@fatman76 called it, you want to punish people for not making the choice you liked.
Let's say you chose to get the shot. You read that the shots can cause dangerous or even fatal reactions in some people, but you decided that was overblown and got the shot anyway.
Let's say at the same time you chose to get the shot, a teenager leaves her apartment to drive 2 hours home to be with her parents for Christmas.
One hour after getting the shot, you begin to develop sudden, shortness of breath. A few minutes later, you begin to have a heart attack, and are rushed to the hospital.
10 mins before this happened to you, that teenage girl was sideswiped by a drunk driver. She has a life-threatening heart injury and has been rushed to the hospital.
The same one you are headed to.
There's one doctor on staff who can help either of you. The other will likely die.
Does he help you, after you knew the potential risks of the shot and got it anyway, or does he help the teenage girl who didn't have a choice?
Be careful with handing out judgement, you might find yourself on the wrong end of it one day.