'The Donald' seems to be paying an inordinate amount of attention to a guy that he claims has NO CHANCE of beating him, instead of just ignoring another loser in the crowd.... LMFAO.... 😂
It did not slip past me, that 'The Donald' is the one that picked this fight, and now he's begging the other guy to back down from it before the 'career lightening' (crocodile tears) strikes him dead forever....
Here's a surprise for ya. IF there was a ticket contest between Trump/DeSantis and Jim Jordan/Candice Owens, I'd go with the 2nd two as the much better choice.... 🤓
Trump is playing this smart since the crooked establishment's grand plan is what it is. Continue to attack DeSantis to keep him mostly cut off from the base and attack DeSantis some more. When a Haley or anyone else attacks Trump then attack DeSantis again.