My bank account says no.
Tell me about it. I'm paying 20% weekly.
My bank account says no.
So you think Gehrig and Ruth were laughing about the whole thing. Possible I guess.
My bank account says no.
Good luck to ya brotha. 2 women to deal with and 3 daughters...damn! I'd pick up a lot of hobbies.
I was joking about the two women. Three daughters is happening though. Plus I've got my sister in law and mother in law in close proximity and my wife, so I've got plenty of women running around.
I use to always say that as karma for my sins I'd try to have kids and end up with like 5 girls and they'd all end up on the pole.
Jus found out wife preg, expecting 2nd. Hope its a boy.
I hope it's yours.
I almost agree with you on this.
My ire is directed at girls playing on boys teams. Either we have sports split by gender, in which case they are completely split by gender, or we have combined teams, which are completely combined. Boys who want to play volleyball but can't because their high school only has girls volleyball shouldn't have to watch girls who want to play hockey be able to play on the boys team.
FTR, I have no personal investment in this. It just irks me.
Women and men are not equal. They just arent. There is a reason they are seperated. Yet we have to play pretend like we are. Its stupid to me
The Navy has just announced that they are going to mixed crew submarines. I'm okay with that idea, but the crew should be set up for a close to 50/50 mix, and the social fraternization rules will need to be relaxed, to prevent serious complications during long term isolated deployments.
(riding the Waves in not a new sport in the Navy)I think the carrier Enterprise was one of the first ships to go mixed in the navy. They had such an explosion of pregnancies they had to add a maternity ward. Earned the nickname the Love Boat
Lawyers, accountants, dentists, political graft practitioners, preachers, teachers, among other like jobs, should certainly be 'Equal Pay for Equal Work.'
However, there are things, usually of a physical nature, where they should be separate but equal. Here's an example from my way of thinking...
Seal Teams should be segregated. It's okay to have women Seals, but they should be on an All Woman's Team, not in a mixed male/female group. There is just to large of a physical ability difference to mix them on a regular basis imo. This should include all sports or jobs with a heavy physical component. Breeding age females also have some natural disadvantages that can best be dealt with in an all female team/group. While it's not a big deal, it's also not nothing....
It's okay to have women fighter pilots, and those could easily be in mixed male/female squadrons. Women Snipers have long ago proven their equal worth.
In combat situations, it's much more important to have people that can get the specific job done, than it is to argue over which people you have doing the job.
The Navy has just announced that they are going to mixed crew submarines. I'm okay with that idea, but the crew should be set up for a close to 50/50 mix, and the social fraternization rules will need to be relaxed, to prevent serious complications during long term isolated deployments.
(it seemed to work out okay on Star Trek) --
You are still allowed your own prejudices and/or opinions, even if/when they are wrong.
I won't bore you or the board with all of the examples of some specific women, doing a job better than some specific male.
Let's see you gestate and deliver a new person into the world.
Women have for eternity been the primary trainers of the men in the world.
At one time or another, women have done virtually every kind of job that a man can do. The strongest woman is actually stronger than the average man. Why try to use some arbitrary rule that is so loaded with person to person exceptions...
Famous Quote - 'Behind ever great man, stands an equally great woman.'
While that's not always true, it often is. I actually see it another way. Behind every great partnership, stands two people who love, cherish, and support each other.
Individuals vary greatly, be they men or women. You need the right person for the job being done, gender is irrelevant in most (but not every) cases.
Like i said. I value women, they are productive but if u take the top 5 of any job in the world, the majority is maale. Its not prejudice, its true. Its almost like me saying white people are just as fast as balck people, i mean, i could say it, but its not true. Yes, some are faster but the top 5 in the world are all goijg to be black or majority black.
If your argument is they give birth better, well, you are proving my point, the only thing they can do better is something a man cant do so they have to he first.
Im not saying women are not great at their jobs and there are a lot of them who are. Ive hired women over men but ive never had to offer a top 5 job and if i did, it would go to a dude.
So I'm guessing that you voted for Trump, over the Hilbillery....
In my opinion, I'm not sure that either of them actually met the minimum requirements for the job. I still think that elections need a 'None of the Above' category at the bottom of the page. Our voting seems to have gone from the 'Lesser of two evils' -- To the 'Evil of two Lessers.'
