I think this guy will be Trump's VP

Good time to go out on the limb with our picks. Mine are

1. Tim Scott

2. JD Vance

I think he cannot lose the election if he picks Scott. I think JD Vance is by FAR the best choice. and I really like Burgum. I think he is too unrecognizable.
Tariff's are mostly a tax on Americans. Its why Biden left them on. They increase inflation and reduce economic growth.

Trump talking about more of them is bad news.
not really- a lot of things are made in China with slave labor and then when they ship them here they are sold for less than the American made product
Tariff's are mostly a tax on Americans. Its why Biden left them on. They increase inflation and reduce economic growth.

Trump talking about more of them is bad news.
If you like China more than would be correct. Of course FJB CANNOT be trusted because it has 100% been proven he and his family have taken kickbacks from them...and other enemies.
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Right, they are cheaper than American products. Which is the whole reason we buy them .......tariffs make them more expensive.
we have to bring our manufacturing back to the US and not be owned by China- now I get it- joey's shell corporations received a lot of money from the Chinese, so in order to keep that cash flowing, we must continue to let China beat us like a dog
Tariff's are mostly a tax on Americans. Its why Biden left them on. They increase inflation and reduce economic growth.

Trump talking about more of them is bad news.
If there is a monopoly in a category, it raises the P (price) will reduce the Q (quantity).

For other areas (oligopolies, it’s a “depends”) it means that other firms not in China are more competitive.
Good one.

The View and Sonny will mis-race Tim
And say he is “not black”.
I like Tim Scott for election leveraging and I think he is a good man. Ben Carson has already been vilified by the lunatic left, Scott will require them to come up with new original material. That, and Kal will lose his mind trying to spin this one on his own. He's going to need a solid MSM script to spin from.😂
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My requirement is WIN BABY WIN. Nothing else matters. NOTHING. It's over if we lose.
That's exactly my point. I think Tim Scott is a historic and important selection. His parents came up (I believe) from Slavery. Kamala's father came from Jamaica and migrated here in the 60s.

Doug has an important role because Trump's campaign needs MONEY. Is he a VP? Not sure.

Love Byron Douglas. Love him.

Tom Cotton is too stiff, but is a good advocate.

Marco - bruh.
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won’t be Carson - Tim Scott might and that is a big might help with the black vote and is certainly conservative and he has already proven the biew cannot handle him
My requirement is WIN BABY WIN. Nothing else matters. NOTHING. It's over if we lose.

Not mine. Because if a win means governing and pandering to the middle…I would rather lose so that we get to where everyone desires ACTUALLY fixing things. Pandering to the middle got us here, and makes things worse. Trojan Horses are worse than Dems.

I will leave this here…

FWIW. It’s been over.

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That's exactly my point. I think Tim Scott is a historic and important selection. His parents came up (I believe) from Slavery. Kamala's father came from Jamaica and migrated here in the 60s.

Doug has an important role because Trump's campaign needs MONEY. Is he a VP? Not sure.

Love Byron Douglas. Love him.

Tom Cotton is too stiff, but is a good advocate.

Marco - bruh.

He is an awful choice. But not surprised you like him. He is a full throated moderate, and coward. A politician. Nothing more. What does the base think? Let’s see how many likes and retweets these already have, and then check back later.

He is a Rino. One that endorsed Lisa Murkowski. That in itself is disqualifying IMO. It’s along the lines of endorsing Luz Cheney.

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Good news… let’s hope.

The thing most of us complained about during Trumps last administration were his hires. If you want to drain the swamp, you can’t have swamp creatures like Tim Scott lurking around every corner. They are progress stoppers.

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If there is a monopoly in a category, it raises the P (price) will reduce the Q (quantity).

For other areas (oligopolies, it’s a “depends”) it means that other firms not in China are more competitive.
Lot of variables, but most economists believe that Tariff's don't work and this one hasn't achieved its goal. Its politically popular, but doesn't do much for America. And with China responding with its owns tariffs it can hurt the US. Lots of reasons, IMO, that tariffs don't make sense in today's world.
I hope this is a troll move by Trump.
I think you both are putting too much in a VP's roll. While I agree with you he is a may be perfect timing for him, with the seismic shift from blacks joining the Trump train. But I think Trump will choose someone that will carry his MAGA agenda on...and Scott is NOT that guy. It would be either JD Vance, or Burgum.
They HAVE to. What in HELL are they going to talk about? Open borders? Inflation? Rates? Wars? Afghanistan withdrawal? They CANNOT talk about accomplishments..they have NONE!!
With the Independents we have on this site, I now understand a poll a saw the other day that said Biden was gaining with the Independents.
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I like Tim Scott for election leveraging and I think he is a good man. Ben Carson has already been vilified by the lunatic left, Scott will require them to come up with new original material. That, and Kal will lose his mind trying to spin this one on his own. He's going to need a solid MSM script to spin from.😂
I agree. I think he is a very good VP candidate and knows the Senate. I have never, candidly, been a big Ben Carson fan.

Having another white male VP is not the answer, in my view, to win the election.
I think you both are putting too much in a VP's roll. While I agree with you he is a may be perfect timing for him, with the seismic shift from blacks joining the Trump train. But I think Trump will choose someone that will carry his MAGA agenda on...and Scott is NOT that guy. It would be either JD Vance, or Burgum.

Nah. I remember Pence. Trump HAS to have people on his side. Loyalty is will matter to drain the swamp.
I agree. I think he is a very good VP candidate and knows the Senate. I have never, candidly, been a big Ben Carson fan.

Having another white male VP is not the answer, in my view, to win the election.

So, you want a DEI selection. Got it. This is why moderates are worse than dems. They want to appease Leftist social policies.

You really can’t make up how ignorant moderates can be. Again, you don’t ”win” by conforming to the left.

I want the best choice. The best choice isn’t a DEI selection based on race. We HAVE to stop playing that game and choose the best person for the job. If you’re going to choose based on race Donalds is far better than Scott. But again, it shouldn’t be based on that.

This a.m. you have Rupert Murdoch and Paul Ryans gang over at Fox pushing Scott. that tells me what I need to know.

My family and I will more than likely sit this out if the pick is Scott. that tells me Trump has learned nothing and draining the swamp is all talk.

I Wonder how much of the base will do the same?

Black Pence is a non starter. IMO.
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Burgum, Younkin, Rubio in no particular order. (Marco helps with hispanic vote which we have a much better chance of increasing totals with than blacks) With blacks Trump may increase his #s from 9 to 13% with Tim Scott. But #s are far greater on hispanic side.
Burgum, Younkin, Rubio in no particular order. (Marco helps with hispanic vote which we have a much better chance of increasing totals with than blacks) With blacks Trump may increase his #s from 9 to 13% with Tim Scott. But #s are far greater on hispanic side.
we all can be wrong, but I do not think Trump picks someone mostly because they help his ticket. He is different than most, and I believe he chooses the person who will carry on his America First agenda after he is gone. I think that is JD Vance. Fun to put our guesses out there
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Fuchs Marco Rubio! He got owned by those idiot Parkland dipsh1ts during a townhall meeting concerning gun control by a bunch of high school media attention whores. He was absolutely useless as Dana Loesch very much took on the queer David Hogg, the Sinead O'Connor looking dyke and his other gay boy partner, can't remember his name.

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