It’s official: Sleepy Joe just peaced out…

I have read some dumb shit in my day but this could possibly be the dumbest.

And stop with the pandemic BS. Trump trusted an idiot Dr who made up 99% of the stuff he said would work. Liberals have zero common sense and couldn't think themselves most situations
Trooper, you project as a bitter man. Bottom line, aside from voting I don't believe much we can do to change a darn thing,
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Trooper, you project as a bitter man. Bottom line, aside from voting I don't believe much we can do to change a darn thing,
I'm not bitter. I didn't fall in line with the covid mandates. They didn't impact my life in any way. I didn't wear a mask, I didn't social distance, I didn't miss a day of work. And I sure didn't inject anything in my body.

But I was aggravated at the people who couldn't see what was happening. Who couldn't think for themselves and understand the situation.
I'm not bitter. I didn't fall in line with the covid mandates. They didn't impact my life in any way. I didn't wear a mask, I didn't social distance, I didn't miss a day of work. And I sure didn't inject anything in my body.

But I was aggravated at the people who couldn't see what was happening. Who couldn't think for themselves and understand the situation.
Trooper, appreciate where you are coming from but the problem is people are different. I am 88 and my wife is 77. We both have taken every flu shot, pneumonia an Covid shots. Neither of us have been sick, in fact I haven't had a cold sine Covid and the shots. Therefore, if anyone asks me I endorse the shots enthusiastically. I guess what I am saying is that we all see things differently and in our eyes it really makes no difference. Take care my man. this too shall pass.
Trooper, appreciate where you are coming from but the problem is people are different. I am 88 and my wife is 77. We both have taken every flu shot, pneumonia an Covid shots. Neither of us have been sick, in fact I haven't had a cold sine Covid and the shots. Therefore, if anyone asks me I endorse the shots enthusiastically. I guess what I am saying is that we all see things differently and in our eyes it really makes no difference. Take care my man. this too shall pass.
Jimbo, you are very fortunate, my good man. I have some friends who have experienced untoward side effects from the jab - one had to retire prematurely from dentistry and the other developed Guillen-Barre and was a neurological mess. i know 2 others whose kids between the ages of 25-30 died from cardiac events despite being athletic and healthy. No other explanation was given.

As a former healthcare professional, you could not pay me enough to take the jab ...
Jimbo, you are very fortunate, my good man. I have some friends who have experienced untoward side effects from the jab - one had to retire prematurely from dentistry and the other developed Guillen-Barre and was a neurological mess. i know 2 others whose kids between the ages of 25-30 died from cardiac events despite being athletic and healthy. No other explanation was given.

As a former healthcare professional, you could not pay me enough to take the jab ...
Thanks for feedback. I will take your info and consider it before making the decision on another shot...jim
No, he set the tone and the agenda, even DeSantis admitted that. I see how you went out your way to list the D-Govs, talking about being disingenuous. Plenty of R led states did bad during the pandemic, PLENTY.
Then why were the rules different state to state?
Kamala and Trump? It will be Kamala easily.
Just peruse this.

Prepare for more embarrassment.

She’s unlikeable. Her record sucks. She’s never achieved anything of substance. Everyone knows she slept her way into her first big break.

They are just trying to minimize down ballot losses, Biden would have been a disaster in that regard.

Remember - the last time it was her job to get votes on her own she finished 17 of 17. Didn’t even make it to Iowa.

Just peruse this.

Prepare for more embarrassment.

She’s unlikeable. Her record sucks. She’s never achieved anything of substance. Everyone knows she slept her way into her first big break.

They are just trying to minimize down ballot losses, Biden would have been a disaster in that regard.

Remember - the last time it was her job to get votes on her own she finished 17 of 17. Didn’t even make it to Iowa.

No idea what you're talking about. You clearly didn't respond to me. So re-read or read slowly before you reply.
I have read some dumb shit in my day but this could possibly be the dumbest.

And stop with the pandemic BS. Trump trusted an idiot Dr who made up 99% of the stuff he said would work. Liberals have zero common sense and couldn't think themselves most situations
So it's not the president's fault if he trusts the wrong people? Or hire the wrong people?
Help me here. Afghanistan was all but over, and he inherited it. WARS?? That is plural...EXPOUND please.
Afghanistan and Syria. It's sad that you have to lie. Afghanistan wasn't over because Trump increased the troops when he took over.
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Your'e Joking , right? GREAT leader of the free world. Now I know You are out of Your Gourd. Won't be attempting to answer any more of your posts, they are toxic and B.S.

Exactly. He is out there, for sure.

You just posted 6x in a row haha. That's Mdf territory. Well done there.

And anyone, Idc how old he is or how long he's supposedly been on here uses the words "toxic" and "B.S." to respond to a post is deflection. Smh. And something really weird about an "80+ year old" man using the word "toxic" in that manner. Sorry.
Well, since I read both sides, I know what everyone is being fed. If you believe everything everybody says you certainly have justification for feeling anyway you like. And if you think that I am not capable of being objective, that is your right.

