In before the gun confiscation NUTS.....

Factually...a person with a huge truck can do WAY more damage than someone with a gun. Exactly what ISIS did in Europe when Hussein refused to address the muslim thing
And if we somehow removed every gun from the planet, gun crazies would then become car crazies and say we have to eliminate the cars.

Let's see....dumb people focus on the weapon, critical thinkers focus on the owner of the weapon.

Notice who is talking about stopping guns and gun violence in this thread.
Dreamers just dream they don't make practical decisions or have rational thoughts. Everything they suggest is so irrational and costly that they must lie to deceive anyone that questions their concepts. Seizing guns from 100 million people is not doable. Next.

This is who a few people are claiming they think it is. If so I wonder if she attended that school as a kid like the post claims.
You people are going to the extreme, no one is asking to confiscate guns, it is to have better regulations (background checks, mandatory gun training) as well as require liability insurance for gun owners. Why is that unreasonable?
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You people are going to the extreme, no one is asking to confiscate guns, it is to have better regulations (background checks, mandatory gun training) as well as require liability insurance for gun owners. Why is that unreasonable?
Background checks don't stop people that know they can't pass them.

Who will be paying for this training?

That and the fact that I don't have to demonstrate shit to the government to take advantage of any of my natural rights.
You people are going to the extreme, no one is asking to confiscate guns, it is to have better regulations (background checks, mandatory gun training) as well as require liability insurance for gun owners. Why is that unreasonable?
You're wasting your words. If you want to restrict guns in any way, they've been brainwashed to believe you want to confiscate all guns.

They truly can't help it. They're only allowed to believe certain things. It's like trying to have a discussion with one of the Manson women.
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Background checks don't stop people that know they can't pass them.

Who will be paying for this training?

That and the fact that I don't have to demonstrate shit to the government to take advantage of any of my natural rights.
If you are a "responsible" gun owner, why wouldn't you want to make sure that other gun owners are as well trained as possible. Why wouldn't the person wanting the gun pay for the training as well? Don't we all have to take a driver test to get a driver license? I agree with you on the last part, but sadly a women's right to choose seem to be now the government's concern.
  • Haha
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You're wasting your words. If you want to restrict guns in any way, they've been brainwashed to believe you want to confiscate all guns.

They truly can't help it. They're only allowed to believe certain things. It's like trying to have a discussion with one of the Manson women.
I know, but I am hoping since we are UF alumni we can have civil conversations about this.
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You people are going to the extreme, no one is asking to confiscate guns, it is to have better regulations (background checks, mandatory gun training) as well as require liability insurance for gun owners. Why is that unreasonable?
More range time? Liability insurance? Are criminals going to sign up for that? Wow, I should go into the insurance business. 😂

The shooter was identified as Audrey Hale, 28, of Nashville, according to the chief, who said she identifies as transgender.

Most of these mass shootings that we are talking about are done by these incels that have no business buying a gun, and warning signs are there if background checks were done.
You people are going to the extreme, no one is asking to confiscate guns, it is to have better regulations (background checks, mandatory gun training) as well as require liability insurance for gun owners. Why is that unreasonable?
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is pretty clear to me. I am 100% good with criminals and people with proven mental issues having to make concessions. I am NOT with people like me, who have never been arrested, and have owned many gung for 5 decades. My guns are off limits
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If you can convince yourself to ignore the fact that she killed 6 people, including children, with a GUN then, yes, it has nothing to do with guns.
It has nothing to do with the weapon, it has to do with the person who is mentally ill.

Notice all I had to do was say the gun doesn't matter, and you wet yourself.

After claiming you never said that removing the gun removes the violence.

See how easy it is to trip up an emotional thinker?
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Most of these mass shootings that we are talking about are done by these incels that have no business buying a gun, and warning signs are there if background checks were done.

I agree a lot of the high school ones are done by "incels" but I think the meds they are giving these kids and the fact many were bullied led to it. The "incel" part means most likely they were treated bad by other kids because of their looks etc. No excuse for it but you cant change human nature with kids to not act that way to other kids and the online stuff now makes it even more widespread. Having said that the chance of someone being shot by a nerdy incel is so much lower than being shot by a male in a relationship or with a family. Its just they arent these school shootings.
Most of these mass shootings that we are talking about are done by these incels that have no business buying a gun, and warning signs are there if background checks were done.
This is EXACTLY my problem with people who think taking guns away from law abiding people will do ANYTHING to urve killings. It will not. Just make sur that our laws on the books are followed, and keep criminals locked up. Make gun crimes MUCH more jail time..mandatory. THEN things will get better. Taking MY guns away will make things worse. I am a deterrent to gun crimes(and many others) We shoot back.
If you are a "responsible" gun owner, why wouldn't you want to make sure that other gun owners are as well trained as possible. Why wouldn't the person wanting the gun pay for the training as well? Don't we all have to take a driver test to get a driver license? I agree with you on the last part, but sadly a women's right to choose seem to be now the government's concern.
I am a responsible gun owner. In addition to training by the federal government and the state government, I am a trained Glock armorer and have two courses at Thunder Ranch and Gunsite under my belt.

