It’s official: Sleepy Joe just peaced out…

Jimbo, you are very fortunate, my good man. I have some friends who have experienced untoward side effects from the jab - one had to retire prematurely from dentistry and the other developed Guillen-Barre and was a neurological mess. i know 2 others whose kids between the ages of 25-30 died from cardiac events despite being athletic and healthy. No other explanation was given.

As a former healthcare professional, you could not pay me enough to take the jab ...
Radiologist buddy is still a total mess from GB from the shot. A mandatory booster got him.

My wife is still dealing with heart problems.

My good friends MIL had a stroke.

Astra Zeneca just came out and said approximately 11% of people had issues.
This is far more funny, but actually more factual.

I agree with everything you typed here. Masks were RIDICULOUS...I started refusing after a few months. I decided (but 100% did NOT want to) to take the J&J because we had a bucket list trip that was planned for 3 years and it was the only way we could go. Not sure I would do it again. I (that I know of) never caught covid. The forced closing of businesses and schools at FIRST I understood. 15 days to flatten the curve. Well...they LIED to us about that...but DIMWADS REFUSED to open schools and businesses in their states. DeSantis caught HELL from the Dimwads...but guess what...hew was right..they were wrong. The best way to figure out who supports the Fascist lefties is seeing someone in their car...BY THEMSELVES, and STILL wearing a mask. It EXUDES stupidity.
I posted here about what the Dr had told me and about knowing the masks were not effective. But was killed saying I had no idea what I was talking about. How would I know of masks work etc.

When you know the people making them and how the boxes were being swapped It's easy. But the same few just laughed and called me a liar.
The reason I went to this extent with this is that I do know you are a reasonable guy. Unlike a lot of the posters on here that aren't worth the time. Your right on the press in general, they are one of the biggest problems we need to find a way to fix (I have no idea how). One more point on this issue and I will give it a rest. Consider how some republicans have framed their arguments against Trump when those republicans where in adversarial positions:

Ted Cruz - "Trump is a pathological liar, a sniveling Coward and utterly amoral"

Marco Rubio - "Trump is a con artist and has small hands"

JD Vance - "Publicly, he called the Republican presidential candidate an "idiot" and said he was "reprehensible." Privately, he compared him to Adolf Hitler.

Nikki Haley - "it would be "like suicide for our country" for the GOP to nominate Trump a third time."

Do they sound much different than the democrats?
I will be honest with you here about a personal blind spot, I am unfazed by anything any politician says about their opponents the same or other party. Politicians starts sniping at each other. It's a blind spot for me because I just completely ignore it. It's exactly like watching car commercials on TV for me, if there is a car commercial on TV that just ended I could not for the life of me. Tell you what car they were advertising ...
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At least she is running against a proven convicted felon and whore monger. Suggest that leaving this crap alone it is non productive
Sorry the truth hurts.

And you gonna be OK when the Bragg verdict is overturned? You know a majority of the evidence in the case falls under Presidential immunity per SCOTUS’s recent ruling, right?
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At least she is running against a proven convicted felon and whore monger. Suggest that leaving this crap alone it is non productive
When that case is overturned will he a convicted felon? Because even the liberal Cuomo brothers have made it very clear it was never a felony. And they hate Trump more than anyone.
Sorry the truth hurts.

And you gonna be OK when the Bragg verdict is overturned? You know a majority of the evidence in the case falls under Presidential immunity per SCOTUS’s recent ruling, right?
It still hasn't dawned on some that all Trumps cases will never result in anything. Just wasted tax payers money to try and showboat.
Sorry the truth hurts.

And you gonna be OK when the Bragg verdict is overturned? You know a majority of the evidence in the case falls under Presidential immunity per SCOTUS’s recent ruling, right?
No...Jimbo does NOT know. He has proven many times he is not capable of thought. He does EXACTLY what CNN and MSNBC TELL HIM to do. He is just like FJB..INCAPABLE
At least she is running against a proven convicted felon and whore monger. Suggest that leaving this crap alone it is non productive
Whats worse...this or someone who opened the border WIDE open letting enough Fentanyl across that kill 75000 people per year in AMERICA...not counting the people who die trying to get here, and the human slaves that lose their lives? Jimbo...inquiring minds want to knw...which do YOU consider worse...someone who pays for sex...or someone who is RESPONSIBLE for about 80,000 lost lives per year?
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Eventually, the major puppet for the white liberals, Bath House Barry, will be forced to endorse Whoremala. Quite the penis lover.

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