize for trying to engage you in actual conversation. You can carry on with your “Trump good!/no Trump very bad” exchange with Ghost.

Which "progressives" are you speaking of?
The most obvious seems to be missing from this impeachment circus, the impeachable offense. All I saw was that Trump did everything right. These Democrats can not be allowed to keep the House in 2020. They have done nothing since Trump took office but put every effort into getting rid of him. Nero fiddles while Rome burns. It’s absurd at this point to think any independent or moderate Dem would vote for a Dem on 2020. If the Repubs acted lawless like this I would switch parties or become independent. Adam Sh&& for brains needs to be brought up on treason charges as well as top level employees of the intelligence and FBI. This includes prominent Dems. They are covering serious crimes committed by them.

Keeping the House isn't "allowed" it is voted for.

Not sure if you've been paying attention but 2017 & 2018 & 2019 elections were all victories for the left. Also, not looking so good for the GOP in 2020.
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I stand on a street corner in Denver in a crowd. I'm 5,280 feet above sea level. Our worst fears are getting run over by a bus or mugged.

I stand on the Alico building in Waco. I'm 712 feet above sea level. I stand near the edge with some roofers. I'm nervous. I walk away from the roofers to the middle of the rooftop. I'm as calm as a cucumber. I have no fear of heights nor do you.

Some of us have a fear of falling or a fear of edges.

I've always heard people say, "I'm afraid of heights." Sounded reasonable to me. In my class room testing, I reasoned the answer had to be no because the question was asked. I got it right.


I don't ask trick questions. I am one of those among us who want answers. I find no questions dumb.

You didn't cheat for looking up strengths. You sought an answer. I do so regularly. Kudos to you!
Nice parsing, but in common parlance "afraid of heignts" refers to one's fear of falling from where they are to a point such a distance below them as to give them that fear. It could be 10' or 100'. I see no point in showing off by quibbling about the language used.
Keeping the House isn't "allowed" it is voted for.

Not sure if you've been paying attention but 2017 & 2018 & 2019 elections were all victories for the left. Also, not looking so good for the GOP in 2020.

Sure about that? GOP grew its majority in the Senate, and you're about to see why thats so huge.
Sure about that? GOP grew its majority in the Senate, and you're about to see why thats so huge.

Numerous vulnerable repub Senators are being challenged in 2020. The dems will keep the House, make ground in the Senate (possibly taking it back) and will be shocked when a Progressive takes the nomination and wins the general. Bernie efing Sanders.
Numerous vulnerable repub Senators are being challenged in 2020. The dems will keep the House, make ground in the Senate (possibly taking it back) and will be shocked when a Progressive takes the nomination and wins the general. Bernie efing Sanders.

Isnt Bernie polling like 5th or 6th among the candidates? His chances are falling faster than my IQ reading a @BSC911 post
Isnt Bernie polling like 5th or 6th among the candidates? His chances are falling faster than my IQ reading a @BSC911 post

You must be getting that polling info from the mainstream media that you know lies to Us. Both party's elites & the 1% are crapping themselves about a Bernie presidency. This why Bloomberg the Billionaire is spending $100 million of his own money, not taking donations, not appearing in any debates.


Bernie's 2020 campaign just broke the record for fastest candidate ever to 4 million individual donations.

Bernie's 2020 campaign has the most volunteer signups of any candidate.

Bernie's 2020 campaign has the largest amount of available money of any of the candidates (not including today's entry, Bloomberg the Billionaire).

Bernie's 2020 campaign has by far the largest percentage of 18-35 year old voters. Bernie received more youth votes than $hillary and drumph combined in 2016.

This time #WeCan #Bernie2020
You must be getting that polling info from the mainstream media that you know lies to Us. Both party's elites & the 1% are crapping themselves about a Bernie presidency. This why Bloomberg the Billionaire is spending $100 million of his own money, not taking donations, not appearing in any debates.


Bernie's 2020 campaign just broke the record for fastest candidate ever to 4 million individual donations.