What other people do is not my business or my problem.

Poor people own crappy guns like Hi Points. That is also not my problem if they want a better gun they can save up for it. I gave up beer for five months. Most don't carry because they can't afford the training. They buy a gun, they load it and hopefully go to the range enough to keep their skills up.

Practicing your constitutional rights should never be based on income. That is the equivalent of a poll tax.

Driving is a privilege. The government may regulate it as they see fit, I don't care.
Am I correct to assume you are an anti firearm advocate?
Lets put it this way...if someone crashed his doors at his house...he would have to change his drawers...and not the ones he keeps his clothes in. He would cry like a baby...and his family would be at the hands of the people who refuse to follow our laws.
You people are going to the extreme, no one is asking to confiscate guns, it is to have better regulations (background checks, mandatory gun training) as well as require liability insurance for gun owners. Why is that unreasonable?
Yes they are...Theo wants to REDUCE guns. I have asked how he would do that...he refuses to answer. So take that how you want.
It has nothing to do with the weapon, it has to do with the person who is mentally ill.

Notice all I had to do was say the gun doesn't matter, and you wet yourself.

After claiming you never said that removing the gun removes the violence.

See how easy it is to trip up an emotional thinker?
Seriously, I totally understand why the gun companies have trained you to take the focus off of guns.

But, rational people realize that every single instance of gun violence....every single one in history....involves a gun.

Gun violence isn't about knives or cars or baseball bats. Gun violence is about guns.
Seriously, I totally understand why the gun companies have trained you to take the focus off of guns.

But, rational people realize that every single instance of gun violence....every single one in history....involves a gun.

Gun violence isn't about knives or cars or baseball bats. Gun violence is about guns.
Committed by mentally ill criminals. The weapon is irrelevant.
Seriously, I totally understand why the gun companies have trained you to take the focus off of guns.

But, rational people realize that every single instance of gun violence....every single one in history....involves a gun.

Gun violence isn't about knives or cars or baseball bats. Gun violence is about guns.

Yep the nutty left thinks gun manufacturers should be responsible for killings. That is as nutty as saying Ford should be held liable for a DUI death where a Ford was involved.
If you are a "responsible" gun owner, why wouldn't you want to make sure that other gun owners are as well trained as possible.NONE OF MY BUSNIESS .Why wouldn't the person wanting the gun pay for the training as well? Don't we all have to take a driver test to get a driver license? I agree with you on the last part, but sadly a women's right to choose seem to be now the government's concern. Talk to the founding fathers on both of these issues...not me. Or change this by law. And show me where "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED means I have to buy insurance!
Where is this paranoia coming from? If Biden, Clinton and Obama haven't seized your guns yet then why all the hand wringing?
I’m sure it is confusing to you.

Let me see if I can help you understand.

No one is saying violence doesn’t happen without guns. No one.
Seriously, I totally understand why the gun companies have trained you to take the focus off of guns.

But, rational people realize that every single instance of gun violence....every single one in history....involves a gun.

Gun violence isn't about knives or cars or baseball bats. Gun violence is about guns.
Not at all. I'm fine with responsible people having firearms for protection, hunting, etc.
As we all do. But that's not why they are given Constitutional protection. Please note it's number 2. A populace that is well armed is not likely to be easily ruled by tyrannical governments.
Most of these mass shootings that we are talking about are done by these incels that have no business buying a gun, and warning signs are there if background checks were done.
Will criminals follow these laws? Until you can answer have done ZERO to help. Criminals..I do not believe buy guns in gun stores. There are background checks NOW. The people buying guns in stores are not the people committing crimes. You do know this...correct? If they are...there were ignored red flags in most cases. the law knows rthese people....and they still commit the crimes.
Yep the nutty left thinks gun manufacturers should be responsible for killings. That is as nutty as saying Ford should be held liable for a DUI death where a Ford was involved.
The nutty left is just as nutty as the nutty right.
You're wasting your words. If you want to restrict guns in any way, they've been brainwashed to believe you want to confiscate all guns.

They truly can't help it. They're only allowed to believe certain things. It's like trying to have a discussion with one of the Manson women.
I will try again,. yet I am 100% SURE this is above your mental capacity. Show me ANY law that allows for someone to "restrict" guns...and I will say rock on. But YOU wanting to do so does not..nor will it EVER fly.

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