Need help in understanding impeachment votes


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
Does it still take a super majority of 67 votes in the senate to throw out a president? If so, why is there such hand wringing over what a few senators like Collins, Murkowski, etc are going to do? What am I not understanding?
67 is required. If witnesses are called this could be long and drug out which might favor Dimms. Calling Bidens and Mack Daddy as witnesses might favor Pubs. Dimms will fight Mack Daddy being called. Many Dimms will throw Bidens under the Caterpillar.

Murkowski, Collins and Romney are sleazy Trump hating RINOs. Romney son was tied up with sleazy Ukrainian gas company.
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67 is required. If witnesses are called this could be long and drug out which might favor Dimms. Calling Bidens and Mack Daddy as witnesses might favor Pubs. Dimms will fight Mack Daddy being called. Many Dimms will throw Bidens under the Caterpillar.

Murkowski, Collins and Romney are sleazy Trump hating RINOs. Romney son was tied up with sleazy Ukrainian gas company.
Thanks very much.
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Does it still take a super majority of 67 votes in the senate to throw out a president? If so, why is there such hand wringing over what a few senators like Collins, Murkowski, etc are going to do? What am I not understanding?

Need a Super Majority of 67 to remove Trump from office.
But only a simple majority to decide if more witnesses will be called.
Demorats need 4 Pubs to vote with them to get more witnesses and extend the Senate debate.

The House is responsible to 1st have a vote to begin an inquiry.
They did not. Instead Pil-O-see did that on her own without the House's authority.
All subpoenas issued before a full house vote were invalid.

The Demorats put together their excuse for evidence and presented it to the Senate.
The Senates job is to hear he evidence provided by the House and vote.
They are not responsible for the House's ineptitude on what they have presented.

The correct thing to do is to end this fiasco on the basis of what was presented to the Senate by the (no-bipartisan) House Demorats when they voted to impeach.
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In answering my own question, I guess it would be the same managers who questioned witnesses on the house side.
Democrats are ALWAYS in lockstep. Republicans NEVER are. Hence Collins, Murkowskki and Romney types.

Actually that's incorrect, just nearly true... ;)
For Impeachment in the House vote, ONLY Demorats voted YES.
The NO vote was bipartisan, but in the minority in total votes.
Only Demorats voted YES.

JMOHO, but Rino Romney is one of the biggest lying, backstabbing, 'pieces of chit' in the Senate. I wouldn't vote for his sorry azz for dog-catcher.... o_O
Actually that's incorrect, just nearly true... ;)
For Impeachment in the House vote, ONLY Demorats voted YES.
The NO vote was bipartisan, but in the minority in total votes.
Only Demorats voted YES.

JMOHO, but Rino Romney is one of the biggest lying, backstabbing, 'pieces of chit' in the Senate. I wouldn't vote for his sorry azz for dog-catcher.... o_O
Oh, look whose repeating Hannity talking points. Nothing from OANN?
Still trying to get people to believe Dewlilly's report is going to end the largest and oldest political party in America. smh

No idea who Dewilly is. I do know you sound like one.

John Durham's report is due late Spring, early Summer per AG Barr.

It will NOT be what takes down the democratic party. Keep watching.
Oh, look whose repeating Hannity talking points. Nothing from OANN?
Who's Hannity? I have never heard him speak... :cool:

And BTW, as I've challenged you before, when you diss on OANN, please give evidence of any mistakes that they have made in reporting the news. o_O
Who's Hannity? I have never heard him speak... :cool:

And BTW, as I've challenged you before, when you diss on OANN, please give evidence of any mistakes that they have made in reporting the news. o_O

They have a stated mission to push only the conservative agenda. They cater to the rubes. They aren’t to be taken seriously as a serious news organization.

Its just funny that you repeated Hannity right after he said the same thing. You guys must all have the same talking points.
They have a stated mission to push only the conservative agenda. They cater to the rubes. They aren’t to be taken seriously as a serious news organization.

Its just funny that you repeated Hannity right after he said the same thing. You guys must all have the same talking points.

At least they admit their stated mission - unlike WaPo and NYT
They have a stated mission to push only the conservative agenda. They cater to the rubes. They aren’t to be taken seriously as a serious news organization.

Its just funny that you repeated Hannity right after he said the same thing. You guys must all have the same talking points.

Those are just your own biased and ignorant opinions, not actual facts.

OAN has two 1 Hr conservative editorials, the Daily Ledger and Tipping Point.
They are proud to say that they push a conservative point of view, but they do it with correct facts, not with lies and bigotry like the MSM.

The rest is factual news programming that they have never had to retract, unlike the 'Fake News' swamp sludge that you willing suck down every day. o_O

OANN - On Direct TV at 347 -- For news you can trust (for a change).
Their ratings continue to soar, while the MSM's credibility continues to fall.

The swamp is not made up of just Demorat Politicians. It's also their career bureau-rats and the constantly discredited MSM that continues to push their corrupt agendas (alone with the tools like you). :cool:
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