But if your goal is protecting your family, how many guns do you need? One? Two? Is more than that even realistic? What real world scenario would require more guns? You think a gang is going to attack your house and stick around for a lengthy gun battle?The U.S. Constitution does not place a limit on how many guns we can have. A free citizen should be able to have as many as they can afford or want to collect. Our laws restrict ownership of certain weapons such as a machine gun or nuclear bomb. The amount of guns one has that are legal is immaterial.
Personally I am downsizing because I am not as young as I once was. But I still own a large collection and could protect my family should it come to that. Fortunately for me , I live in Florida which is a law and order state. Thank you Governor DeSantis.
I do have a problem with wild hogs where I live so I keep the appropriate weapon locked and loaded when Mr. Razorback shows up with his clan.