Keeping up with Brandinomics

I've been told @bradleygator is the latest to inform @BSC911 that he knows absolutely nothing about economics or the O&G industry. bsc is the poster that claimed that record high inflation turbocharged the economy. His spin was that since inflation meant prices shot up, that means SPENDING went up, so inflation benefits the economy.
bradleygator makes how many who has tried to teach economics 101 to bsc? The economics beginner knows an all time record $1 trillion in consumer credit card debt caused by Bidenomics inflationary tsunami is not good.
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I've been told @bradleygator is the latest to inform @BSC911 that he knows absolutely nothing about economics or the O&G industry. bsc is the poster that claimed that record high inflation turbocharged the economy. His spin was that since inflation meant prices shot up, that means SPENDING went up, so inflation benefits the economy.
You can't fix stupid, but you can certainly ignore it.
Fox Business just told me consumer goods prices are up almost 16% under Bidenomics. Bidenomics has been a disaster for middle America.
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You still here @BSC911 ?

Here are the last few posts, in reverse order, to recap for you.
1) 40-year low in housing affordability
2) 11% jump in homelessness, worse than the great recession
3) Last month's economic data was all revised down yesterday
4) Major US banks are facing a likely downgrade
5) Gas prices are up 53% since Biden took office, surging to 10 month highs two days ago
6) The avg family is spending $709 more per month under Biden's economic policies
7) Mortgage rates have surged to nearly 7%

That's just what's on this page. Tell me all the good news I'm missing?
You still here @BSC911 ?

Here are the last few posts, in reverse order, to recap for you.
1) 40-year low in housing affordability
2) 11% jump in homelessness, worse than the great recession
3) Last month's economic data was all revised down yesterday
4) Major US banks are facing a likely downgrade
5) Gas prices are up 53% since Biden took office, surging to 10 month highs two days ago
6) The avg family is spending $709 more per month under Biden's economic policies
7) Mortgage rates have surged to nearly 7%

That's just what's on this page. Tell me all the good news I'm missing?
And idiots like Hakeem Jeffries think the economy is doing well. Can't fix stupid or liars.
And idiots like Hakeem Jeffries think the economy is doing well. Can't fix stupid or liars.
He's a troll.

He doesn't actually believe most of what he says, and neither do most of our trolls, they just have some sort of massive hole in their lives where it makes them feel good to get attention on a free message they say ridiculous things to get attention.

They also lie about nearly every other aspect of their lives, further proving the hypothesis that their keyboards are cheeto-stained and they yell upstairs at mom for meatloaf every few hours.
You still here @BSC911 ?

Here are the last few posts, in reverse order, to recap for you.
1) 40-year low in housing affordability
2) 11% jump in homelessness, worse than the great recession
3) Last month's economic data was all revised down yesterday
4) Major US banks are facing a likely downgrade
5) Gas prices are up 53% since Biden took office, surging to 10 month highs two days ago
6) The avg family is spending $709 more per month under Biden's economic policies
7) Mortgage rates have surged to nearly 7%

That's just what's on this page. Tell me all the good news I'm missing?
The Biden economy is booming. I'm a member of MENSA. NavigatorII failed a CPA test. Look for nail1988 to come out of the closet soon as a Warmist. Biden has been one of US oil & gas staunchest allies. Tell me what I'm missing.
The Biden economy is booming. I'm a member of MENSA. NavigatorII failed a CPA test. Look for nail1988 to come out of the closet soon as a Warmist. Biden has been one of US oil & gas staunchest allies. Tell me what I'm missing.
The interwebz have probably never seen a fraud like Cucky. It always cheers me up to watch him squirm in his meaningless in the great abyss. 😂
Too bad GayRay can't see this...........

Yes sir. It’s horrible news for home builders

People are banking on the hope of a sudden reduction on rates and refinancing. If that doesn't happen relatively soon, eventually confidence will break and that's when the worm will turn.

If it does happen, refinancing is going to become a very lucrative.

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