ray ray your articles are a perfect example of how the media can easily gaslight the slow-witted.
I actually read your three articles. I noticed two important things:
1 - Your articles totally ignored the most damaging exchanges for the defense. The exchange with Ms Honey that I gave video to above was particularly devastating for the defense, as the defense attorney literally walked Ms Honey through explaining that the ballots were 'legally called INVALID ballots'. And the article also made no mention of defense attorney being so befuddled that at one point he objected to his own co-counsel. I can't help but think each article would have made that embarrassing episode a focus if Kari's team had slipped up like that.
I guess you missed this in the last article I linked to...I've highlighted where your claim falls apart.
Theories are NOT evidence
Testimony: County had sloppy chain of custody system
Heather Honey of Haystack Investigations, a Pennsylvania company that worked as a subcontractor on the Arizona Senate's partisan audit of the 2020 election, testified that the county had a sloppy chain of custody system and, referring to affidavits as part of the lawsuit's 7,000-plus pages of exhibits, how Runbeck employees allegedly could insert ballots at will into the system without a proper record. Honey is also a founder of Verity Vote, an election-security investigation company that reported in October that a Pennsylvania sent 255,000 ballots to unverified voters, a claim
Pennsylvania officials dispute.
Runbeck employee Denise Marie, who's expected to testify on the trial's second day, stated in an affidavit that employee family members were allowed to turn in ballots to the company's Phoenix facility in violation of Arizona law. Honey, who had interviewed Marie as part of her review of Maricopa County's 2022 election, suggested — as the lawsuit does — that any number of unaccountable ballots
could have been inserted into the system this way.
She theorized that the county's failure to follow procedural rules and the law must have been purposeful.
"Somebody," she said, "made the decision not to do it."
Richer and Jarrett, in their own testimony, described the system much differently, saying that
they adhered to election procedures required by law.
2 - The articles never mention the damaging exchanges, but the title and focus of the articles is to attempt to debunk them anyway. Notice the titles 'no misconduct', 'no shockers', 'no smoking gun'. The articles are set up to debunk what Twitter is saying, without acknowledging what happened in the trial to CAUSE TWITTER TO SAY THAT.
The twitter posts seem to never mention this about the "damaging exchanges"...gee, I wonder why 🤔
A cyber expert was among the witnesses
Some of the most compelling testimony of the day came from IT expert Clay Parikh, who alleged that someone had intentionally changed printer presets at polling centers, causing the Election Day malfunctions.
Parikh said he has been with defense firm Northrop Grumman auditing “classified systems” for three years and as a career IT security professional has worked for NASA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and voting systems. In response to questions by county lawyer Tom Liddy, Parikh also noted that he was being paid $250 an hour from Lake's defense fund for his testimony and that the fund also paid his airfare and lodging from his home in Alabama. He acknowledged that he had also previously spoken at an event hosted by Mike Lindell, the "Pillow Guy," who has helped Trump promote baseless claims of election fraud.
Parikh saw nearly 50 out of 113 "spoiled" ballots that he said had a serious flaw: They consisted of 19-inch ballot images printed on 20-inch ballot paper. The bad print job causes ballots to be rejected by the tabulators, he said, and implied this could have happened to many more ballots. He said the problem must have been intentional because it could have only happened by changing the printer adjustments or changing the setting to the app that creates the ballot style.
Liddy asked him what would happen to a ballot that a tabulator rejected because its ballot image was off-kilter. Parikh said it would be duplicated — the votes from the bad ballot transferred to the duplicate ballot — and run through the tabulator again.
Would it be counted? Liddy asked.
"If they are duplicated correctly and configured correctly, yes," Parikh said.
Though Parikh said he confirmed some ballots had mismatched ballot images printed on them, Jarrett, the election director, had previously testified that it would be a mistake if any 20-inch ballot had a 19-inch image.
But Parikh had offered no testimony alleging that mismatched-ballot images would not be duplicated and their votes counted, leaving open the idea that the problem had not caused any disenfranchised votes.
It was a horrible first day for Katie's team. I dunno what Katie did with all that money she collected from gullible supporters, but I don't think she spend it on attorneys, at least not based on what happened Weds.
Lake's witnesses testified that they had
NO EVIDENCE to support their claims
Your safe in assuming Lake will lose...