There are people who believe the January 6 was an actual insurrection. I honestly don't know what to say to that ...
Reading both sides, while commendable, doesn't mean your objective at all on its own. But its strange that you would pick this hill to die on......maybe its a difference our views of what a dictator is or what they would do. BTW I didn't say you weren't capable of being objective, just that you were not in this case and I stand by that. And I have no interest in getting in the insurrection debate that has been beaten to death, I saw what happened. Lets first restate the basic issue we have here:

You said: "Well Jimbo, we obviously don't agree on this and I'm not gonna argue with you, say that Trump had an opportunity to be a dictator during his last term, and there was no evidence that he tried to, at history is usually the best indicator in my opinion ..."

I said: "I don't know what he will do this time, but there is plenty of evidence and reasons for them to be concerned."

You said: Do you wanna share some of that evidence with us?

I said: "You can argue the democrats are wrong about how they feel about Trump, no problem with that POV. But asserting they don't have any justification for feeling like they do reflects a complete and total lack of objectivity."

Evidence - OK here is one of the stronger pieces (although there are many):

Trump's own Vice president saying that Trump pressured him to reject the electoral college votes or send them back to the state when Pence new the constitution makes it clear that the vice presidents role is purely ceremonial. Remember Trump lying to his followers when he tweeted "Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our Constitution"?. So a guy who was as loyal as a dog for 4 years, a hard core Bible thumping Conservative, tells us Trump pressured him to violate the constitution in an effort to keep him in power. I would say that's a pretty damn strong piece of evidence right there.....considering it involves no democrats and is the word of the guy who stood by Trump's side and fully backed him up for 4 years. Isn't this the kind of thing a dictator would do?

A direct quote from Pence:

“For four years, we had a close working relationship. It did not end well,” Pence writes, summing up their time in the White House. Still, he adds, “we parted amicably when our service to the nation drew to a close. In the months that followed, we spoke from time to time, but when the president returned to the rhetoric that he was using before that tragic day and began to publicly criticize those of us who defended the Constitution, I decided it would be best to go our separate ways.”

That's all I have time for right now. But it supports my point. The democrats have evidence to support the way they feel about Trump. You can disagree with their conclusion, that's fine, but acting like they don't have a leg to stand on is simply not accurate. And this is just one of many examples (consider here that there are some 30 - 40 ex Trump executives/Gov higher ups that Trump picked to serve for him who now speak out against him - plenty of quotes).
Reading both sides, while commendable, doesn't mean your objective at all on its own. But its strange that you would pick this hill to die on......maybe its a difference our views of what a dictator is or what they would do. BTW I didn't say you weren't capable of being objective, just that you were not in this case and I stand by that. And I have no interest in getting in the insurrection debate that has been beaten to death, I saw what happened. Lets first restate the basic issue we have here:

You said: "Well Jimbo, we obviously don't agree on this and I'm not gonna argue with you, say that Trump had an opportunity to be a dictator during his last term, and there was no evidence that he tried to, at history is usually the best indicator in my opinion ..."

I said: "I don't know what he will do this time, but there is plenty of evidence and reasons for them to be concerned."

You said: Do you wanna share some of that evidence with us?

I said: "You can argue the democrats are wrong about how they feel about Trump, no problem with that POV. But asserting they don't have any justification for feeling like they do reflects a complete and total lack of objectivity."

Evidence - OK here is one of the stronger pieces (although there are many):

Trump's own Vice president saying that Trump pressured him to reject the electoral college votes or send them back to the state when Pence new the constitution makes it clear that the vice presidents role is purely ceremonial. Remember Trump lying to his followers when he tweeted "Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our Constitution"?. So a guy who was as loyal as a dog for 4 years, a hard core Bible thumping Conservative, tells us Trump pressured him to violate the constitution in an effort to keep him in power. I would say that's a pretty damn strong piece of evidence right there.....considering it involves no democrats and is the word of the guy who stood by Trump's side and fully backed him up for 4 years. Isn't this the kind of thing a dictator would do?

A direct quote from Pence:

“For four years, we had a close working relationship. It did not end well,” Pence writes, summing up their time in the White House. Still, he adds, “we parted amicably when our service to the nation drew to a close. In the months that followed, we spoke from time to time, but when the president returned to the rhetoric that he was using before that tragic day and began to publicly criticize those of us who defended the Constitution, I decided it would be best to go our separate ways.”

That's all I have time for right now. But it supports my point. The democrats have evidence to support the way they feel about Trump. You can disagree with their conclusion, that's fine, but acting like they don't have a leg to stand on is simply not accurate. And this is just one of many examples (consider here that there are some 30 - 40 ex Trump executives/Gov higher ups that Trump picked to serve for him who now speak out against him - plenty of quotes).
That's fine. Although I can be objective, I clearly have opinions on the subject, so you are right. Perhaps a better way to say it is that i am not dogmatic about it. And although I do read both sides, the sources tend to vary in credibility, imo. Yahoo news is heavily skewed left and it seems to be getting lefter. Charlie Kirk, on the right, tends to be a blowhard and causes me to roll my eyes more often than not.