As for top jobs, I'd look at all those that met the minimum requirements for the job, and then I'd hire the person that I determined would best be able to accomplish the goals, without bothering to notice which gender that the best was from. But that's just me.
I've never supported any kind of PC affirmative action for race, gender, age, religion, culture, or any other type of grouping. It's all bs imoho. I'm not into attempting to reconcile any or all perceived past injustices.
I've never under-paid or raped a woman.
I've never owned a single slave.
I've never killed a muslim or a jew.
I've never driven an indian off his land.
I've never thrown a widow or an old person out into the street.
And so I don't OWE any of them anything....
To me, limousine liberal social engineering is a vast load of crap and a total failure.
Im white and ran a 4.36 at an adidas combine before i went to college, so you are racist...
damn i thought i had it all on the checklist until the throwing old people somewhere... almost had it
iv'e done all those things
So I'm guessing that you voted for Trump, over the Hilbillery....
In my opinion, I'm not sure that either of them actually met the minimum requirements for the job. I still think that elections need a 'None of the Above' category at the bottom of the page. Our voting seems to have gone from the 'Lesser of two evils' -- To the 'Evil of two Lessers.'
As for top jobs, I'd look at all those that met the minimum requirements for the job, and then I'd hire the person that I determined would best be able to accomplish the goals, without bothering to notice which gender that the best was from. But that's just me.
I've never supported any kind of PC affirmative action for race, gender, age, religion, culture, or any other type of grouping. It's all bs imoho. I'm not into attempting to reconcile any or all perceived past injustices.
I've never under-paid or raped a woman.
I've never owned a single slave.
I've never killed a muslim or a jew.
I've never driven an indian off his land.
I've never thrown a widow or an old person out into the street.
And so I don't OWE any of them anything....
To me, limousine liberal social engineering is a vast load of crap and a total failure.
I voted trump but not becuz hillary is a woman. Pretty much agree with everything u said...... Not sure if thats a good thing
Lol at the 4.36
no, i definitely did... ask a poster here named dunny goat
I mean. I ran a 3.1 on a stop watch
The crazy crap you expect us to believe, on your word alone, all evidence to the contrary, and you won't accept that a defensive back who played 1-A ball could run a hand-timed 4.36? Stupid much?
I mean i ran it on a hand time, but it was at least 5 of them, some of them even had me faster.. So i ran it again, and ran a 4.41... but if multiple college coaches catch you in that range at the line and all of them had it in the 4.3's on that run, it should be fairly accurate that it was indeed, fast.
Either way, i was moving then.
Faster than cj spiller..... While u were in high school. Lol
I mean u had to be running in the 10's for the 100 right?
I saw him play in person in high school, and the guy did play at Bama and MSU.
Jesus......we have someone who scored below a 1000 on the SAT here point was, since i have to spell it out for u. That hand time sstop watches are not reliable at all. In the slightest. Also, who was the defensive back who played division 1? Shirley he went to the combine and ran that on the non stop watch time right? Didnt think so.
It was not an nfl or anything related to the league combine, it was for high school kids with college recruiters there in birmingham... The only time i ever ran on an NFL clock for MSU's pro day was after my freshman year at the end of Spring ball going into my sophomore year.. I ran a 4.45 on one go just for the hell of it after all the seniors did their pro day New Orleans. Im not claiming to be faster than Bo jackson, calm down. But when i was 20 lbs lighter the Feb before that of my senior year of HS, yes i was clocked at that time. It was posted up on the web still for the longest time
1. Numbers played d-1 ball as a D-back.
2. Hand timed 40s are fairly reliable. They are consistently slightly quicker than electronic timed, by .075 to .175 seconds, per studies done. And he openly stated it was hand timed, so insinuating he should have to prove he can run it by going to the NFL combine is a straw man argument at best.
3. Dumbass.
Faster than cj spiller..... While u were in high school. Lol
I mean u had to be running in the 10's for the 100 right?
Why is that hard to believe? Hell, I ran a 10.1 in HS in track for the 100, a fast time, but there were better than I. Do you think all the posters here are beer-gutted basement types because they post on the InterWebz?