Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread

I don’t think this is as effective as masking up and shutting her down but in conjunction it just may do the trick…
It's the seasonal flu. We'll be ok.

Unless you got the jab, then good luck.
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🚨 Right on time for the Mid terms as the twinks spread Monkey Pox like they did AIDS

WHO Boss Tedros Officially Declares Monkeypox a Global Emergency.​

HE SHOULD BE in prison


I mean, if you’re gonna attend a ghey birthday orgy you have to really watch out these days.

'Monkeypox' incoming. 5 global deaths.

Midterms are coming. Amazing how every disease known to man has supposedly been ravaging the planet for the last 3 years, but in-person voting was only risky in November of 2020 and 2022.

Sheep never think to question.
And yet he doesn't come near balancing out your constantly reelected RINO, Bitch McConnell....

I'm not even sure RINO covers it. RINO seems to imply that he has a set of standards, flawed as they might be, that he lives by. He doesn't.

McConnell has 1 standard...get reelected. That is all he has ever truly cared about.
FLASH NEWS --- THERE ARE NO FREAKIN' VACCINES AVAILABLE, they are just experimental therapeutics that have already proven to be dangerous to a large percentage of those taking them.

They won't stop you from getting it.
They won't stop you from spreading it.
But they can possibly kill or incapacitate you instead of helping you.
Sounds way to risky for me to roll those questionable dice.....

Dr. Faulty, along with the rest of the Govt Rats and Big Pharm can continue to KMA....
Have a friend from the old neighborhood growing up, he's 55 and a staunch conservative and anti-vaxxer. He's been a drug rep in the past, but got laid off 3 years ago due to corporate downsizing. He just got a new job as a rep, but had to get the jab as a requirement of employment. He's so unhappy he had to make Sophie's Choice ...
I'd still pass on doing a Dr Faulty - Chinese Roulette dance, just to get another job with Corruption Inc....
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Have a friend from the old neighborhood growing up, he's 55 and a staunch conservative and anti-vaxxer. He's been a drug rep in the past, but got laid off 3 years ago due to corporate downsizing. He just got a new job as a rep, but had to get the jab as a requirement of employment. He's so unhappy he had to make Sophie's Choice ...
It really sucks. I have a lot of sympathy for people that have to make that choice. I imagine it really feels like damned if you do and damned if you dont.

But as our libber friends tell us, what's the big deal with forcing someone to get the vaxxxxx in order to get a job? It's not like they HAVE to have money, is it???

Dr. Richard Ebright said Anthony Fauci's statements, denying that the NIH funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, "have been untruthful."

Dr. Ebright to Lawmakers: Fauci’s Statements on Gain-of-Function Research ‘Have Been Untruthful’​


People have to eat…everyone’s situation is different.
He rolls those poison jab dice at his own risk. 🤓

I'll wish him well for his individual decision, but a lack of concern for him on the choices that he makes....

In my long life, I've made some dumber dangerous choices for less reason, and so far I've just been lucky with the outcomes.
"May the luck be strong in him this time..."
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Sen. Paul: 3 Experts Contradict Fauci Denials Of Gain-Of-Function Research​

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:00 PM PT – Saturday, August 6, 2022​

After chairing the only congressional hearing into the origins of COVID-19 and gain-of-function research, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) explained some of the subcommittee’s findings. One America’s John Hines has more from Capitol Hill.

"Look this seems bad and we can't explain it but all you can focus on is what you can control, like making sure you're vaxxed and boosted."

Sorry, but BS on that fake news claim.

What I just did was order 180 tabs of 3mg Ivermectin from a place in Canada that I found on the site, for about 1/4 of what I over-paid for it locally here in N.FL a few months ago.

I'll stay with their protocols because it's worked well for me so far, with Zero fake vaccines to roll those poison jab dice on....
"Look this seems bad and we can't explain it but all you can focus on is what you can control, like making sure you're vaxxed and boosted."

Sorry, but BS on that fake news claim.

What I just did was order 180 tabs of 3mg Ivermectin from a place in Canada that I found on the site, for about 1/4 of what I over-paid for it locally here in N.FL a few months ago.

I'll stay with their protocols because it's worked well for me so far, with Zero fake vaccines to roll those poison jab dice on....

I have another thing of the horse dewormer in the cabinet. It's the same thing as the pill form at a real low cost.