You did a nice job of laying out how you feel and why and that I appreciate ...
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What exactly did she do as VP other than her main job of lying to the world about Biden's mental condition?
Let's see:
  • Border Czar = big failure. Worse border in history. 200,000 deaths a year from illegal drugs, too many millions of unverified illegals crossing and let into this Country not to mention the "getaways".
  • Voting Rights = big failure. We still have the most unsecure voting system in the world.
  • Peace in Europe = big failure. Russia invaded Ukraine. The war is still ongoing and the US is sending billions and billions of aid to Ukraine.
  • WAS she even put in charge of anything else????
  • OH YEAH, she made history as the first black woman to be VP.
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Let's see:
  • Border Czar = big failure. Worse border in history. 200,000 deaths a year from illegal drugs, too many millions of unverified illegals crossing and let into this Country not to mention the "getaways".
  • Voting Rights = big failure. We still have the most unsecure voting system in the world.
  • Peace in Europe = big failure. Russia invaded Ukraine. The war is still ongoing and the US is sending billions and billions of aid to Ukraine.
  • WAS she even put in charge of anything else????
  • OH YEAH, she made history as the first black woman to be VP.
One more. She touts abortion like McDonald's touts number of burgers sold. Not rare anymore as Bill Clinton once uttered as a should be.
Let's see:
  • Border Czar = big failure. Worse border in history. 200,000 deaths a year from illegal drugs, too many millions of unverified illegals crossing and let into this Country not to mention the "getaways".
  • Voting Rights = big failure. We still have the most unsecure voting system in the world.
  • Peace in Europe = big failure. Russia invaded Ukraine. The war is still ongoing and the US is sending billions and billions of aid to Ukraine.
  • WAS she even put in charge of anything else????
  • OH YEAH, she made history as the first black woman to be VP.
The poster child for a DEI hire.
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Jimbo, you are very fortunate, my good man. I have some friends who have experienced untoward side effects from the jab - one had to retire prematurely from dentistry and the other developed Guillen-Barre and was a neurological mess. i know 2 others whose kids between the ages of 25-30 died from cardiac events despite being athletic and healthy. No other explanation was given.

As a former healthcare professional, you could not pay me enough to take the jab ...
When it first started I had a Dr talk to me about all the previous coronaviruses. My son is a type 1 diabetic so he was supposedly more susceptible to this one.

He told me early no mask will ever stop the spread, no social distancing, no cleaning everything with lysol. He made it clear there would be no vaccine that would do anything, this virus like the previous one before had to run it's course naturally.

Funny enough the blue masks people wore were made about 10 mins from my house. The boxes were changed to make it seem like they helped against covid (this I know as fact)
That's fine. Although I can be objective, I clearly have opinions on the subject, so you are right. Perhaps a better way to say it is that i am not dogmatic about it. And although I do read both sides, the sources tend to vary in credibility, imo. Yahoo news is heavily skewed left and it seems to be getting lefter. Charlie Kirk, on the right, tends to be a blowhard and causes me to roll my eyes more often than not.

You did a nice job of laying out how you feel and why and that I appreciate ...
The reason I went to this extent with this is that I do know you are a reasonable guy. Unlike a lot of the posters on here that aren't worth the time. Your right on the press in general, they are one of the biggest problems we need to find a way to fix (I have no idea how). One more point on this issue and I will give it a rest. Consider how some republicans have framed their arguments against Trump when those republicans where in adversarial positions:

Ted Cruz - "Trump is a pathological liar, a sniveling Coward and utterly amoral"

Marco Rubio - "Trump is a con artist and has small hands"

JD Vance - "Publicly, he called the Republican presidential candidate an "idiot" and said he was "reprehensible." Privately, he compared him to Adolf Hitler.

Nikki Haley - "it would be "like suicide for our country" for the GOP to nominate Trump a third time."

Do they sound much different than the democrats?
When it first started I had a Dr talk to me about all the previous coronaviruses. My son is a type 1 diabetic so he was supposedly more susceptible to this one.

He told me early no mask will ever stop the spread, no social distancing, no cleaning everything with lysol. He made it clear there would be no vaccine that would do anything, this virus like the previous one before had to run it's course naturally.

Funny enough the blue masks people wore were made about 10 mins from my house. The boxes were changed to make it seem like they helped against covid (this I know as fact)
I agree with everything you typed here. Masks were RIDICULOUS...I started refusing after a few months. I decided (but 100% did NOT want to) to take the J&J because we had a bucket list trip that was planned for 3 years and it was the only way we could go. Not sure I would do it again. I (that I know of) never caught covid. The forced closing of businesses and schools at FIRST I understood. 15 days to flatten the curve. Well...they LIED to us about that...but DIMWADS REFUSED to open schools and businesses in their states. DeSantis caught HELL from the Dimwads...but guess what...hew was right..they were wrong. The best way to figure out who supports the Fascist lefties is seeing someone in their car...BY THEMSELVES, and STILL wearing a mask. It EXUDES stupidity.
Yeah eventually they did but they started out taking his lead. Once again, DeSantis already said that.
It started with the Federal govt “2 weeks to stop the spread” but it was all just a recommendation. Nothing was mandated.

You really want to argue North Dakota and Manhattan ever treated Covid the same?