More info on the steal

Theo is coming around 😭

If it was just the lie and coverup from Hunters computer (that 51 liars, social media censored, and 95% of news channels SWORE was Russian disinformation)(which it was WAY, WAY, WAY worse than just that) it would be true. But 81 million votes for a guy who had about 25 people show up at his rallies...that shats his pants and cannot even speak a complete sentence? No...I am not that dumb.
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Help me here...are you saying the snowflakes KNOW they did not win without stealing, but do not care because it put them in power?
Stalin was a leftist.

Hitler was a leftist.

Mussolini was a leftist.

Mao, and modern China is a far left society.

Leftist ideology leaves a wake of suffering in its path everywhere it goes. Do you think for one second they care about our Republic?

Money, power, influence and control. This is all that matters to them. Liberty and freedom are a direct threat.
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Stalin was a leftist.

Hitler was a leftist.

Mussolini was a leftist.

Mao, and modern China is a far left society.

Leftist ideology leaves a wake of suffering in its path everywhere it goes. Do you think for one second they care about our Republic?

Money, power, influence and control. This is all that matters to them. Liberty and freedom are a direct threat.
Not even a millisecond
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