OT: Roe v Wade just overturned

i did, from CA to AZ 2 years ago. Grew tired of the encroaching crime and homelessness, the treatment of criminals as a protected class, the blind eye turned towards illegal immigration, but above all else was the daily governmental stupidity of allowing trillions of gallons of fresh water to run out to sea, creating a drought, and outlawing production of gas powered vehicles after 2035 ...
Where did you settle in AZ?
  • Wow
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sad time in this country
Hai boi!

Well if we can just undo Obergefell!

Imagine TN .

A lot of the Californians and others that came here (TN) that are libs would hopefully pack up and leave. The states that cater to their immorality are also states that would make them serfs to the government.

They're going to tax them into oblivion for the welfare state, take their guns, restrict their speech, control their utilities, force them to drive EVs, groom their children, take their property and etc.

But hey they will still be allowed to transition, marry the same sex and kill the unborn.
Well, if they groom them/transition them all into same sex marriages, there won't be any "birthing persons" so abortion won't be needed.
i did, from CA to AZ 2 years ago. Grew tired of the encroaching crime and homelessness, the treatment of criminals as a protected class, the blind eye turned towards illegal immigration, but above all else was the daily governmental stupidity of allowing trillions of gallons of fresh water to run out to sea, creating a drought, and outlawing production of gas powered vehicles after 2035 ...
Seems like some in CA are waking up. DA and School Board members being recalled left and right now.
Seems like some in CA are waking up. DA and School Board members being recalled left and right now.
Those were outliers. Majority of the population centers are still pushing as hard left as possible.

The dealbreaker for me was June 2019, when the 5-2 or 6-1 lib Fresno City Council voted to allocate 200k annually to pay MS-13 gang members to NOT do drive by shootings. They are still doing it. Feel free to google it ...
Those were outliers. Majority of the population centers are still pushing as hard left as possible.

The dealbreaker for me was June 2019, when the 5-2 or 6-1 lib Fresno City Council voted to allocate 200k annually to pay MS-13 gang members to NOT do drive by shootings. They are still doing it. Feel free to google it ...
I remember reading about that. Mexican Mafia. :mad:
What does it matter to Bath House Barry? It's not like his wife can have an abortion, let alone get pregnant.

Emperor Obama Palpatine calling on his stormtroopers to attack the Resistance. Will Admiral Trump Calamari bring on the Proud Boys squadron to intercept them??
I haven’t read all the dialogue here. But my question is this. Why is there so much damn uproar and rioting about this when you could theoretically drive ten minutes ti a different doctor/state and get an abortion, as long as that state allows them?
I haven’t read all the dialogue here. But my question is this. Why is there so much damn uproar and rioting about this when you could theoretically drive ten minutes ti a different doctor/state and get an abortion, as long as that state allows them?
The irrational left wants Gov't rule over everyone. They're insane.
In the simplest terms, the Socialist Rats want,,, whatever they want,,, and they are willing to ignore the Constitutional restriction on the Public Servants and turn to violence to get it....

Until the Sovereign Citizens are willing to stand up to them and return a blow for blow response, things will continue to 'go to HELL in a handbasket.....'
Abortion is not a Constitutional Right…. Each state should decide. Leftists went far, far too far w Government funded, partial birth, late term abortion. Roe had to go.

Politics affirms principles. The fight to save America continues!!! MAGA is winning!
This...and neither is universal healthcare. But the dim wits keep saying it is...and dumb people quote that.

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