As ALWAYS...the conservative was morally and ethically correct.
Good news for you pedo supporters like yourself.Girls Are Getting Their Periods Earlier, And They’re More Irregular Than Past Generations | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
God has an interesting sense of humor….
Thoughts my lil sheep??
@gatordad3 @fatman76 @RussellCasse
You of all people when you stalk posters here along with your gay Mike Sington tweets.
You of all people when you stalk posters here along with your gay Mike Sington tweets.
How about giving us new material the same way we give you something new about Groper Joe and the Obama males, Manchelle and Barry. You're still posting Mike Sington tweets, which is creepy, like you.
Wow. Creepy zombie.
LOL.............lost his gold membership. Lost his hall pass to the Thunderdome! 😂 😂 😂 😂
This is crazy shit. I'm not saying it's not true, because this was all the rage on Reddit a few years ago. It ALL got scrubbed. Ghostofmatches Malone made me look. It was there for a while but it's all been wiped clean.
Let's hope so. Trump was going to release the Kennedy files but someone in his administration talked him out of it. I believe it would expose the CIA big time. RFK Jr has said if elected again Trump said he would would release the JFK files.
Hopefully Trump is going to appoint the Pinkerton Gang to supervise ICE in 2025.
the ONLY thing that can be said here...SICK BASTARD
Well, yes, but he's also always been a pedophile, and he's always been stupid, graduating at the bottom 10% of his very mediocre law school ...