Originally posted by dalecrowe:
I read the misguided statements in this thread and it amazing to see so much ignorance about the homosexual lifestyle. I'm am a retired Chaplain for the Department of Corrections and a Noutheic Counselor. My brother in law and nephew died of AIDS. I've counseled literally hundreds of homosexuals.. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the first homosexual encounter started by being molested by an older family member or Family friend. Most did not have a father figure or at best a father who totally ignored them. The fatherly love they sought and desired made them an easy prey to being molested.and the preying homosexual knows all the right things to say to a confused young boy. For a young boy, it will dramatically change his life. I was molested at the age of 12 and I was changed dramatically in the opposite extreme. I though it made me homosexual and I became a babe hound wanting to bed every woman I met just to prove I wasn't. ( That and because sex is GOOD!!) He equates homosexual act with love as so the homosexual experience begins. As for the "studies" I've read about mentioned on this thread that says homosexuality is in the genes; those studies were later debunked because the data was falsified in favor of the report. The researchers turned out to be homosexual and had an agenda. There are numerous verifiable studies that point to one conclusion. Homosexuals are made, not born that way. I've counseled many homosexuals that successfully overcame their attraction for same sex and are living heterosexual lives and well on their way to total happiness. For the record, the homosexual is one of the most violent of inmates in prison. One final word, I attended a weekend seminar in Nashville around fifteen years ago. The keynote speaker was a Musician and songwriter for Christian music. He lived a homosexual lifestyle from a young age through college. When it was revealed by accident to his college roommate; his friend and the friend's mother didn't reject him but instead, helped him to identify the issues that started him in the homosexual lifestyle. He later married, (to a woman) and at last count he has 12 children. Could be more by now because it seems that after he discovered the true purpose of his manhood, he became a tiger for his wife. His name is Dennis Jernigan in case you want to verify his story. Now, some on here might call me ignorant because I disagree with your assessment the homosexual is born that way. But the ignorance lies with the one who blindly accepts a concept as accurate without doing a complete and educated research. Am I a homophobe? If you were privileged to observe my love for my nephew and brother in law as I held their hands and hugged them as they died a horrible death, you might reject that word. At the time they died, there was little information on AIDs and the common misconception was that you could contact it from just touching a patient. I had their tears on my hands and face. Yeah, I guess maybe I might be considered ignorant after all. Get educated people before making such remarks about another. You might be surprised.
This post was edited on 2/10 2:35 PM by dalecrowe