Here's how we know masks don't work...


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
cause no one has tried to ban them.

Remember what happened when Trump said HCQ worked? Immediately banning! Why 0.0000001 of the population gets headache and diarrhea from taking it!

Immediate ban.

Then when covid vaccine comes out and people start getting Bells Pallsy, @Nolec tells us oh of course! We knew that could happen all along!

It's a hoax, y'all.
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cause no one has tried to ban them.

Remember what happened when Trump said HCQ worked? Immediately banning! Why 0.0000001 of the population gets headache and diarrhea from taking it!

Immediate ban.

Then when covid vaccine comes out and people start getting Bells Pallsy, @Nolec tells us oh of course! We knew that could happen all along!

It's a hoax, y'all.

339,000 dead and welcher's worry is a small statistical chance to get a temporary condition. So welcher must believe Operation Warp Speed was a total waste of taxpayer money. Besides welcher suggests with only a 1% fatality rate we would only lose say ... 3,000,000 people anyway. Sigh
339,000 dead and welcher's worry is a small statistical chance to get a temporary condition. So welcher must believe Operation Warp Speed was a total waste of taxpayer money. Besides welcher suggests with only a 1% fatality rate we would only lose say ... 3,000,000 people anyway. Sigh
You should post less.

Hell you should both post less.
339,000 dead and welcher's worry is a small statistical chance to get a temporary condition. So welcher must believe Operation Warp Speed was a total waste of taxpayer money. Besides welcher suggests with only a 1% fatality rate we would only lose say ... 3,000,000 people anyway. Sigh

Pure evil.
Deflect much? Pubs don't consider abortion worth much or they would have done something the first two yrs. of the Trump admin. when they hels WH and both houses of Congress.

Oh FFS. You still haven’t figured out how that works? Willful ignorance in its greatest glory here
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Oh FFS. You still haven’t figured out how that works? Willful ignorance in its greatest glory here

Apparently the Pubs don't have it figured out as well, or I'm correct that they don't have abortion as a priority.
Deflect much?

Nope, completely topical. You cry about covid deaths, yet you support abortion, which is the leading cause of death in the WORLD.

That proves you don't care about the covid deaths either. You are just using them as a tool in your Orange Man Bad campaign.

Pure evil. Maybe you should stop and think about what you've become.
339,000 dead and welcher's worry is a small statistical chance to get a temporary condition. So welcher must believe Operation Warp Speed was a total waste of taxpayer money. Besides welcher suggests with only a 1% fatality rate we would only lose say ... 3,000,000 people anyway. Sigh

We all know that 339k didnt die from covid. There is tons of evidence of this. Yes people died, but not 339k
We all know that 339k didnt die from covid. There is tons of evidence of this. Yes people died, but not 339k

Just like welcher knows there is no such thing as a flu vaccine, or that HCQ was the miracle, or that covid was going away over summer. Welcher even believed there were more suicides than covid deaths... you guys fall for every Twitter, FB , Gateway, OAN tripe that anyone makes up. That's your so called evidence, similar to all that "evidence" of voter fraud those same ridiculous sources provided... none of which turned out to be admissible in any court. Welcher also swallowed the silly 6% of deaths were from covid lies. LOL
Welcher also swallowed the silly 6% of deaths were from covid lies. LOL

Why are you calling @fsu939913 a welcher and why are you calling the CDC's website liars? Because that's where the 6% of covid deaths were FROM covid stat comes from. Are you still struggling to come to terms with that?
Just like welcher knows there is no such thing as a flu vaccine, or that HCQ was the miracle, or that covid was going away over summer. Welcher even believed there were more suicides than covid deaths... you guys fall for every Twitter, FB , Gateway, OAN tripe that anyone makes up. That's your so called evidence, similar to all that "evidence" of voter fraud those same ridiculous sources provided... none of which turned out to be admissible in any court. Welcher also swallowed the silly 6% of deaths were from covid lies. LOL

Huh? Dude i know exactly how hospitals have been counting covid deaths. Do you? Tell me this, how do they mark someone down as a covid death? Do they do an autopsy? Is there any type of investigation into the death to figure out what killed the person? Answer..... No. This is what they do, did the patient have covid? Yes? Ok then thats a covid death.... Even if covid had NOTHING to do with the death. People who die in car crashes but had covid are counted as covid deaths. Some hospitals you dont even have to test positive.... You just need symptoms. Thats crazy and no one in their right mind would believe that covid caused all of those deaths. Im not saying it didnt cause a lot and to be honest you will never know the real number.... But i know for a fact its not 339k.
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Huh? Dude i know exactly how hospitals have been counting covid deaths. Do you? Tell me this, how do they mark someone down as a covid death? Do they do an autopsy? Is there any type of investigation into the death to figure out what killed the person? Answer..... No. This is what they do, did the patient have covid? Yes? Ok then thats a covid death.... Even if covid had NOTHING to do with the death. People who die in car crashes but had covid are counted as covid deaths. Some hospitals you dont even have to test positive.... You just need symptoms. Thats crazy and no one in their right mind would believe that covid caused all of those deaths. Im not saying it didnt cause a lot and to be honest you will never know the real number.... But i know for a fact its not 339k.

It is well documented that COD is not the random guess you suggest. There is absolutely no gain for a physician/coroner to fabricate covid as COD. Is it possible to have mistakes... certainly, but many experts actually say the # of covid deaths is under-reported. So sport, I'll go with the experts, you go with your made up # that makes your narrative work for you.
It is well documented that COD is not the random guess you suggest. There is absolutely no gain for a physician/coroner to fabricate covid as COD. Is it possible to have mistakes... certainly, but many experts actually say the # of covid deaths is under-reported. So sport, I'll go with the experts, you go with your made up # that makes your narrative work for you.

Then why did all the states have to lower their covid death total? Im not a conspiracy theorist nor do i have a dog in the race. Im simply stating a fact. No gain? You must not know how hospitals work. Hospitals get more money for treating covid patients. I dont think physicians fabricated deaths they were just told if a person had covid and dies to mark them as a covid death. I know this is true. They never verified that covid was the cause of death, just if they had it. There is no autopsy, no verification..... Just, did the patient have covid or covid like symptoms.... All they have to do is be honest and people would follow the rules more. When they try to lie and hype it up.... I dont listen and neither does the majority of the country. You fight every battle politically, the truth is i dont give af about politics.
All they have to do is be honest and people would follow the rules more. When they try to lie and hype it up.... I dont listen and neither does the majority of the country. You fight every battle politically, the truth is i dont give af about politics.

Bingo and Amen to all of this.

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