The Morning Joke starring Bleached Blonde Joke and Mika WAS based in New Yawk City. Joke lived there while Mika( who spread for Bill Clinton) commuted from New Jousey.
After they began "Knowing" each other in the Biblical sense, they dumped their families and fled to FLORIDA where NBC set up a studio in the house they are shacking up in so they could both ESCAPE the sky high personal income taxes of those democrat states.
They put up a phony US Capital backdrop on the set. It like everything aid by those two is PHONY.
Joe was once a decent man when he was a Florida Republican Congressman. But the big money from MSDNC was enough to sell his soul to the Satan worshipers.
After they began "Knowing" each other in the Biblical sense, they dumped their families and fled to FLORIDA where NBC set up a studio in the house they are shacking up in so they could both ESCAPE the sky high personal income taxes of those democrat states.
They put up a phony US Capital backdrop on the set. It like everything aid by those two is PHONY.
Joe was once a decent man when he was a Florida Republican Congressman. But the big money from MSDNC was enough to sell his soul to the Satan worshipers.