I don't think our laws should override common sense.
who said your are on the side of common sense?
Common sense tells me I don’t kill a rabbit with a 300 or 30-6. But for a moose, it’s appropriate
Common sense tells me I should carry a shotgun and/or a sidearm in bear country.
Common sense tells me I shouldn’t hunt a moose with a .22, but for rabbits it’s appropriate.
Common sense tells me I don’t bring much to the table with a .38 pistol as part of a militia.
Common sense tells me….not being infringed is the same as not being limited.
Common sense tells me a pistol isn’t appropriate for hunting birds, but a shotgun would be a good choice.
Common sense tells me a shotgun or pistol are fantastic for self defense at home.
Common sense tells me a pistol is a logical choice for protection in public.
Common sense tells me an AR is a good starting point for a Militia.
Common sense tells me, that you lack common sense.