I haven’t been on here as I pay $ for premium and got tired of all these FREE posters.but,I was the one who reported to Rivals that porn was all over this board. I WAS THE ONE who requested a moderator and got you your job. So, please pull up Sad’s, Danny’s, Lizzardgrad, TennesseeGator and the rest’s posts filled with penis pics, cuss words and worse. Or how about Evil and his posts which I don’t think the P.C. police would like. The ONLY way this board has ANY SHOT is to not play favorites to the suck ups. And as much as I think Sad is a real POS he is still a Gator and should be given some levity but, GwinnettDawg, IraqDawg and a few others just need to go ASAP as they have just bashed Coach Mullen and the team the last 4-6 months knowing they won’t get banned.
I was a moderator on here 15 YEARS AGO for Marty and Laura. It gets old real quick as you’ll see. This is no place that anyone that is female or considered a child would ever feel welcome. It all starts with SadGator. Ban him and things will change real quick. He and the others to have been coming here for 10+!years and think they are immune to anything as nobody stops there constant attacks. When I finally went after them it was like I took candy from a bunch of infants. Best of luck with the Gig as I’m hanging in a premium site for signing day and beyond. Just don’t make it Warchant 2.0 right 939913?
1. "All these free posters". There are what, a dozen regulars?
2. You reported the porn. Good on you, but it's a shame it took a premium board post to get any attention to the issues on here OF WHICH YOU ARE ONE.
3. Called out for "penis pics, cuss words and worse"? I don't post nudity or sex, and if it hurt your widdle feelings to be called a douchenozzle, you shouldn't have BEEN such a douchnozzle! As for Paco pulling up our posts, he has POSTED IN THOSE THREADS, so kinda think he is aware of them already.
4. "The only way this board has any shot is to not play favorites". Seriously? This board WHICH HAS BEEN IN EXISTENCE FOR 18 YEARS is going to go under unless we follow YOUR advice? You are SOOO delusional.
5. "It all starts with SadGator". What starts? He's a very reasonable and well liked poster. All I can think is you don't like that he is a Democrat. Well, hate to break it to you bub, but so is half the country. Funny thing, in America, people are ALLOWED to have different opinions. If you want to live in a country where only one opinion is allowed, feel free to move to one. Preferably one where there is no access to this board.
6. "When I finally went after them". Why did you come to a board where the Gators are pretty much all sticking together in all kinds of weather, and start attacking people? And then, why were you surprised to be attacked in return? Gotta love a person who gets upset when people RETALIATE TO UNPROVOKED ATTACKS.
7. The fact that you know FSU numbers' actual numbers instead of calling him FSU numbers, is VERY telling.
8. Buh bye Lakerdouche, don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!