Bernie's 2020 campaign has the most volunteer signups of any candidate.

Bernie's 2020 campaign has the largest amount of available money of any of the candidates (not including today's entry, Bloomberg the Billionaire).

Bernie's 2020 campaign has by far the largest percentage of 18-35 year old voters. Bernie received more youth votes than $hillary and drumph combined in 2016.

This time #WeCan #Bernie2020

He did all that in 2016 too, then took a payoff in the form of a $600k house to drop out.

I feel sorry for anyone that believes in him. Talk about being had.
Which "progressives" are you speaking of?
Besides that, it's a classic case of deflection. We're not talking about my morals via a vis what some progressive may have done. We're talking about what Trump and his Sturmtruppen have done. My parents admonished me as a kid that my buddy shoplifting a candy bar didn't provide a moral basis for me to. Those who defend Trump by deflection were not fortunate enough to have parents who taught them that lesson.
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See how easy it is to manipulate dumb people?
They don’t even know they are being manipulated. That is what makes it so entertaining. The arrogance and entitlement that has
Keeping the House isn't "allowed" it is voted for.

Not sure if you've been paying attention but 2017 & 2018 & 2019 elections were all victories for the left. Also, not looking so good for the GOP in 2020.
Don’t worry the Dems will lose the House in 2020 and Trump will be president for the next 5 years. He will get to replace Ginsburg, who will soon be worm food, and he will continue to replace liberal judges in the lower courts. Doing all this in a booming economy while securing the southern border. As we say here in North Cackalacky, “Ain’t life grand”.
I stand on a street corner in Denver in a crowd. I'm 5,280 feet above sea level. Our worst fears are getting run over by a bus or mugged.

I stand on the Alico building in Waco. I'm 712 feet above sea level. I stand near the edge with some roofers. I'm nervous. I walk away from the roofers to the middle of the rooftop. I'm as calm as a cucumber. I have no fear of heights nor do you.

Some of us have a fear of falling or a fear of edges.

I've always heard people say, "I'm afraid of heights." Sounded reasonable to me. In my class room testing, I reasoned the answer had to be no because the question was asked. I got it right.


I don't ask trick questions. I am one of those among us who want answers. I find no questions dumb.

You didn't cheat for looking up strengths. You sought an answer. I do so regularly. Kudos to you!

Funny. I’ve used the fear of falling line before. It’s really just a matter of semantics rather than intelligence though.

I was going to answer 1+1=2 but that seemed too obvious. And quite frankly, it’s no more simple than 1+0=1, or 0+0=0. As Billy Preston once said.
Besides that, it's a classic case of deflection. We're not talking about my morals via a vis what some progressive may have done. We're talking about what Trump and his Sturmtruppen have done. My parents admonished me as a kid that my buddy shoplifting a candy bar didn't provide a moral basis for me to. Those who defend Trump by deflection were not fortunate enough to have parents who taught them that lesson.

So your mommy and daddy taught you to lie about your political affiliation on a silly message board?

Tsk tsk.
They don’t even know they are being manipulated. That is what makes it so entertaining. The arrogance and entitlement that has

Don’t worry the Dems will lose the House in 2020 and Trump will be president for the next 5 years. He will get to replace Ginsburg, who will soon be worm food, and he will continue to replace liberal judges in the lower courts. Doing all this in a booming economy while securing the southern border. As we say here in North Cackalacky, “Ain’t life grand”.

The economy is slowing. Have you not seen the GDP growth figures dropping and the forecasts for continued declines? This spells bad news for Trump and the Pubs. People are tired of all of the drama, and without a booming economy, there’s nothing left.
Trump sure takes up a lot of free rental space in heads of libs. A common defense mechanism is arrogance and condescension. Reading some of these posts question wether I should have been an English major instead of an Engineering major. II would feel so inadequate if it wasn’t for my big paychecks. Well, I must be off to bed, I have to be at my office at 6:30. Good night my conservative Neanderthals.